Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 616: Six hundred and twenty

Not long after Chi Shuyan and Qi Zhenbai arrived, Feng Yuanlin and his girlfriend also arrived on the back foot. I don’t know why, she didn’t want to look at it, but the green light on Feng Yuanlin’s forehead was too bright, so she couldn’t control her. He secretly looked at the green light on Feng Yuanlin's forehead.

Chi Shuyan didn't notice that Qin Qing's gaze came over and explored the somewhat cold expression in his eyes.

Qi Zhenbai is naturally very keen. His wife's gaze can't escape his eyes, but he doesn't believe that his wife will like Feng Yuanlin, but this does not prevent him from breaking the vinegar bottle to be jealous, and his face suddenly sinks.

Qin Qing suddenly said, "Miss Chi,..."

Feng Yuanlin interrupted Qin Qing's words: "It's all his own, so if you call Miss Chi, just call Zhenbai's wife's name!"

Qin Qing was obviously reluctant, and reluctantly looked at Qi Zhenbai, who was so cold in front of him. He didn't know whether it was intentionally or unintentionally, "Shu Yan, as soon as Yuan Lin was dispatched, you would know the news. You have been in contact with Yuan Lin." By the way, when I went into Yuan Lin's office just now, why did you spray water on Yuan Lin?"

Feng Yuanlin was a little impatient, wondering why Qin Qing suddenly raised the matter out of normal.

Just as Feng Yuanlin was about to explain, Chi Shuyan first said: "Miss Qin, didn't you explain the closure just now? It's my man who has been in contact with the closure, and I just chatted with the closure. It is probably too humorous to close the game. I accidentally sprayed water on his face, so I wiped him casually. I'm really sorry!"

When Chi Shuyan said this, he obviously noticed that the man's grip on her wrist was getting stronger, and then the other party's strength released.

Feng Yuanlin waved his hand quickly: "Little things, little things! What apologize!"

Feng Yuanlin couldn't help but glanced at Yan Zhenbai's face. Sure enough, Zhenbai's face was so dark right now. He was very glad to see that his girlfriend was not Zhenbai, otherwise he would not have thought of the scene. . It is estimated that Zhenbai has been air-conditioned.

Qin Qing subconsciously glanced at the expression of Mr. Qi in front of him, and seeing his expression as usual, his eyes flickered!

Feng Yuanlin didn't think Zhenbai would misunderstand his relationship with Shuyan, but he was afraid that he would be jealous. This girl usually sees his wife closely, and occasionally he accidentally touches his daughter-in-law, and the kid is cold-eyed. After a few glances, Feng Yuanlin didn't want to be air-conditioned by Zhen Bai, and immediately followed Chi Shuyan's words that although she wiped water for him, the two of them did not have any physical contact and did not wipe it for long.

Qi Zhenbo's cold eyes shot at Feng Yuanlin: "How long do you want to wipe?"

"No, no, I will wipe it myself, can I wipe it myself? How dare you trouble your wife!" Feng Yuanlin rolled his eyes and couldn't help but said.

That topic just now ends here.

It didn't take long for Qin Qing to take the initiative to look for topics. Of course, the subjects were Qi Zhenbai, and Mr. Qi said from time to time, the intention of holding the thighs was not too obvious.

Feng Yuanlin couldn't help but look a little ugly.

Qi Zhenbai completely ignored the woman in front of him as a transparent person, and immersed himself in peeling shrimp for his wife. Chi Shuyan also immersed himself in eating the shrimp peeled by the man, occasionally letting the man next to him peel it faster.

Qi Zhenbai also speeded up silently. Qin Qing didn't know if he was stimulated and ignored by the man in front of him. He was very faceless and his face was very stiff and ugly.

It’s not good to eat too much. Qi Zhenbai thinks it’s the same, so he simply puts all the dishes his wife likes in her bowl. Chi Shuyan occasionally picks up vegetables for the man next to him. The two are sweet and sweet, although the man doesn’t give it. Qin Qing's face, but after all, the other party is Feng Yuanlin's girlfriend, Chi Shuyan asked, "Miss Qin, what did you just say?"

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