Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 888: Eight hundred ninety-seven

Qi Zhenbai directly slapped his wife up in front of his father-in-law, and strode away.

Wei Xiao retracted his eyes, swallowing his saliva and suddenly rushed to Chi Ling Yan: "This Qi family seems to be... really rare to look at? It's really good for Yan Yan!"

Chi Lingyan's expression was also very complicated at this time.

Wei Ting said at this time: "Uncle Chi, don't worry, Yan Yan will be my sister in the future, and the Qi family will not dare to bully Yan Yan!"

Wei Xiao twitched the corner of his mouth, waved his hand and quickly moved the kid away.

Waiting for Wei Ting to leave, Wei Xiao rushed to Ling Yan and said, "Lao Chi, this kid is a fool, don't bother with this kid."

Chi Lingyan said, "Yan Yan will be lucky to have a brother like Alting in the future!"

"Okay, let's not talk about those imaginary things!" Suddenly thinking of something, Wei Xiao couldn't help but pat Chi Lingyan on the shoulder and sighed: "Lao Chi, I really don't know what to say about you tonight. Lucky or unlucky! You didn't intend to be really responsible for that woman Shen Rongyin, did you?"

Wei Xiao thinks things have always been accustomed to thinking about the worst. Now that the Lao Chi family has a relationship with the Qi family, Shen's political commissar is always fair, and he is afraid that Lao Chi will be held responsible for saving people with Shen Rongyin.

Even if Lao Chi refuses to be responsible, after this incident, Lao Chi's relationship with the Shen family will probably not be cleared away. Even if Lao Chi really wants to clear it away, he might be accused of ungratefulness.

After listening to Wei Xiao’s analysis, Chi Lingyan’s complexion changed, and she said: “Political Commissar Shen should not be this kind of person. Besides, the relationship between Yan Yan and the Qi family has not been settled. In the future, I don't expect my daughter to marry into a high school, I hope she will be safe forever!"

Wei Xiao sighed in his heart. He said that he always thought that way. It doesn't mean that other people think so. No matter what, he owed the Shen family a very big favor today, which is very bad to pay, plus the woman of Shen Rongyin. Xiao Xiang Lao Chi again, to be honest, if this woman wasn't too weird, he might have been trying to persuade Lao Chi to marry someone if she was going to give Lao Chi to this girl in the Shen family.

It's just that he thinks that the girl of the Shen family is too weird. When he thinks about the old Ren family, how dare Wei Xiao persuade Lao Chi to accept her.

Wei Xiao suddenly said: "Old Chi, by the way, how was it so coincidental today that the daughter of the Shen family suddenly ran into you when something happened?"

Chi Lingyan shook his head and said that he didn't know. He really didn't know. When the corpse poisoned person came forward, he was about to do it. He had his daughter's talisman in his pocket, so he didn't panic. It's just that Shen Rongyin's woman suddenly appeared, and she directly pushed the corpse poisoned away.

At this time, Chi Lingyan didn't want to maliciously speculate whether the other party had any other purpose. Regardless of whether it dragged him down, he did save his life and saved him.

Wei Xiao sighed and said: "I really don't know if you and the girl of the Shen family are really fate, just this chance can also appear between you, but it is too late, you lead the love of the Shen family to the love of the woman of Shen Rongyin Go to appreciate the feelings, don’t lose yourself! Political Commissar Shen wants to talk to you, and you don’t agree to any conditions!"

She parted ways with Lao Chi, and the fact that Shen Rongyin was bitten for Chi Lingyan was almost known to everyone for a while. Chang Qing was waiting for her old Wei for this matter. At this moment, she couldn't help but say, "Shen Rongyin, is she okay? Lao Chi is fine too! You are Lao Chi’s good brother, but you have to remind Lao Chi to appreciate the compassion and don’t lose yourself. Shen Rongyin is not an ordinary woman, so she has a deep mind. Maybe she deliberately guided herself this time. I want to use kindness to force Lao Chi into submission!"

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