Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 571: Five hundred seventy four

Chi Shuyan took a taxi to the single-family villa and arranged the dozen jade jade tiles in the seven-star array.

Fearing in advance that the dozen or so first-grade artifacts were not as powerful as the spirit stones, Chi Shuyan lost a lot of spiritual energy, so he upgraded all these dozen or so artifacts to third-grade elementary artifacts before stopping.

After burying more than a dozen third-class artifacts one by one in a good location, set them in the villa courtyard. Once a malicious person enters the villa, there will be no return.

Chi Shuyan Yun started to seal with aura, and the elementary seven-star formation was relatively simple. Chi Shuyan gave a soft sigh of aura without spending a lot of energy: "Get up!"

Soon the jade plaques that were originally buried in various directions rushed out of a beam of light that overlapped to form a seven-star array. With a buzzing sound, more than a dozen beams of light skyrocketed, and the golden light gradually disappeared after a few minutes.

Even if Chi Shuyan set up an enchantment, many celestial masters and ancient martial arts families of various sects still perceive strong spiritual energy fluctuations. It's just that this spiritual energy fluctuation disappears too fast.

Several Taoist celestial masters and ancient martial arts family worship and those in power just came out, the fluctuations of spiritual energy disappeared immediately, and soon thought it was their illusion.

At this time, the Jing family and the Jing family in power learned that the genius alchemist never went to their auction house to sell pills. These days, the Jing family in power was also very angry with Jingzhen Nanji.

Originally thought that with such favorable conditions, that extraordinary genius alchemist would be used by the Jing family. How could he have thought that he had just tasted the sweetness, Qian Zhengde told him that the alchemist had never been to the Jingjia auction house again. Sold the elixirs.

If you haven’t tasted this sweetness, it’s fine, but now Jing Zhennan has taken the third-grade Qi-returning pill refined by that alchemist. He naturally knows the real effect. If there is no comparison, there will be no difference. The third grade Qi Hui Dan refined by his Jing family was not at the same level at all, and he admitted that it was a huge difference.

When I thought that the third-grade Qi Qi Pills were not only free of impurities, their aura was dozens of times stronger than other Qi Qi Pills, and even made him go straight to the promotion after years of not being promoted.

How could Jing Zhennan not be in a hurry?

Now, as long as the alchemist agrees to make alchemy for their Jing family, he does not hesitate to agree to any unfair condition, and it is possible to treat people as ancestors.

Thinking of this, Jing Zhennan instructed Qian Zhengde: “Continue to check the whereabouts of the alchemist until it is found, and whether the little girl is an alchemist or the person behind her is an alchemist, as long as she arrives , You inform me immediately, no matter what, you must win over that little girl."

At the beginning, Qian Zhengde was also confident and thought that the little girl would agree after hearing the discount offered by the Jing family for her in a few days. How could she know this consideration, she disappeared and never came back.

At the beginning, for fear of offending this little girl and the people behind this little girl, Qian Zhengde naturally did not ask her whereabouts of her address. This one disappeared, but the Jing family was quite powerful. It was not easy to find someone to find a needle in a haystack. At this time, Qian Zhengde heard the words of the Jing Family Patriarch and immediately said: "Yes, Patriarch!"

I made up my mind that next time I saw the little girl, she must first make contributions to her ancestors. Even if she was dissatisfied with the little girl who continued to sell pills, she would have to ask her address.

Ask for the address so that you can contact the relationship, right?

"This matter must be kept secret, and no one else is allowed to know!" Since he was promoted, many hidden families have come to investigate and have a lot of thoughts.

"Yes, Patriarch!"

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