Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 583: Five hundred and eighty six

Yu Rong stared at Zhou Manning in front of him with a chill, and staggered back subconsciously, staring at Zhou Manning in front of him with a vigilant look.

Although Zhou Manning knew that Yu Rong suspected her before, he didn't know how much the woman in front of him suspected. At this time, seeing the woman in front of him was full of vigilance and defensiveness, Zhou Manning's eyes sank. It seems that this woman surnamed Yu really knows too much.

Then this woman must die!

Zhou Manning couldn't help but be grateful that he had come here personally, otherwise if the woman got any evidence, she would have no good life in the future.

She looked at Yu Rong in front of her, and felt that this woman was suitable as a sacrifice to Wu Zhenren, but it was a pity that this woman had never been hooked.

Zhou Manning's smile meant something unclear: "Sister Yu, why are you backing so far? You're so polite with me?"

Yu Rong hadn't spoken, the child's slapstick voice faintly came from the phone, and Yu Rong didn't want to hang up the phone immediately.

"Sister Yu still has children? Why didn't you tell me about this before Sister Yu?" Zhou Manning's eyes were full.

However, Yu Rong became more vigilant and cold, for fear that this woman realized that she had a child, and acted on her child. Yu Rongqiang suppressed the panic in his heart and squeezed out a smile: "Man Qing, what are you saying, how could I have Child? By the way, you didn't mean that you fell in the bathroom, what about your feet? Or I will take you to the hospital right now?"

Zhou Manning smiled deeper, but there was no smile in his eyes: "Sister Yu is so kind now? Do you look at me like a wounded person? I thought you just called me Manning instead of calling me Manning. !"

Yu Rongdeng's face turned pale and bloodless. She couldn't guess why this woman suddenly exposed herself, her fingers tightened and her face was guarded.

Just listen to Zhou Manning continue: "Sister Yu, if you call me Manning, I won't be angry!" As soon as the conversation changed, it didn't mean that I was allowed to speak. Zhou Manning narrowed his eyes and said: "Since you know I am not Zhou Manqing, you don't want to know Zhou Manqing back then. How did it die?"

This is the time

Zhou Manning took advantage of the shock of the woman in front of him and stared at her with wide eyes. A sharp dagger came out from the cuff and stabs Yu Rong.

Even if Yu Rong was prepared, he never thought that Zhou Manning would rush to her home so frantically to kill someone. At this time, she was caught off guard and hurriedly avoided her body, but she was still shot in the chest.

Bright red blood sprayed on Zhou Manning's face, her face was extremely hideous and excited.

Seeing another knife stabbed again, even though Yu Rong had a knife in his chest, he still had some strength on his body. He quickly grasped Zhou Manning's hand holding the sharp dagger, and the two wrestled together.

It's a pity that although Yu Rong had a bit of strength at the beginning, as his face became paler with the loss of blood, Zhou Manning was stimulated by the blood with great strength, and Rong stabbed several times in succession.

However, thinking that Wu Zhenren said he wanted to live, Zhou Manning specifically avoided the fatal place and stabbed in other parts, while stabbing and grinning grinningly: "Of course I can't be angry with the dead. You don't want to know how that **** Zhou Manqing died. I tell you, three years ago, that **** Zhou Manqing drank my drugged wine and fell into a coma. I sealed her in the villa wall with cement!"

Zhou Manning saw the dying woman on the ground with a horrified face. The horror in his eyes almost didn't pop out of her eyes, and she became more excited. She continued to say, "By the way, I originally wanted to seal you in the wall as it is. Let you two be your company, but why don’t you come? Why don’t you come? Do you want to report me? Do you want to report me?"

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