Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1741: Five hundred twenty seven

Hearing a man’s familiar voice, Chi Shuyan’s lips instinctively evoked an arc and replied: “Eating! How about you!”

Tomorrow will be the wedding of the two. The custom here is that the young couple who are about to get married are best to avoid meeting three days before the marriage. She and Qi Zhenbai can only meet by phone or video these days.

I haven’t seen a man for three days. Don’t say that she really misses this man. She doesn’t think much about this man when she is by her side. But last night and today she especially missed it. She was a little embarrassed to let the man on the phone know, but she didn’t expect it. I actually have such a day of dependence on this man.

Of course, Chi Shuyan didn’t know at the moment that not only she thought, but the man on the other side missed her even more. He didn’t sleep much for the past three nights, especially last night, he almost smoked and opened his eyes until dawn. I hope to see his wife immediately on the day of the wedding.

Qi Zhenbo calmly returned to the food that his wife had eaten, but the ordinary conversation between the couple gave out a sweet atmosphere, showing affection in front of Li Yuchu, she was a little embarrassed, anyway, she was full, so she just got up. Ready to go to the outside courtyard of the villa and chat with men on the phone.

Li Yuchu was also a person who came over, and he understood the sweetness of the young couple. He quickly waved his hands and smiled cheerfully and asked Miss Shuyan to go out and call the Qi family.

Chi Shuyan was a little embarrassed by Li Yuchu and Shan’s ambiguous smile, and quickly got up and went out. This one made a phone call with a man outside. She talked directly with the man Qi Zhenbai for two and a half hours, and the phone they used was a little hot. Nearly out of power, the two reluctantly hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, she answered the calls connected to Brother Feng and Zhen Yu. Zhen Yu was one of her bridesmaids tomorrow, and the two said that they would arrive tomorrow morning.

She also talked about the general process of tomorrow's wedding, starting from the villa to the hotel, and people from Qi's family welcomed the kiss at about nine o'clock in the morning.

Chi Shuyan heard Zhen Yu's nervousness, let her relax, and briefly introduced her to the other bridesmaids, who were all cousins ​​of the man Qi Zhenbo, who were very easy to get along with, so she really didn't need to be nervous.

Zhen Yu was really nervous because the Qi family was the largest family and wealthy family in Kyoto. After all, the wealthy family had many rules and rules, and with the status of the Qi family in Kyoto, there were only a lot more celebrities and wealthy guests invited tomorrow.

Thinking of this, she was nervous, and she was also afraid that she could not do a shameful face. This time she was able to invite her to be a bridesmaid, and Zhen Yu didn't know how honored and happy she was.

The two best friends talked for a while before they hung up.

She entered the house again, almost three hours have passed, Chi Shuyan waited in the living room for a while, and found that her father hadn't brought his master back.

Chi Shuyan was very helpless. After so long, she would inevitably be a little worried. Fortunately, her father took the initiative to call her back to report, saying that her master still decided to stay in the hotel. He would come back tomorrow morning and he had already returned home. Chi Shuyan was a little relieved when he was almost home on the road.

She was very helpless about her master's decision to stay in the hotel, but she really did what she did about staying in the hotel because of her unwillingness to trouble people. After all, her master didn't have the memory of her previous life, so she was unwilling to trouble her.

Chi Shuyan now doesn't want her master to stay in a hotel, but she is still very relieved of her father's affairs. Her father should send her master to find a suitable hotel to live in before returning.

In the living room, she waited for a while. She didn't know what was going on recently. She was very sleepy. She simply leaned on the sofa and didn't know when she fell asleep. Halfway through, she faintly heard Li Yuchu whispering to her to go back to the room to sleep and don't catch cold.

Chi Shuyan was full of sleepiness, a little confused, and didn't remember when he went back to the room to sleep, but he went to sleep until the next morning.

At six o'clock in the morning, her dad woke up and welcomed a team of senior makeup artists who came to serve her. This was the makeup team recommended to her by Yu Rong, a gold medal agent in the entertainment industry, with first-class makeup skills at home and abroad.

Chi Shuyan didn't refuse, and simply refused the makeup team that Qi Zhenbai, a man, found for her early in the morning. After all, who doesn't want to be more beautiful at the wedding.

The makeup artists and stylists who came to the service were also very surprised by the appearance and skin of the makeup subject. Not only was the skin called good, it was not exaggerated to say that it could be broken by blowing bombs. When putting on makeup, she touched it. The face sighed and felt that the girl's skin was smoother and softer than a peeled egg, with no pores visible at all, and her skin was still cold white.

People’s parents’ faces are even more beautiful. They are absolutely top-notch even in the entertainment industry, even better.

This little girl's gentle temperament and sometimes sharp aura makes people totally afraid to underestimate.

The more the makeup artist watched, the more and more emotions she sighed. The only drawback is that the little girl seems to be a little young, and her charm has not yet fully developed.

Waiting for a few more years, this little girl is absolutely fascinating.

Moreover, the little girl seemed to not only have good skin on her face, but also more tender skin on her body. Just looking at the exposed swan neck, the makeup artist repeatedly expressed emotion that this little girl was very beautiful.

Not only the makeup artists think so, but also several stylists think that this little girl object is absolutely beautiful and blessed. They have never seen a good-looking woman with white skin in the entertainment industry before, but the stunner can be like this. Only seen in his life.

Although several makeup artists and stylists are working, the visual lines stick to the girl’s face from time to time, especially when the lip color is added, the few people breathed in a halt and sucked in a breath of air to the girl in front of him. There is a higher and deeper understanding of looks.

Chi Shuyan has been paying attention to WeChat to reply to people's messages, but did not pay attention to the burning eyes of several makeup artists and stylists. Seeing that several cousins ​​and Zhen Yu of the Qi family have arrived at her door on WeChat, she was relieved.

Just a few bridesmaids here!

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