Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 979: Nine hundred and ninety

"Yan Yan, how do you know this thing will come to Ating and Aman?" Wei Xiao asked suddenly.

Chi Shuyan said that his master was a celestial master, so he would look at his face. At that time, he saw that the eldest brothers of the Wei family and the third brothers of the Wei family would be contaminated with some dirt, so he posted a few talismans just in case.

At this time, not only did Wei's father look at Chi Shuyan with a look in his eyes, but he also felt that Yan Yan’s ability was beyond his imagination. Even next to Wei Ting and Wei Man, he looked at her with the eyes of a master. Wei Man is very excited and said, "Yan Yan, will your master still accept apprentices?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wei's father slapped the back of the head and told him to shut up.

Chi Shuyan realized that her father was also looking at her frequently and complicatedly, feeling a little guilty in her heart, or she looked more at the tall man standing next to her, and felt more at ease. She actively changed the subject and asked about the recent investigation. For example, the cause of death of the former head of the regiment.

Just as Wei Xiao was about to speak, Qi Zhenbai's phone suddenly rang. He took out the phone and scanned the screen, squinted, and nodded to his future father-in-law and Wei's father to say hello, and asked them to continue talking. He walked aside to answer the phone.

It didn’t take long for him to answer the phone, he hung up, and said to Wei's father, Chi's father and his daughter-in-law: “The eldest son who disappeared before the Ren family has news! I have asked him to take him back to the military area. I think he should Know something about that woman Shen Rongyin!"

Qi Zhenbo's words fell like thunder, Father Wei and Father Chi looked surprised, and Chi Shuyan also smiled.

What is most lacking now is evidence to prove Shen Rongyin's murder. Although he reported the missing persons before, the evidence was not enough. After more than ten years, except for some strangeness and time points, the evidence was not enough.

The original flower garden case could be linked to the missing persons case, but they found that Shen Rongyin was very cunning. Even if she were to give her a solid net, she could find a hole in it, and understate the person who buried the flower garden. The bones were completely wiped out.

This time the eldest son who had disappeared before the Ren family came back. I hope that Shen Rongyin’s crime can be settled immediately. Chi Shuyan, as a precaution, asked Qi Zhenbai if he could invite someone from the Su family, that is, Su Yin. Family.

Since the death of Su Yin, who was Shen Rongyin's best friend, was unclear, although the Su family didn't know how Su Yin died, they should be able to recognize the bracelet on Shen Rongyin's wrist, not afraid that Shen Rongyin's woman would be exonerated.

Qi Zhenbo nodded, and Father Wei and Father Chi also agreed very much. Wei Ting and Wei Man were curious to ask who Su Yin was, but seeing Yan Yan talking to their dad about business matters, it was hard to interrupt.

Father Wei ignored the curiosity of the two boys, and at the same time, his father repeatedly stated that if the bracelet was really evil, it would have to be destroyed by then.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door outside. Father Wei asked him to come in. Father Wei's guard came in, saying that Deputy Fang Fang came to look for him.

When Father Wei heard that it was Fang Qingyang who came to him, he didn't want to bother at all. He thought that Fang Qingyang and the woman Shen Rongyin had been entangled with the woman recently, and she was also protecting that woman, and Qingyang didn't like him.

But this person is always looking for the door, he can't go out, Chi father said at this time: "Old Wei, I will go out with you too!" Then he said to Qi Zhenbo: "You have to deal with business in advance!"

Qi Zhenbo nodded. When Father Wei, Father Chi and Wei Ting Wei Man went out, his eyes were shining towards his daughter-in-law. These days, he is busy with business affairs. There is no time to get close to his daughter-in-law. Chi Shuyan takes the initiative to hug him. Hugging the rather wronged man in front of him, he said, "Go ahead and wait for you at my house tonight!"

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