Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 618: Six hundred twenty two

Qin Qing almost couldn't sit down with a faceless face. Suddenly, when Mr. Qi heard what he said, he looked forward to Feng Yuanlin. What Feng Yuanlin hates most is going through the back door, so he didn't want to refuse directly: "No, Zhenbai. , If people want to get something, they have to fight for it. What is the matter of relying on relationships? Don't give me face!

Qin Qing's face turned green immediately.

Hearing Feng Yuanlin's words, Chi Shuyan almost squirted, and then looked at the woman in front of her with a green face and mourned for this woman.

Qi Zhenbai said lightly and lightly: "Sure, since that's the case, Miss Qin will take the upper hand by her own ability! I believe Miss Qin has this ability!" The tone is indescribable!

Feng Yuanlin then echoed: "That's what I mean, it's a good thing to rely on my own ability to be in the top position, but I won't be able to have this kind of relationship in the future. Besides, I am not a woman who can't support myself!" After that, Feng Yuanlin side. Looking at Qin Qing next to him, his tone was rare and serious, with a hint of warning: "Don't bother Zhenbai with such small things in the future!"

Chi Shuyan realized that after Feng Yuanlin was behind, the woman in front of her was not only green but also blue.

Of course, if this woman hadn't put a green hat on Feng Yuanlin, maybe she would help to say a few words, but seeing the green light on Feng Yuanlin's forehead, Chi Shuyan shut up and immersed herself in the food.

Qin Qing was indeed trembling with anger. If it were not for the wrong occasion, she almost didn't throw the chopsticks and left, pinching the chopsticks with her fingers, and her knuckles turned white.

After dinner, Qin Qing sullen her face without saying a word, as if angry with Feng Yuanlin.

Feng Yuanlin didn't notice that his girlfriend was angry at all, but instead laughed that Yan Yan and Qi Zhenbai were chatting and laughing, and toasting from time to time.

It’s been a long time since I saw Zhenbai’s haircut. Feng Yuanlin was really excited. He suddenly looked at Chi Shuyan and suddenly said, "Daughter-in-law, Zhenbai, if you have anything to do in the future, come directly to the police station and find me. I'll settle it for you."

When Qin Qing heard Feng Yuanlin's words, her fingernails almost didn't break.

Chi Shuyan smiled a little: "Thank you so much for closing the game!"

Feng Yuanlin waved his hand: "What is the relationship between me and Zhenbai? Both are my own!"

Qi Zhenbai pours wine to Feng Yuanlin again, Chi Shuyan sees the two men drinking one drink after another, but she also knows that the man next to her is very self-disciplined and restrained.

But today it is estimated that I saw Feng Yuanlin's hair chirping, his complexion softened a little bit less cold, and his mood was very happy. At this time, his cold eyebrows were very soft, and it was obvious that he attached great importance to Feng Yuanlin's hair chirping.

Only if the man knew that the woman in front of him was given a green hat by the woman surnamed Qin, Chi Shuyan didn't dare to think about the scene, and vaguely felt that the man had to kill the woman Qin Qing.

Qi Zhenbai saw his daughter-in-law staring at him, thinking that his daughter-in-law was afraid that he would drink too much alcohol. Under the table, he lightly patted her fingers to show that he was proper.

On the side, Feng Yuanlin also mistakenly thought that Zhenbai's wife was worried about Zhenbai, and said cheerfully, half teasing and half ambiguous: "Daughter-in-law Zhenbai, you probably don't know how much Zhenbai can drink without being drunk! Look at it, drank it. With so much, my face is blushing, what's wrong with your man's face, I think you should worry about me."

"What is my wife worried about you?" Qi Zhenbai asked deliberately in a cold voice with a dark face.

"Yes, don't think that only you have a daughter-in-law, and I also have a daughter-in-law!" Feng Yuanlin took a sip of wine, and said suddenly after a meal: "Maybe you have to drink my wedding wine first! A Qing, do you think it is right? ?"

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