Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 963: Nine hundred seventy four

"What to do then?" Wei Xiao's face changed suddenly, and something suddenly occurred to him: "Yan Yan, isn't that Shen Rongyin no longer a human being. Using the talisman you gave before can make the other person show his true shape?"

He wants to catch people now, catch them early and get better.

Chi Shuyan shook her head: "Although she is not a human, sooner or later she will be swallowed by the ghosts raised in the bracelet, but she is still reluctant to be a human now, and Fulu has little effect on her."

She felt that the other party's flaws were all in the bracelet, but the woman Shen Rongyin was also aware of her flaws, and she looked at the bracelet more seriously than life.

After Chi Shuyan said these words, she realized that her father hadn't spoken from beginning to end, but just listened to them expressionlessly. For a while, she really felt a little guilty.

At this time, Chi Lingyan finally said, "What is going on with that woman Shen Rongyin?"

Wei Xiao looked regretful, and then realized that there were many things he hadn't told Lao Chi. He glanced at Yan Yan who was somewhat guilty of conscience, and took the initiative to open Yan Yan, saying that he had something to say to him.

Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief. It would be good if Uncle Wei was there. It happened that she had something to find the man Qi Zhenbo. It would be better to expose the bones of the Shen family’s flower garden as soon as possible. Even if the woman Shen Rongyin didn’t admit it, she could just give it. A warning from the other party, at least the other party did not dare to move rashly recently.

"Dad, Uncle Wei, talk about it! Talk about it! I have asked Zhenbo in advance!" Chi Shuyan said quickly.

Chi Lingyan stared at the steps of his girl hurriedly leaving with complicated eyes, and said in a jealous tone: "Old Wei, you have gone with Yanyan recently than my dad! I don't know yet. I thought you were a father and a daughter!"

Wei Xiao did not hear his brother’s jealous tone, but was happily said by his brother. Now he is more and more wishing to have such a beautiful, sensible and capable girl, and said cheerfully: "I and Yan Yan The relationship is naturally good, can it be bad? Others can also be considered foresight!"

Chi Lingyan:...

Without waiting for Chi Lingyan to speak, Wei Xiao said: "Why don't I recognize Yan Yan as a girl!"

A son-in-law who just came to grab his daughter, now has a godfather? What's the matter?

Chi Lingyan didn't want to refuse directly: "Get out! That's my girl!"

Wei Xiao heard Lao Chi's jealousy now, and couldn't help but laugh out loudly: "Lao Chi, are you jealous? You are jealous too? This is the first time I saw him!"

After Wei Xiao finished speaking, he carefully looked at the green and white face of the brother in front of him, becoming more and more happy.

However, Chi Lingyan didn't show the slightest expression when he was "sucked" by Wei's father. Thinking of his sister-in-law's affairs, he dignifiedly asked a few words to make sure that Wei said that his sister-in-law was really fine.

Father Wei told Chi Lingyan about Yan Yan giving his wife the Ping Fu and a series of Ping Fu to protect his life. Father Wei said with emotion: "Lao Chi, if it wasn't for Yan Yan, I really don't know what your sister-in-law would do? Now I don’t know how to thank you and Yan Yan!"

Father Wei thought that his wife looked at Yan Yan at the first glance. I don’t know if his wife’s vision is too poisonous and good, but it’s a pity that Yan Yan has a boyfriend, who is from the Qi family. Wei's father had no choice but to rest. Thoughts.

Hearing that Wei's father said that Yan Yan gave a talisman to keep his sister-in-law who fell from the third floor safe and sound. Chi Lingyan was still a little confused, and even wondered if what Old Wei said was a bit exaggerated.

He was half-awake and stunned for a while and quickly returned to his senses, stunned and waved his hand and said: "It's all a family, thank you for coming and going! What's the matter with my sister-in-law to Yan Yan, I know that, right? ,What exactly is going on?"

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