Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 578: Five hundred and eighty one

Wu Fuzhang was afraid that Zhou Manning was too soft-hearted and was not a person, so-called innocence and not a husband. Hearing her words, Wu Fuzhang curled his lips and said: "I said before, I will give you all the ideas and wishes of Miss Zhou. If you want that Li ghosts are flying away, as long as it is Miss Zhou's request, I naturally won't say much. I will help Miss Zhou realize it later."

Zhou Manning was very excited when he heard the words of Zhenren Wu in front of him. After the conversation turned, he listened to the other party to continue: "It's just that the ghost is too good at hiding. I just don't know if Miss Zhou can honestly tell the whereabouts of the corpse."

Zhou Manning was frightened just now. When she thought that her life would be threatened if the ghost was not removed for a day, Zhou Manning shuddered severely. At this moment, there was no more greed for luck. He immediately rushed to Wu Zhen to say: "I Tell you, real person, I tell you the dead ghost's body. You must help me get rid of that ghost!"

Seeing Zhou Manning's promise, Wu Fuzhang pursed the corners of his lips. He was in a good mood. Just now he saw that the ghost is full of resentment and knows the technique of concealment. It seems that some Taoism has some talent.

The greater the grievance of this ghost, the happier he will be. As long as he refines with spells, he may be able to refine into a puppet, as long as he keeps feeding her with blood afterwards, he may eventually be able to feed a'pseudo ghost king'. It was a helper again.

Thinking of this, Wu Fuzhang was very excited.

Zhou Manning took Wu Fuzhang into the basement of the villa, and took away a painting that was more than two meters long and one meter wide inside the wall. When he saw that the cement sealed place was protruding, there were many cracks in the cement, and it was faint. See a human figure.

One of the rotten human hands, no, now it has become a bone, and there is a lot of rotten human flesh on it.

Even though Zhou Manning dared to kill people, he staggered a few steps when he saw this terrible scene.

She clearly remembered the first time she killed someone, although she was very nervous, but in order not to be noticed by the police and others about Zhou Manqing's death, she sealed them with concrete.

When she thought that Zhou Manqing's body might one day break through the cement, she shuddered severely, her face pale and hurriedly looked at Wu Fuzhang: "Wu Zhenren, this is this, this is this, can you help me kill this ghost first? Up!"

"Not in a hurry!" Wu Fuzhang looked at Zhou Manning with a somewhat smile, but the smile looked so cold, but there was indeed a smile under his eyes.

He had never thought that this woman was so vicious and sealed people in this wall with cement, but this woman was also a bit smart, and he liked smart women.

Zhou Manning breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Zhenren Wu had a slight smile in front of him. He suddenly thought of something, and quickly asked nervously, "Major Wu, do you see if this ghost is going to break through the mud?"

Wu Fuzhang stared at the corpse sealed on the concrete wall, his eyes brightened as he watched, but he nodded: "If this ghost is allowed to break out of the mud, I am afraid that even the Immortal Daluo will not be able to save Miss Zhou!"

Zhou Manning almost turned black before being scared by Wu Zhenren’s words, her face changed drastically, her eyes were staring at the raised concrete wall with many cracks in fear, and she wiped out a cold sweat, and now she is very lucky to bring her. This Wu Zhenren came over, otherwise she would really regret it all her life.

Wu Fuzhang was obsessed with touching the wall of human flesh, but Zhou Manning wished that Wu Zhenren would immediately take this ghost. Zhou Manning said with a shaking voice: "Wu Zhenren, please, you can take this ghost now!"

"Say it!"

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