Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1655: Four hundred forty one

After seeing the kid Qi Hao, Qi Zhenbai gave a cold glance and raised his foot upstairs. Qi Hao hurriedly said: "Brother, don't rush to go, let's go upstairs together!"

It's a pity that it was Qi Hao who yelled, Qi Zhenbai didn't pay much attention to it, raised his foot upstairs, and when he walked a few steps, something suddenly rang, his face turned hard and suddenly said: "The voice is quieter, your sister-in-law and your sister-in-law Dad is talking in the guest room upstairs, quieter!"

After the instruction, Qi Hao quickly covered his mouth and did not dare to yell, Qi Zhenbai raised his foot back to the room to wait for his wife.

At this time in the guest room, Chi's father was sitting on the sofa in the small living room of the guest room. Chi Shuyan didn't say a word to Chi's father. Of course, Chi Shuyan immediately glanced at Chi's father nervously. Chi's father treated his daughters The nervous look caught my eyes, and when she heard that she had never forgotten to speak for the kid Qi Zhenbai, Chi's father sighed helplessly and was disappointed. Sure enough, this girl had an object and immediately turned her arm out.

Doesn't this start to protect that kid?

Chi's father was jealous and helpless, but just as he had thought before, this girl had obtained the certification from Qi Zhenbo's kid, what else could he say? It's useless to dissatisfy or disagree.

The only thing that Chi's father is very grateful for is that his daughter's eyesight is really good. The Qi family's character does not underestimate their own daughter and Chi's, and Mr. Qi never forgets to protect his daughter.

Today, the old man's attitude can be so good for him. It can be seen that the old man is satisfied with his daughters, and the dissatisfaction and worry in his father's heart can be relieved a lot.

In addition, the son-in-law Qi Zhenbai, aside from his other selfish interests, just look at the son-in-law his daughter-in-law asked for is indeed very good, whether it is the family background, personality, character or even appearance, they are all top-notch. In addition, this son-in-law grew up next to his father, this is the most important in Chi's father's heart. Chi's father naturally believes in the character of his father, and also believes in his grandson.

The only thing that worries Chi's father the most is that his daughter-in-law can't control her son-in-law. When he first glanced at this son-in-law, he knew that this kid was not a thing in the pool, and that ordinary people could not live in it. Zhang Zhao's peach-faced face is too far from Chi's family background, and Chi's father will inevitably worry that the other party will change his mind halfway.

Now the relationship between the couple is good, and it's okay. After all, the two children have not been in contact for a long time. In case the freshness period expires, the boy Qi Zhenbai changes his heart in the middle. Isn't it his girl who suffers? What will his daughter do?

Since knowing that the two children rushed to get the certificate, Chi's father rushed to Kyoto in a two-day period really didn't sleep well, because he was afraid that his daughter would suffer a loss in the future, and the more he thought about it, the more solemn his face became.

"Dad, Zhenbai is really good to me, you don't have to worry about me!" Chi Shuyan saw his father's face sinking and couldn't help but say something for his man.

Chi Shuyan vaguely understood what Chi's father was worried about, but he didn't even know that Chi's father had already thought about so many twists and turns in his heart, and was already worried about her future divorce.

When Chi father saw that his daughter did not forget to defend Qi Zhenbo's boy, he could see that his daughter really liked people, and he and the boy got his daughter's agreement with him nine out of ten.

Thinking of this, Chi's father couldn't help sighing again. He was extremely choked and calmed down a lot. Chi's father didn't speak much, but suddenly beckoned and said softly: "Yan Yan, sit next to Dad, our fathers Girl have a good chat tonight!"

"Okay, Dad!" Chi Shu walked up to Chi's father with a smile on his face and sat aside. In fact, she had never forgotten to say good things for Qi Zhenbo just now. She was also very guilty in her heart and promised her that her man received the certificate. No regrets, but it hurt her father's heart too rashly.

Her father was the only girl like her, and he loved her very much. Her father must be very complicated and uncomfortable when she learned that she suddenly received a certificate with her.

Chi Shuyan lowered her eyebrows, with a well-behaved face, and a very guilty heart. She decided that if her father was really angry, she had to accept it.

But Chi's father looked at his girl's well-behaved appearance, and no matter how much anger he had in his heart, he immediately suffocated him, for fear of falling into his girl's heart.

After a while, Chi Shuyan only heard her father suddenly ask: "Before you and Qi Zhenbai, the kid proved that it was your own idea or that kid's idea?"

When asked this, Chi's father's eyes were heavy. If it was the former, it would be nice to say, if it was the latter, Chi's father flashed a sharp light in his eyes, afraid that his daughter had been helping to protect the boy. Chi's father was rarely serious and said: "Yan Yan , Dad only asks you such a question, tell Dad honestly!"

Hearing Chi's father asked this question, Chi Shuyan was not surprised, and immediately replied, "Dad, it was what I meant. Well, then Zhenbai agreed!"

"That kid dare not agree..." Chi's father rushed back and asked, realizing what her daughter had just said, Chi's father choked, very helpless and frustrated.

Yes, this girl is really raised for others.

Chi Shuyan answered this, but dared to look up at his dad secretly from time to time. Seeing his dad’s expression was indescribable, Chi Shuyan hurriedly said, "Dad, whether I get the certificate or not, I will always be your daughter. Wouldn't it be a good deal to be an extra son?"

Chi Shuyan deliberately said to Chi's father in a ridiculous tone, for fear that her father would want to be sad.

After listening to his daughter's reply, Chi's father didn't bother to ask more about other questions in his heart. The dissatisfaction with the boy in his heart had mostly disappeared. After all, it was his daughter's willingness. His parent is still very reasonable and can be heartbroken. It's really stuffy.

After that, Chi's father didn't ask much about the others. He only asked them about their feelings and their bad feelings. Chi Shuyan also replied one by one, seeing his girl's face ruddy, and when he mentioned Qi Zhenbo's boy, his face was especially good and satisfied. He It's also a person who came here, how can I not understand that the relationship between the couple is really good, and his daughter is really good.

The two father and daughter did not pay attention to the conversation. They talked until a little earlier in the morning, but a knock on the door and a familiar male voice interrupted the conversation between the father and daughter: "Dad, are you asleep? Yan Yan is still with you. Excuse me here?"

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