Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 594: Five hundred ninety-seven

Chi Shuyan Gang was still thinking about the matter with her own man, Zhou Manqing suddenly opened her mouth and frightened her, but Chi Shuyan immediately calmed down, walked out of the balcony, let her out, and asked in a low voice: "Do you want to understand?"

Zhou Manqing’s eyes flashed scarlet from time to time at this time, but finally he controlled his emotions and calmed down: “Yes, Master Chi, I want revenge. I have been too many good people in my life, but I don’t seem to be doing good ghosts after I die. Life was completely ruined by Zhou Manning’s sister, whether it was career, man or life. I was not reconciled, I really was not reconciled! She didn’t even know that I was a big living person who was sealed by her with cement on the wall at first. Her bones were crushed and shattered by the solidified cement a little bit, how painful it was to die, watching the cement solidify a little bit, but she didn’t move at all, she could only wait for death in despair. I wanted her to taste the pain. With a taste, it doesn’t matter if the soul is gone!"

After talking, without waiting for Chi Shuyan to speak, Zhou Manqing said again: "Master Chi, I also know that my sister Zhou Manning is the bitter fruit of my planting. No matter how bitter I grow the fruit, I have to taste it myself. The sympathy of taking in Zhou Manning’s'brother sister', how can I fall into such a situation now, I don’t blame others, I only hate myself for being indistinguishable, so you can rest assured that I will not hurt the innocent, I will only do it to Zhou Manning alone !"

A pity flashed deep in Chi Shuyan’s eyes. They were two identical faces, but the impressions and feelings were completely different. Zhou Manning was like a poisonous scorpion, but Zhou Manqing gave people a demure and gentle feeling, more like a pure lily standing in the wind. At the same time, there is the tenacity of grass, gentle and quiet personality, and such a person is a proper person no matter what.

Chi Shuyan stared at Zhou Manqing in front of her carefully, and found that after she reduced her grievances, there was a faint golden light. You must know that although this golden light is light, it is very rare. At first, she only saw it at Grandpa Zhou. No, she Have seen Xie Mingxuan.

But sometimes there is no golden light for good deeds in a lifetime. This light golden light also represents openness and openness. You have to have never done any bad or unkind things since childhood, and have never had any malicious intent.

This cliff is a proper and good person!

To some extent was blessed by heaven.

No wonder the sorcerer that Zhou Manning had invited did not immediately find her hiding place and collect her. Can only rely on her body

Find her hiding place.

It's a pity that a good life is too short, but if Zhou Manqing was a little bit more selfish and cruel, I'm afraid she will end up better now than it is now.

The more Chi Shuyan looked at it, the more pitiful it was. Zhou Manqing, who was in front of me, had a heart-wrenching heart for Zhou Manning. I am afraid that she had revenge and didn't want to reincarnate.

Chi Shuyan didn't know how to think of Fu Shiyin, who had only one side. Last time, she owed him a favor, but now she looks at Zhou Manqing in front of her. She looks more pleasing to the eye, and appreciates the more she looks.

Especially when she was so harmed by Zhou Manning, she still knew what was right and wrong, and hated only those who should hate, not involving the innocent.

At this time, she narrowed her eyes and said, "If you want revenge, it's natural for you, and I won't stop it, but you have to pursue it a little bit as a ghost. For a Zhou Manning is already dead, is it possible that you really want to lose your soul for her? It's not worth it, you don't want to see Fu Shiyin?"

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