Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 956: Nine hundred sixty seven

Wei Man carefully supported the pregnant woman for fear that she would trip and take her to the toilet. This time he felt that the road was longer. After more than ten minutes of walking, he still didn't arrive. He became more and more confused and strange, especially when he went to the toilet before. Why haven't you been up the stairs, but why have you kept going up the stairs now?

The middle-aged high-collared pregnant woman next to her said: "It should be like this. Last time I remembered going to the public bathroom of the hospital, I went here!"

But Wei Man got more and more wrong. After walking for a while, he looked up at the faint light in front of him as if it could swallow him. He stopped inexplicably, wrong, very wrong.

"Why don't you leave?" the middle-aged high-collared woman asked with a puzzled look.

Wei Man didn't think much about it before, but now he was more frightened at the still gentle smile of the woman in front of him, especially the cold temperature on this woman, which was just like a dead person.


Wei Man's right eyelid jumped sharply. It's okay that he didn't think much before, but at this moment the word'dead' flashed through his mind, and suddenly he thought of that ghost talisman inexplicably, his face froze greatly, and the more he thought about it. Make up more.

He looked up again and saw the woman in front of him showing an increasingly weird and bigger smile, his scalp was numb, and his legs were a little unstable.

"Young man, why aren't you leaving? I won't go anymore? Why don't I take you away? You can help me up a little bit more!" The woman's smile became more and more weird, and the dark eyes looked at the person who was extremely cold and oozing. People, under the light, the woman's face was especially pale, with a dead person.

Wei Man now thinks more and more scared, thinks more and more regrets his curiosity before, forcibly resisting the trembling of his teeth, forced his face to face the opponent's line of sight and almost cracked, he opened his mouth to speak, but his throat was filled with cold wind. Live, he couldn't utter a word, and his legs were shaking.

"Boy, what's the matter with you? Why are you shaking all over? Cold? You go up with me for a while and it won't be cold!" The elderly pregnant woman continued with a deep smile.

Wei Man's heart jumped with horror, and the sweat coming out of his forehead was dense. He immediately let go of the opponent's hands and forced to calm down and suffocated a sentence: "Excuse me, auntie, I have other things. The bathroom is up there. I It is inconvenient for a man to follow you and a woman! You should go up by yourself!"

After speaking, Wei Man turned and ran desperately without waiting for the other party to reply.

"I've walked here and want to run? Where did you go?" The elderly pregnant woman's originally gentle and generous smile converged, and suddenly distorted her face and said gloomily, her voice being more gloomy than before. sad.

Wei Man glanced back curiously, facing the other's hideous and distorted face, his complexion changed drastically, his legs softened, and he almost fell to the ground in shock.

Under the light, the woman had a hideous face, cold eyes, and a **** hole in her belly, but the smile on her face got bigger and bigger, and her hand stretched out longer and she was about to catch him.

Wei Man was really frightened right now, crying father and mother gritted his teeth and never dared to look back and desperately called for help, his face collapsed and his voice broke.

But with the laughter of the women around him getting closer and closer, Wei Man’s limbs were all chilly, and his whole body was just taken out of the water, just when the hand touched his shoulder, Wei Man was frightened. Turning black, the three souls went to the five souls, and the eyes were dark, and he passed out in shock.

The next day, Wei Man faintly heard someone calling him.

"Youngest, are you okay!"

"Brother Wei, are you okay!"

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