Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 931: Nine hundred forty one

Speaking of Da Meng's death inexplicably and Zhongxie jumping into the river, the old village chief still has lingering fears, and the death of Da Meng jumping into the river became the last straw to oppress the village's panic, which caused a very big shock.

Everyone knows that this is a sinister, it must be a sinister.

As for those people who disappeared suddenly in the village before, Lijiacun also knows that these people may be more ill-fortune.

Later, in addition to Da Meng, those villages used to gather together in private to find someone with him, but they did not end well. It was either accidental death or injury. All the corpses appeared in the sacrificial river inexplicably.

The people in Lijia Village were originally feudal and superstitious in jealous of ghosts and gods. Since then, people in the village have said that this is because the goddess of the river is angry and demanding sacrifices to them. The missing persons in these years are probably because they did not give sacrifices. So the river **** empress was angry.

Therefore, since then, they have held a living sacrifice in Lijia Village once a day, and hoped that the River God Empress would let them go for Lijia Village for their sincerity. Later, some people in their village were still missing, but no one dared to investigate again. .

The only thing they are fortunate is that the number of missing persons has decreased in recent years. Therefore, Lijiacun regards the annual sacrifice as the most important festival.

From the actual population check in Lijia Village, Chaoshan Village, and after listening to the old village head’s talk about the origin of offering sacrifices to living people, Wei Xiao felt very complicated and uncomfortable. As for the feudal bad habits of using living people to sacrifice sacrifices, he just couldn’t use it anymore and wanted to abolish it immediately , But this is the custom of Lijiacun for more than ten years after all.

Back to the military area, it was already six in the evening.

When he first arrived at the office, someone reported to him that the autopsy results of the Shen family’s autopsy were exactly the same as the death of the old Shen family’s daughter-in-law, but there was no corpse poison in his body.

Wei Xiao knew about it from Yan Yan. He was still very heavy when he thought of the Lijiacun incident. He returned home and soon after he settled his family’s heart, he got up and found an excuse to go to Lao Chi’s house. Sit for a while.

Chang Qing originally wanted to tell this man about the move of the Shen family next door, but saw that the man was in a hurry and didn't want to listen to her. Chang Qing thought he had something urgent, so he had to give up and watched him go to Chi's house anyway. After returning to the military area, she didn't worry much.

Along the way, Wei Xiao was immersed in the affairs of Lijia Village. He didn't think much about hearing the movement next door to his house.

Waited until Yan Yan's house.


At this time, Lao Chi and the Qi family were also there. Chi Shuyan saw Father Wei’s eyes lit up: "Uncle Wei! Are you here?" Before Wei Xiao could speak, Chi Shuyan smiled a bit, "Uncle Wei, You are very lucky today. My dad and Zhenbai are showing off their cooking skills tonight! Uncle Wei, you have a good taste!"

Wei Xiao didn't think much just now. At this moment, he smelled the scent from the kitchen. He didn't eat much at noon, but he had a lot of appetite. Wei Xiao went to the kitchen and glanced at him. He could still calm down after seeing Lao Chi cooking well. Just waiting to see the chef of the Qi family, Wei Xiao almost went out of his eyes, and felt that the Qi family was really not so good to Yan Yan.

Qi Zhenbai said that he was cooking, but he was instructed by his father-in-law to cook. He also saw that his father-in-law planned to cultivate his cooking skills and let him cook more for his wife in the future.

Qi Zhenbai didn't have any opinion, but he always followed Baidu in cooking, he could cook simple dishes, and a little bit more complicated. In the eyes of his future father-in-law, Qi Zhenbai wiped a cold sweat.

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