Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 603: Six hundred and six

Chi Shuyan passed a jewelry store on the way back and was about to buy some jade jade tiles. In fact, she even wanted to go to the stone gambling store, but the last time she was too popular at the stone gambling store, it is estimated that she could not go for a long time.

If she is betting on a precious jade, no matter what, she will be watched. Although she is not afraid of being watched, she is afraid of numbness.

As for the jade bracelets and jade brand jadeites that were upgraded to the first-grade high-level artifacts, among them, she planned to keep them for herself, and by the way, the emperor's green plate, who had been upgraded to the third-grade primary artifacts, was given to the man Qi Zhenbo.

As for the other first-class jade bracelets and jade tiles, they all scored to Lu Yunfeng, Qi Hao, Xiao Le, Jian Chongying, and Wang Xuewen. It is estimated that there is not much left. By the way, there is Zhu Zongzhu.

So Chi Shuyan thought about it or went to the jewelry store on the way to buy a few good jade brand jadeites. Recently, she has money, so Chi Shuyan swipes her card without blinking.

When he returned to the apartment, Chi Shu Yan Yun picked up the aura and transported the aura in, because it was a first-grade artifact, it didn't take much effort. Before long, a few jade tiles buzzed white light.

After a while, Chi Shuyan withdrew his aura. Seeing that these jade jade tiles had become first-class high-end magical artifacts, Chi Shuyan was very satisfied and put them on the shelves of the online store first.

This jade brand is better than nourishing pill, so Chi Shuyan is naturally restricted, and each person can only buy one.

Chi Shuyan wrote about the efficacy of the jade brand in the product description: it means that this is a first-level high-level magic weapon, which can withstand the attacks of some Taoist celestial masters and quite powerful evil spirits. At the same time, it can nourish the body, prolong life, exorcise evil, and protect life and safety. The role of. Long-term use, the effect is more useful than moisturizing pills.

After editing, just a few seconds after the jade medals were put on the shelves, I saw that all three jade medals had been sold. Chi Shuyan did not expect this jade medal to be sold so quickly. You must know that her jade medal is priced at 30 million yuan, which is more moist than last time. Dan Yuan was a lot more expensive, and she thought that she was priced at 30 million yuan. It was estimated that she would have to be scolded a lot, and it would take a while to sell. How did she know that this thing was sold so quickly.

Chi Shuyan paid attention to the ID, and found that the first person to buy her jade brand was a loyal fan who had scolded her for a black shop and made many comments for her. The ID was Jiang Xiaoduo.

Chi Shuyan scanned the other two unfamiliar IDs that bought her jade brand, and Chi Shuyan glanced a few times, but he didn't take much care.

Thinking of the group that had been pulled in the WeChat group before, and asked the boys to leave their addresses, she sent a few bracelets and jade plaques.

She boarded the WeChat group, and the group was really active. Lu Yunfeng was the first person to leave an address, and everyone else also stayed.

Chi Shuyan was very satisfied. She also found that she had forgotten to pull Zhu Zong in. She was going to call Zhu Zong later and ask him to give him an address.

Otherwise, when will she send it to the company?

Chi Shuyan saw that a few kids carelessly forgot to leave their numbers, so they edited their numbers on WeChat.

Chi Shuyan bubbling, Lu Yunfeng's enthusiasm, all kinds of cuteness call his sister-in-law.

Chi Shuyan thought of the height of this kid Lu Yunfeng, and she couldn't imagine this kid selling cute.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, are you finally bubbling? Why haven't you been on WeChat for so many days? If you're not here, the few of us are boring!" Lu Yunfeng's mouth was sweet.

In the past, Chi Shuyan asked herself that he didn’t feel much about Lu Yunfeng, but later found out that this guy has a sweet mouth, and his liking for Lu Yunfeng has also risen sharply. At this time, Chi Shuyan became a little interested and also said a few words to Lu Yunfeng. .

"Sister-in-law, by the way, I heard from Lu Chengfu, what kind of jade bracelets and jade medals you gave me. There are many jadeites in my house. Last time I went to bet on stone, I didn’t help. Sister-in-law, you don’t need to give me Jade bracelets and jade tiles!"

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