Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 559: Five hundred sixty two

When he said this, the man moved neatly and quickly, and Chi Shuyan hadn't reacted yet. The man had already turned his wife over, lowered his head and leaned in earnestly while blowing on the red fingerprints.

Qi Zhenbo really has no bad intentions or other thoughts at this moment. It is estimated that his wife’s **** is too white. He is sure that he is really useless just now, but now I see a few flushes on his wife’s white ass. Guidance, I feel distressed for the first time, and I regret that I just did it.

When Chi Shuyan waited for the reaction, the man was blowing vigorously at her bare ass. Chi Shuyan looked dumbfounded. At this time, he wished to dig a hole and bury himself, so he had no face to see people.

She thought it was just a few ridicules from this man, but she never expected that this man would act, and she was really serious about blowing into her bare ass.

Chi Shuyan didn't dare to imagine this scene, and didn't want to kick the man behind him with his feet, and immediately wrapped the quilt around his body.

Qi Zhenbai quickly grasped his wife's white and small ankle in his hand, and felt a little addicted to her touch. I wonder if this foot is too white and beautiful, and the matte and tender is very beautiful.

Qi Zhenbai, who has always been a bit hygienic, didn't want to suddenly bite his wife's instep.

Chi Shuyan's eyes widened in disbelief:...

Qi Zhenbai waited for a bite and was stunned, but thought that it was his wife's feet that were not dirty, the touch was good, and there was no repulsion in his heart. Instead, he held a few more kisses in the palm of his hand.

Chi Shuyan is really embarrassed now, this man won't be **** by anything?

Seeing the man in front of her about to kiss her on the mouth, Chi Shuyan didn't even want to kick the person away and buried her face in the pillow: "Go brush your teeth, today you don't brush your teeth and rinse your mouth, don't kiss me!"

The thought of this man kissing her with the mouth that had kissed her feet, Chi Shuyan felt too disgusting in her heart.

How could Qi Zhenbo make his wife despise him, press directly on the person, pinch her chin and kiss fiercely, not only kisses her, but also sticks out her tongue, domineeringly sweeps his wife’s mouth, and asks in a low-pitched voice, "Also. Dare to dislike your man? Huh?"

Chi Shuyan felt very disgusted in his heart, but when he faced the man's vicious threats, he still honestly said that he did not dislike him and asked him to leave quickly.

Had it not been for being naked and wearing no clothes, she would have kicked people away.

However, Qi Zhenbai didn't care about continuing to kiss, as if he was addicted to him, his tongue pressed against his wife’s teeth, counted one by one, and his face was a little itchy after licking. He didn’t know when the man would kiss him. .

I was arguing with this man just now. At this moment, she also thought that she hadn't got up at such a big noon, and when she thought of getting up so late at Qi's house twice in a row.

Chi Shuyan didn't dare to think about what the Qi family thought of her at the moment, and had no face to go out, but she still could not go out without the face. She sighed in her heart and glared at the man on her.

This look became a seduce in Qi Zhenbai's eyes. His voice became a little dumb, and he whispered in her ear: "Don't seduce me, wife!"

Chi Shuyan was confused, how did she seduce this man?

She hadn't forgotten that she had to go upstairs to plead guilty with the old man. She was so stiff that she didn't dare to provoke the man again. She quickly pushed away the people, picked up the clothes and wanted to wear them under the blanket.

On the contrary, Qi Zhenbai saw his wife’s worry, thin lips and pursed her lips solemnly: "Actually, my grandfather and my parents are eager for you to get up late! You get up late, which means that I tossed the night last night, their great-grandson or grandson. Isn’t there hope?"

Chi Shuyan was choked by the man's words and was speechless. He couldn't believe that this stern man said such ‘shameless’ words so seriously.

Before Chi Shuyan stuffed his clothes into the quilt, the man took it decisively: "I'm here!"

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