Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 654: Sixty-five

Seeing her aunt's pensive appearance, I was really afraid that she would send money to those who were deceived, and hurriedly said: "Auntie, you must not find any gods, they are all deceitful warlocks. Uncle has already hired M country heavily. Experts from abroad are definitely better than our domestic experts. Aunt, I don’t think Shuyi will wake up in a few days."

Chen Meilin's expression became a little loose when she heard Jiang Xue's last words, and she sighed slightly: "Hope." However, she temporarily dispelled the idea of ​​looking for some celestial master to see.

"Auntie, is your daughter really stained with dirt?"

Chen Meilin looked slightly stunned, and she looked up and saw the white and tender seven-year-old boy who appeared in front of her. His eyes were shiny and he looked very clever. She barely smiled and did not speak.

"Kid, how do you talk?" Jiang Xue frowned.

Lin Haoxing glanced at the hostile Jiang Xue, and waved her hands in a frantic voice and said, "Sister, auntie, I have no ill will."

Turned her head to Chen Meilin and said seriously: "Auntie, when I was a child, I often saw those terrible dirty things. My parents and grandfather couldn't see it. I thought I was ill and ran to many hospitals and they were not cured."

Lin Haoxing raised her white and tender face, feeling empathetic: "Fortunately, I met Sister Shuyan. With Sister Shuyan's talisman and magical instruments to protect me, those dirty things can't get close."

"Really?" Chen Meilin looked at the young child in front of her, who spoke fluently and fluently. She hesitated for a moment, and immediately asked with interest: "My child, your sweet face... who is your sister? Can you introduce me to it? ?"

"Aunt--" Jiang Xue stared at the child in front of him unkindly, and secretly said that he must have heard her talking to her aunt just now, dormant here to deceive people. It's really not good to look at people. All liars are so young these days? She even dared to buy first-class cabin, but her aunt was so frustrated that she really came up with such a liar.

"Okay, okay, Sister Shuyan is amazing." Lin Haoxing nodded like garlic, very excited about being able to help people on the plane and also bringing Sister Shuyan into business.

As soon as Jiang Xue heard that he still had an accomplice, it was fine. She frowned immediately, her eyes flashed with boredom, she saw that the aunt on the side had to make an appointment with the little liar, and when she saw the magic stick, she glanced at the little liar. , Noticed the jade pendant on his neck, hurriedly put away the hostility in his eyes, showed a smile, and coaxed softly: "Children, my aunt and I happened to be in an emergency today. Didn't you mean your sister Shuyan's Fuluo? It’s very useful with magical instruments? How about you sell a few talismans first, or give us a try on the jade article on your body? How about leaving a phone call and contacting you later?"

Lin Haoxing was taken aback for a moment, scratching the back of his head, blinking his eyes a little entangled and said, "But I'm almost running out of the talisman and magical instruments that Sister Shuyan gave me. Only this jade artifact and five peace symbols are left."

He was telling the truth, and it fell in Jiang Xue's eyes. This was an excuse. He mistakenly thought that he was deliberately raising the price of magical artifacts and talisman. As expected, when Jiang Xue heard that a talisman cost 50,000 yuan, his eyes flashed and his eyes disgusted. Even more.

"Oh, little brother, since the magical artifacts and the talisman are so powerful, it's enough for you to have one."

In the end, Lin Haoxing couldn't squeeze Jiang Xue's soft and hard foam, and then handed the only five talisman in the small schoolbag to Chen Meilin with a painful expression, and Jiang Xue snatched it.

Jiang Xue saw the dismay on Lin Haoxing's face, and a touch of sarcasm crossed the corner of his mouth. What is a pity about these pieces of torn paper, it is really for the money to do everything, if it weren't for the aunt here, would she give a good face? Just when Chen Meilin wanted to pay the cash.

Jiang Xue quickly blocked the cash, and said with a very empathetic smile: "Auntie, it is inconvenient for this kid to take so much money. It is easy to lose."

When he said that, he took out a card from his bag and smiled slightly: "I just have a card, and the card is exactly two hundred and fifty thousand."

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