Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 607: Six hundred and ten

Chi Shuyan was taken aback for a moment, and the black ring was resting on her palm. Chi Shuyan clearly noticed that after Zhou Manqing gave her the ring, her body became more transparent, Chi Shuyan's face changed slightly, and she immediately hit a light shield.

Zhou Manqing's body was firmer now.

No matter how precious this ring is, Chi Shuyan didn’t plan to ask for it. He planned to give it back. Zhou Manqing shook his head: “Master Chi, from the first day I happened to get this ring, I knew it was a good thing, but I’m a ghost. There are restrictions on this ring, and it can’t be used by me. It’s better to hand it over to Master Chi."

Chi Shuyan really did not expect Zhou Manqing to be so open-minded. She faintly felt that there were not only prohibitions but also restrictions on this black ring.

The spirit power left by the owner of the ring, as well as a familiar breath, wait, it's the breath of a monk!

Chi Shuyan's face changed suddenly.

Chi Shuyan said at this time to Zhou Manqing: "This is indeed an extraordinary good thing. Wouldn't it be a pity for you to give this thing to me? I can only say that if you give me this ring, you will regret it!"

This thing is definitely an extraordinary treasure, Chi Shuyan still intends to confiscate it, intending to return it to Zhou Manqing.

Zhou Manqing did not hesitate to shook his head: "Master Chi, this thing is not suitable for me. Even if you give it to me, it is useless. It is better to give it to the most suitable person! At that time, I wanted to take revenge. The ring’s ban, but the ring’s aura repels me very much. I faintly think that Master Chi’s aura on your body is very similar to the ring’s aura. Maybe you can unlock the ring’s ban. Although I didn’t intend to get this ring, but I and this ring No chance!"

Chi Shuyan was sure that Zhou Manqing really intended to give this ring to her, and she was very curious about the faint breath of monks coming from the ring, Chi Shuyan had to accept it first, but decided that Zhou Manqing, an extraordinary person, must be returned. situation.

Chi Shuyan first threw out a bottle of pill that was good for ghosts and let Zhou Manqing take it. When Zhou Manqing took the next pill, he didn't need to use light-shielding charms and his body was very solid.

Zhou Manqing is very aware of the benefits of this pill, and is grateful: "Thank you Master Chi!"

Chi Shuyan asked, "What are your plans?"

Since Zhou Manqing has been killed by humans, she can’t reincarnate. She can only be a ghost or a ghost. Chi Shuyan can’t see Zhou Manqing’s end, and she has the thought of seeing Fu Shiyin in her heart. She vaguely guessed who Zhou Manqing is most concerned about today. It is Fu Shiyin.

Zhou Manqing frankly said: "Master Chi, I want to see him. If he is doing well, I won't bother me anymore. No matter what happens to me afterwards, I will recognize it!"

At this time, Chi Shuyan’s cell phone ringing suddenly rang, and Chi Shuyan glanced at the unfamiliar phone and was still a little confused. He picked it up, and soon there was a nice voice from a man: “Master Chi, I’m Fu Shiyin. The agent wants to call you. If there is any interruption, I hope you Haihan. I wonder if Master Chi is free now? I want to meet you!"

Zhou Manqing, who was a ghost next to her, was naturally very keen. At this moment, she suddenly heard Fu Shiyin's voice, her body suddenly stopped, pain and trance flashed through her eyes, and she quickly recovered her calm.

Chi Shuyan was thinking about finding Fu Shiyin just now, but he didn't expect him to come first. Chi Shuyan looked at Zhou Manqing on the side, and naturally immediately agreed to meet him at a restaurant near the apartment!

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