Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1642: Four hundred thirty seven

When her man’s car stopped in front of her, Chi Shuyan only regained his senses, the window rolled down, and she met the man’s deep eyes, her expression anxious and nervous, and said, "My dad really came to Kyoto? Still with you. ?"

Qi Zhenbai was rather dissatisfied with his wife’s estranged sentence of ‘my dad’, frowned and corrected her words: "It’s our dad!"

Chi Shuyan's attention is now all on her dad's coming to Kyoto, where is he still thinking about doing minor things with this man, so he nodded to agree with the other party, and then immediately asked: "I..." Before falling, the man's dark eyes condensed, and she immediately changed her words: "My dad is really with you? I... did my dad say anything?"

She is mainly worried that the man in front of her will be cannon fodder by her father.

Thinking of the treatment her dad gave to the man in the military area before, she knew that her dad wouldn't treat her as a boyfriend.

Now the two get the certificate early, maybe her dad is still thinking about the man abducting her. To be honest, she feels that even if she gets the certificate with this man when she graduates, her dad may not give this man a good face, let alone Now she has changed her age deliberately to get a certificate.

His dad was probably even more angry, and he certainly couldn't have a good face to this man.

After receiving the certificate so early, she had really made up her mind to not regret it now, that is, when she remembered her dad in the bottom of her heart, she lacked the confidence and was particularly guilty.

She thought that her father would call her if he was too busy after knowing this, but he didn't know how to rush back to Kyoto suddenly.

The more Chi Shuyan thought about it, the more worried she became. After getting into the car absent-mindedly, she couldn't help but squint to the calm and tall man. Seeing that his face was calm and steady, her guilty heart became much better, and she subconsciously trusted this man.

When the man started the engine and drove, after a while, Chi Shuyan was cautious and worried and asked, "My dad didn't say anything when he hurried back to Kyoto to see you?" For example, did he scold the man?

Chi Shuyan felt a little distressed when he thought about it. He looked at his man with distressed eyes, and felt Qi Zhenbai's heart very hot. He was in a very good mood, and his thin lips could not help but arouse, a bit less cold, a bit more Divide the scent of fireworks: "It's okay!"

"Really all right?" She was still worried that this man deliberately concealed her? But if her dad really scolded the man, she could do nothing, and made up her mind to comfort and comfort the man at night.

Qi Zhenbai put his wife's worried look into his eyes, his eyes softened and his lips pressed and continued to reply: "It's okay, my dad is particularly satisfied with me?"

Chi Shuyan was stunned by what the man said, thinking that she was listening. After a while, she was sure that what the man said was really'her father is very satisfied with her.' Chi Shuyan couldn't calm down. Looking at the man sideways, he looked suspicious and awkward: What did this man do to her dad?

Chi Shuyan thought this in her heart and asked directly. When she asked, she subconsciously looked at the road outside and found that this was not the way home, but the way to her school. Chi Shuyan hurriedly said: "Wrong drive , This is not the way home! My dad is in your company or in the villa?" After speaking, she remembered something, and immediately changed her words: "How did our dad look when he came? Did he... So angry?"

It has to be said that Qi Zhenbai is very rare to see his wife who looks cautious, nervous and scared, especially his wife who is cautiously still has some worry about her. Qi Zhenbai's mood is getting better and better. Jiao smiled a little again, and then returned to his wife's words: "You go back to school first. Dad I have already sent to the old house. Grandpa is entertaining our dad. Don't worry. We will go back to the old house for dinner. After talking, the man looked at his wife's nervous face and added in time: "Dad is in a good mood, don't worry too much."

"Are you serious?" Is that really her dad?

"Yeah! Really!" Qi Zhenbai said with a soft look at his wife.

In fact, his father-in-law suddenly came to Kyoto to see him on the first side, and he naturally didn't have a good face and a good mood for him, and even shook his face directly.

Qi Zhenbai understands his father-in-law very well, not to mention that his wife is so young, so he changed her age to obtain the certificate with him. Qi Zhenbai sometimes feels very sorry for his wife, but he never regretted taking the certificate with his wife in time. .

These days after receiving the certificate, he is extremely at ease and he is no longer worried about gains and losses. The relationship between the couple is rapidly heating up, and the better the place is. After receiving the certificate with his wife, he has been soaked in honey. Every day, he feels that life is particularly enjoyable. , Even if he came home from the ordinary two-point-one online work, he felt extremely happy.

As long as he remembered that his wife was waiting for him at home after returning home, he couldn't wait to go home. These days, he moved most of the company's business to the villa and worked remotely at home.

His daughter-in-law gave him milk every night and asked him if he was hungry. Life was so exciting that he didn't want to think about the days when the two broke up.

Only after those days did he understand what real suffering is.

So his father-in-law shakes his face again, Qi Zhenbai doesn't care at all, and accepts it humbly, and he has been very grateful to his father-in-law. If he didn't have his father-in-law, where would he have such a good wife now?

No matter how much his father-in-law gets angry, Qi Zhenbo is not only not angry, but very grateful.

However, his father-in-law has not been allowed to have too much opinion on him. After identifying his father-in-law's weakness, Qi Zhenbai immediately introduced his father-in-law to his grandfather.


The effect is really good!

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