Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 504: Five hundred and six

Father Jiang’s words scared Father Jiang so much. Can his father go out to do Tai Chi?

Father Jiang hurriedly said: "Dad, your health is a little bad lately, so it's better to go out less!"

Old man Jiang snorted coldly: "What do you kid know?"

They all say that he knows his body best. Mr. Jiang now really thinks that his grandson’s pill is a magical medicine. He coughed a few times when he got up in the morning, and he hadn’t coughed until now, but Ah Duo. Where did the kid get the magic medicine? No, I have to ask my dear grandson carefully later!

It is estimated that just now because of the exercise for a while, Mr. Jiang has a little appetite for Jiang's father to bring some porridge over!

"Dad, do you have an appetite? Want to have porridge?" Father Jiang was even more confused! But his dad has an appetite, and he is happier in his heart. Thinking about his dad vomiting what he ate before, he lost nearly 20 jin in half a month, almost not scaring him to death!

Father Jiang shook his hands and served his dad porridge, worrying that his dad would come back and he was worried that his dad would drink porridge and throw up.

Father Jiang shook his hands and placed the porridge in front of the old man, looking worried.

Father Jiang was hungry now, and he didn't care about the gaze of Father Jiang next to him. He ate three bowls of porridge in a row in the morning, and Father Jiang was even more stunned.

Father Jiang was still waiting for the old man to vomit at the beginning, but he waited for ten minutes before his father vomited. Instead, his appetite became more and more and Father Jiang made a bowl of porridge.

Father Jiang shook his lips: "Dad, this all right?" Or did you come back? Wait, he just focused on his dad's going out, but now he forgot to pay attention to the most important thing, that is, his dad didn't cough?

Didn't you cough anymore?

Father Jiang looked incredulous! What kind of magic medicine does his dad take? Do you want to get better so quickly?

Father Jiang thought and thought about it, only to think that last night his father seemed to have taken the pills that Jiang Duo brought back with three no products!

Is that pill really useful?

Father Jiang’s shocked head went blank, and it didn’t take long for Mr. Jiang to reply: “Sure enough, my dear grandson has the ability, and you will stop scolding Aduo in the future! Don’t treat your own son as an enemy! Take things slowly!”

He also knew that Father Jiang had always hated Aduo for iron and steel. When the doctor gave a reprimand, the father Jiang was most worried about the future relationship between the two fathers and sons.

Father Jiang felt deeply that his son was unreliable, and he still looked worried and said, "Dad, this medicine won't add anything bad?" The illness healed so quickly that he felt very insecure!

Moreover, how many authoritative and famous doctors before his dad’s illness were helpless, and now he is outside the dude son whom he has never looked down upon.

Has the medicine you just found cured?

"I eat and sleep well and don't cough, what can I do? You ask other doctors to prescribe medicines that will allow me to eat well and sleep well and stop coughing immediately. Even if I have some side effects, this old man doesn't matter!"

He can eat and sleep without coughing now, can he still be in bad health?

Father Jiang is speechless!

At this moment, the sound of people stepping on the stairs accompanied Jiang Duo's miserable crying voice: "Grandpa, I was wrong, I was wrong, I killed you! Dad, I killed my grandpa! You Kill me! Does Grandpa live in..." The courtyard?

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Duo saw his grandfather drinking porridge happily when he went downstairs with red eyes. Jiang Duo's voice suddenly retracted, and he hiccuped, his eyes widened: "Grandpa, what are you doing? ...Why didn't you get hospitalized?"

Why does his grandfather look much better than last night?

When Father Jiang heard what his son said, his face turned black with anger: "Will your kid speak? You won't tell me to shut up!"

"Why do you kid scold me for a good grandson?" As soon as Father Jiang said, Father Jiang stared at Father Jiang, and there was no sound when he looked at Father Jiang!

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