Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1663: Four hundred forty nine

Although Chi's father returned to the military area first, Chi Shuyan went back to the old house with the man Qi Zhenbai tonight, and had dinner and stayed overnight in the old house.

Chi Shuyan passed by here quite happily. At this time, the Xia family was in trouble because of Xia Mingzhen's affairs and about the marriage of Xia Mingcheng.

Xia's mother was a little hesitant about the marriage of her boss, but before she took a call from her friend, her friend kept boasting that Yuan Yuan had the ability, and she was extremely accurate in her face, she was called a'living god', Xia The mother's hesitating defense gradually began to move.

Not long after the call was hung up, Xia's mother decided to insist that she wanted her eldest son to marry Yuan Yuan to be the Xia's eldest daughter-in-law. Although Xia's mother was frightened by the master's comments from her son today, who knows if it is her Xiaoyuan, whose son doesn't want to marry, said to the little master whose surname is Chi early, and intentionally scared her.

After all, compared to her ability, in Xia's mother's mind, Xiaoyuan's fortune-telling ability to see her face is much more reliable than the little master brought by her own boss today.

As for her younger son, Xia's mother has taken it to heart, but she thinks clearly about the matter and doesn’t think that the younger son is a bad talker behind the scenes. Maybe the little master brought by her son is not reliable and just alarmist. .

The more she thought about her luck, the more she felt so.

As for Xia Mingzhen’s liking for the little master invited by his brother this time, he strongly agreed that his brother would not marry the woman surnamed Yuan, but he never expected that the master invited by his brother this time would talk about him. On the head.

He also said that if he committed a villainous life, he would lose his life, but it would be bad luck. Xia Ming really thought about it and threw it in the back of his head and stopped thinking about it. After dinner, he found an excuse to leave home to play.

Before he left, Xia Mingcheng called out.

Because of her chances, Xia's mother was not worried that her youngest son would have an accident. She was too lazy to interfere in the exchange of feelings between the two brothers. She got up on Mingcheng and called Mingzhen to speak. Xia's mother racked her brain and continued to think about how to convince her son to marry Xiaoyuan. .

In fact, Xia's mother now also sees clearly that her son is really careless about Xiaoyuan. If she didn't promise Xiaoyuan in her words before, it would be okay, but now that she has said everything, the girl has agreed to agree to it, and she regrets it again. Too unkind and too sorry for the other girl.

Mother Xia sighed in her heart and looked at the door frequently, hoping that Father Xia would come back quickly, and she would ask Father Xia's opinion again.

Aside from Xia's complicated thoughts, Xia Mingcheng took the person to the door and asked in a low voice, "Where do you want to go?"

"Brother, I am an adult, and you still care about me now? You didn't care about where I went before? Could it be that you really believed what the little girl said today?" Xia Mingzhen sneered, not waiting. When his brother replied, Xia Mingzhen frowned and continued: "Brother, I used to see you as normal. Why do people become more superstitious nowadays?"

When Xia Mingcheng heard that Xia Mingzhen's younger brother didn't take Master Chi's words at all, he felt disapproving and mocking, and his heart was very anxious, his face flushed and blue veins jumped.

Thinking of the weird things that happened between them these days, he was okay. Except for Liling's incident which caused a very big blow to him, he was lucky and didn't have the same bad luck as Yang Ji, Huang Chong and Chai Qing. , So I am alive now.

He is really worried now that this kid has been heartless and he will regret it after the tragedy happened, but the only thing in this world that he does not regret taking medicine, he can't imagine the scene of his brother's accident.

Xia Mingcheng suppressed the anger in his heart and patiently communicated with his brother once: "Mingzhen, the Master Chi I invited today is not a liar, and what she said will not be unfulfilled. You will be staying for two days. At home, don't talk to others about it?"

Xia Mingzhen is five years younger than Xia Mingcheng's brother. He is still in adolescence and has a rather rebellious personality. The more his brother controls him to stay at home, the more he wants to go out.

Xia Mingcheng also understands his younger brother, sees his impatient expression, and continues to patiently say: "When you are over, I can go wherever you want to play."

Xia Mingcheng originally thought that his brother could hear a sentence or two when he was so bitter, but who knew that the second half of his sentence seemed to ignite Xia Mingzhen’s impatience. Xia Ming was really angry and said: "Brother, do you want to be so superstitious? It has become so fast that I can't recognize you. Where did you believe this before? Brother, I tell you, these superstitions are all false, and we have to believe in the scientific society."

Seeing what his brother wanted to say, Xia Mingzhen was the first to say: "Before I said that the demon mom was given some Ecstasy by a woman surnamed Yuan. Who knows that brother, you are in the same condition now, I suspect that the young man surnamed Chi today Did the girl give you some Ecstasy too?"

Xia Mingzhen said more and more angry, and continued with a cold snort, "What can happen to me? Have you ever seen me like to say bad things about others? I heard the little girl say this at noon today, and said that I will commit a villain. , I can almost confirm that this little girl is a liar. I didn’t expect that she was pretty, but she wanted to be some kind of magic stick!"

As soon as Xia Ming said the truth, he was heavily reprimanded by Xia Mingcheng, his face was very stern, Xia Mingzhen immediately recognized the counsel, holding a fire in his heart, very unwilling to say: "Sure, brother, you want me to believe that the little girl will do, or else You call someone to come over now, let her make a trick for me first, and I will believe her!"

Xia Mingcheng's face was full of anger at this time. He is very thankful that the master is not here at the moment, otherwise, what if the master takes back the peace talisman he gave before, regardless of this kid?

Xia Mingzhen now sees his brother's iron-green face is really shocked, afraid that he will get angry, his eyes rolled, and he quickly pointed in the direction of the door and said: "Brother, mom is calling you!"

When Xia Mingcheng turned his head, Xia Mingzhen ran down the stairs quickly and took the elevator out of the stairs.

When Xia Mingcheng turned around and saw that his brother had already run away, he could only be very helpless. The only thing that made him quite fortunate was that he still carried the safety symbol he had given before, which he saw just now.

As long as his brother carries that talisman, according to Master Chi's words, it shouldn't be a big deal.

Xia Mingcheng breathed a sigh of relief and went into the living room. Xia Mu raised her eyes to see the boss coming in alone. She couldn't help asking: "Boss, where is Mingzhen? Have you slipped out to play?" Without waiting for Xia Mingcheng to speak, Xia Mu said: "Cheng Since that kid wants to go out to play, let's not restrain this kid. He can go home on time before eleven o'clock. By the way, boss, do you want to stop thinking about the marriage with Xiaoyuan?"

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