As soon as Wei's father left, Chi Shuyan approached, Qi Zhenbai's expression was a little serious and said, "Why didn't I say anything to me before such a big thing happened?"

Chi Shuyan realized that she was now more unafraid of the man in front of her, even if it was the man with a cold face, she knew that this man was pretentious and unwilling to lose his temper with her, and quickly took the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to confess his mistakes with her.


After a while, Qi Zhenbai's cold face eased.

"By the way, why didn't you leave yesterday? Did you sleep comfortably on the sofa?" Chi Shuyan said with a smile.

Qi Zhenbaixin said yesterday that his future father-in-law didn’t want to see him so much. How could he leave with peace of mind, so he thought of a way to do what he wanted. He also went to the home of Head Wei, who has a good relationship with his father-in-law, although this morning It seems that the results are still small, but it is barely accepted by his future father-in-law, and it is also a qualitative change.

Qi Zhenbai was silent for a while, and couldn't help thinking again about his father-in-law's attitude to him this morning. Is this a reluctance?

Qi Zhenbai couldn't help but ask, "Daughter-in-law, do you think our dad's attitude towards me this morning counts as accepting that we are together?"

Chi Shuyan got stuck when asked. She really didn't know how to answer the man's words. Chi Shuyan was silent. The man in front of him became more and more unstable, his complexion becoming more and more serious and stiff.

Chi Shuyan put the man’s nervous look into his eyes, a little chuckle in his heart, half-joking and half-honestly saying to the man: "Actually, I think it’s not important that my dad accepts you or not. The important thing is that my dad thinks I’m still young. Looking for a boyfriend so early, by the way, my dad planned to find me a son-in-law to be a parent. Will you be a parent? If you are willing to be a parent, it is probably not long before my dad accepts you."

When Chi Shuyan didn't pay attention to what she said, the man's eyes flashed darkly and darkened.

At seven o'clock in the evening, her father hadn't returned yet, Chi Shuyan couldn't help being a little worried. Qi Zhenbai had already gone out to find someone. It didn't take long.

The Wei family eldest brother hurried over to look for her, his expression a bit solemn: "Sister Shuyan, it's not OK, something happened to Uncle Chi today!"

Chi Shuyan's expression changed drastically, and the eldest brother of the Wei family hurriedly said: "In fact, it's not counted as having an accident with Uncle Chi, but it has something to do with Uncle Chi! Uncle Chi is in Shen's house now!"

Wei Ting said while telling Shuyan what happened before and after, saying that today Uncle Chi took people to inspect various counties and villages. He hadn't encountered the'living dead' several times before, but he did not expect that he would run into a body in the evening. For someone with a rotten smell and weird smell, Uncle Chi knew something was wrong when he saw the man. Seeing that he still had human saneness, he just wanted to take the person away directly. How could he know that the person was normal before a second, and suddenly the corpse poisoned suddenly after a second. Pounced on Uncle Chi and bit someone.

At that time, because everyone went on separate patrols, Uncle Chi only took one or two soldiers. The two soldiers next to him were stunned by the horrified scene, but forgot to save them the first time.

Coincidentally, no one expected the woman Shen Rongyin to appear and rescue Uncle Chi, but even though she saved Uncle Chi, she was bitten by the ‘living dead’ and the injuries were unclear. She is still unconscious.

Chi Shuyan first heard the corpse-poisoned person pounce on her dad to bite, and her face was very ugly. Not long after she heard that the woman Shen Rongyin was bitten and rescued her dad, her face became more ugly. Because his father didn’t have much affection for Shen Rongyin, and Shen Rongyin’s dad wouldn’t be moved by anything. She just breathed a sigh of relief. She didn’t know that Shen Rongyin’s sudden rescue of her father was waiting for her. Chi Shuyan frowned, frowning. , The woman surnamed Shen is too weird, she doesn't want her father to have anything to do with this woman Shen Rongyin at all.

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