Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1634: Four hundred twenty-nine

Ever since Huang Chong didn’t die as she wished, Yuan Yuan couldn’t help feeling frightened and frightened, for fear of another nightmare. Yang Ji did not die before, but now Huang Chong did not die. Yuan Yuan was very anxious. She directly expressed this anxiety. On the face, one can imagine the anxiety in her heart.

These days, Xia Mu made a lot of calls to her to let her go, and she could only reluctantly refuse. She really likes Xia Mingcheng, but she loves it again, there is no life, how she likes and loves is more like Mingcheng forever Together?

And even though she hadn't had nightmares these days, the anxiety in her heart continued to increase as the day passed.

Thinking of saving Yang Ji and Huang Chong's late women, Yuan Yuan gritted her teeth and hated her. Why did the woman keep fighting her? To save Yang Ji and Huang Chong, is it not good for them to die?

She must pay the price for a woman with a late surname.

The more Yuan Yuan wanted to get her face twisted and hideously, her cold eyes burst with hot hatred, and she stunned Chai Qing, who had just left the room and yawned. Chai Qing saw Yuan Yuan in front of him now, and she felt a little hairy in her heart, but she didn't know. Why is my heart hairy, and my face is stiff and he greets subconsciously: "Sister Yuan, why are you still up?"

Speaking of it, Sister Yuan seems to be very upset these days, she only asks her to visit Huang Chong and contact Yang Ji and the others from time to time.

Although she was curious, she didn’t ask too much. Since the first time she tried the other party and ignored her at all, Chai Qing didn’t dare to ask more. Although she was curious, she still had a bit of brains, asking too much if Sister Yuan treated her. Hi?

As for asking her to contact Yang Ji and the others, Chai Qing doesn’t have a good relationship with a group of people now. She has never contacted Yang Ji once and they have ignored her, so she doesn’t bother to contact her anymore. Anyway, everything depends on her. Sister Yuan didn't know what to say.

She did think so before, but now she saw Sister Yuan, who looked very bad under the lights in the living room, and couldn't help but feel a little emboldened, for fear that she would ask about what she had explained before.

They all say that they can do whatever they are afraid of.

This does not allow Yuan Yuan to notice Chai Qing and restore her usual expression, but she has been too anxious recently, and her eyebrows have a lot of impetuousness and irritability. Without the pretending to be gentle in the past, the whole person does not seem to be very easy to get along with, and occasionally gloomy. The look in his eyes is really hairy.

"How's your contact with Yang Ji and others these days? What did they tell you? And Huang Chong, have you been there every day in the past few days? Is there someone with him every day and night?"

Chai Qing had no confidence in her heart, but she really didn't dare to let Yuan Yuan know that she hadn't followed what she said, and nodded forcibly, "Sister Yuan, I contacted Yang Ji and them, but they didn't say anything!"

When Yuan Yuan heard this, her brows frowned and she looked at Chai Qing very uneasy. Chai Qing chuckled in her heart and quickly added nonsense: “Sister Yuan, it’s not that I didn’t contact them on purpose. I give Yang Ji and Wang Jinyang to them every day. The phone call is almost close, but they don’t know if they have any opinion on Sister Yuan, so they just ignored me!"

As soon as Chai Qing's words fell, Yuan Yuan's suspicion in her heart became more and more confirmed. Could it be that the woman with the surname Chi said something that shouldn't be said, and then Wang Jinyang and Yang Ji really began to doubt her?

In fact, they looked at Huang Chong at her. Yuan Yuan understood the look of those people's guard, but she didn't want to think more. If Wang Jinyang, Yang Ji, Li Xiaoyan, and Yi Junzhong all doubt her, then Xia Mingcheng What?

Yuan Yuan's expression was very complicated, bitter and impatient.

Seeing Yuan Yuan at this moment, Chai Qing seemed to feel relieved, and continued to turn black and white nonsense: "Sister Yuan, I am looking at Yang Ji and Wang Jinyang. They really didn’t see Sister Yuan in your eyes. They treated me too. We are too lazy to take care of such ungrateful people. Sooner or later they will definitely regret it! I don’t know what kind of ecstasy medicine was given to Yang Ji by the woman with the surname of Chi. They believe anything about that woman, even Xia Brothers are all!"

When Chai Qing thought of that woman going to see Huang Chong in the evening, Brother Xia was there. Maybe that woman deliberately went to see Brother Xia when she was there, so that she was close to Brother Xia. The more Chai Qing thought about it, the more angry she became. , And revealed these words to Yuan Yuan intentionally or unintentionally, Yuan Yuan's face suddenly changed, and the iron-green spurted anger, gritting her teeth with hatred.

Chai Qing looked at Yuan Yuan's iron-green and ugly face into the bottom of her eyes, gloating in her heart.

Soon, Yuan Yuan quickly turned and asked Huang Chong: "What about Huang Chong?"

Chai Qing actually had some palpitations and accidents when she thought of Huang Chong’s accident. She occasionally wondered if Huang Chong’s accident was an accident or some other reason. But Yang Ji hasn’t died yet. Sister Yuan said that Yang Ji must die. He didn’t. Death, naturally it is not the turn of others, I am afraid that Huang Chong's accident this time is an accident in all cases.

The more Chai Qing thought about it, she felt so. As for Sister Yuan who cares about Huang Chong so much, she was also very confused. She could not ask too much, she could only nod her head and return to Sister Yuan's question: "Well, Huang Chong has nothing to do. The doctor said that he would be discharged after some time. Yang Ji, Wang Jinyang, Yi Junzhong, Li Xiaoyan and others took turns to accompany Huang Chong every day. By the way, there were two policemen guarding Huang Chong’s ward. Order to close the game!"

The more Chai Qing said that Yuan Yuan’s brows were tightened. Chai Qing didn’t look at Yuan Yuan. Naturally, she didn’t know the abnormality on her face. She just gloated and said: "Huang Chong has something to guard against. He is unlucky and there is nobody. Why don't you guard him? A waste of time! I don't know what Huang Chong is. I think!" In the last sentence, Chai Qing's tone was very contemptuous, and Huang Chong couldn't speak very much.

After listening to Chai Qing's madness, Yuan Yuan's neck jumped with blue veins. When she was about to speak, a painful and itchy sensation suddenly came from her thigh, making her wish to scratch her skin immediately.

Chai Qing smelled a stink right now, she blurted out and asked: "Sister Yuan, you don't smell anything, it's very stink!"

Yuan Yuan's face changed suddenly, her face was extremely stiff, and she denied that she didn't smell it.

I didn't know that Chai Qing was stubborn at the moment, and then he sniffed for a while, and packed the ticket and promised: "Sister Yuan, I really smell it, it's very smelly, just like the smell of rotten meat."

Chai Qing looked around for any rotten pieces of meat. She didn't even see Yuan Yuan's eyes becoming more dangerous and cold on her face. Chai Qing didn't even think about it and continued to blurt out, "Wait, Sister Yuan, how can I? I think this it came from you?"

After Chai Qinggang blurted out these words, she immediately regained her senses. This call seemed to offend Sister Yuan. For fear that she would be angry, she hurriedly raised her head to explain. But when she raised her head, Sister Yuan was smiling and looking at her gently in front of her with a very kind tone: "Ah. Qing, it's really not the smell on my body, I guess you smelled it wrong, okay, it's not early at the moment, I'll go to bed first!"

Yuan Yuan turned around when she finished speaking, and when she turned around, the tenderness on her face was wiped away, replaced by a cold and gloomy chill on her face.

Chai Qing could only stare at Yuan Yuan's back in a daze. No matter how anxious she was, it was useless. Fortunately, Sister Yuan didn't blame her. Thinking of this, Chai Qing felt relieved.

Now she is the only one who is willing to sit on the same boat with Sister Yuan. Sister Yuan must be very grateful to her. As for Huang Chong, let him be with Yang Ji and the others. Without Huang Chong, the only person Sister Yuan can use is her. As long as she treats Sister Yuan carefully, she will definitely save her life.

In the bedroom, Yuan Yuan habitually locks the door first. When the door is locked, she immediately took off her pants. She saw a large black melanoma on her thigh that was much larger, and the melanoma was on a human face. It also rotted and grew a few pustules, crowded together, very shocking and disgusting.

Yuan Yuan seemed to be accustomed to seeing melanoma faces on her thighs, but she saw the pustules and carrion on her thighs and tightening her brows has not been relieved.

Seeing this carrion and pustule, she couldn't help but think of why Yang Ji and Huang Chong didn't die? If the two died as she planned, how could her melanoma grow bigger and rot and pustules?

Yuan Yuan hated the more she thought about it, she saw that the wound was still a little numb in her heart, enduring the itching and pain, she could only ignore the melanoma after taking a bath.

As long as they die one by one, she will be able to return to a normal life sooner or later, and she will still grow old with Xia Mingcheng. Yes, all of them must die!

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