Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 990: : A tragic battle

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In the prince’s big tent, after receiving the news of the truncation of the Jingzhou army’s grain and grass, Cao Cao’s expression was a bit heavy. Today, the prince’s army has more people damaged than the defenders. However, the situation is developing in favor of the princes, as long as it continues. After the endless attacks on Huguan, and the state army made an oversight, it was time to break the Huguan.

If at this time, the Jingzhou Army retreated due to the problem of food and grass, it would definitely not be good news for the allied forces of the princes.

How elite is the Bingzhou Army under Lu Bu's command. Once there is no suppression from Jiguan, Ma Tengzhi and his ilk can't make too much waves in Longguan. From Ma Teng's attack on Longguan to the present, there are only three thousand defenders in Longguan. , It made Ma Teng anxious, not to mention Chang'an, a city with a high city and a deep city. Even if a family secretly responded, how could the state army be unprepared.

"The Jingzhou army is so incompetent that Cai Zhong is responsible for escorting the grain and grass." Yuan Shao said with a slight anger.

Cao Cao sighed: "The cavalry of the Union State Army entered the battlefield in Hanoi silently. If this cavalry cannot be removed, it will be extremely disadvantageous for our army. Judging from the news that came, the leading soldiers went out. It was Huang Zhong, a veteran of the Bingzhou Army. The Lieyang archers under his command were good at riding and shooting. The Xianbei people on the grasslands that once fought and fled, and they were very good."

"What caused the Xianbei people to flee, and the Bingzhou army only defeated the Xianbei people, it boasted that all the ministries under his command were like this." Yuan Shao coldly snorted.

The generals in the tent fell into silence when they heard this. As long as the generals with a little knowledge understand the strength of the Xianbei people, and the state army's ability to clean up the Xianbei people, this strength alone cannot tolerate them to be underestimated. .

"The three parties dispatched thousands of elite cavalry to the battlefield, and must defeat this cavalry." Cao Cao said.

"The fierce general Zhang Xun under the tent of the Hou, he is quite good at leading the battle, and he can take on this task." Yuan Shao said, three thousand elite cavalry have a great chance of winning against the Lieyang Archer, but he has heard of Lieyang Bow. Cavalry is not only an excellent war horse, but the weapons in his hand are all forged from hundred-smelting steel. If Zhang Xi is the master, he will not only gain more fame, but also a lot of things.

Cao Cao didn't refute it.

"From tomorrow on, we will launch a more violent attack on Huguan. As long as the Huguan can be broken, the army commander will drive straight in, and Binzhou will surely oscillate. When Binzhou is lurking in the dark, the enemy will be exposed to the water. Why can't you worry about breaking Lu Bu." road.

Everyone claimed that the war has reached the current stage, and there is absolutely no reason to retreat. The Quartet has completely offended the Union State Army in this battle. Only after the Union State Army is defeated, they will be more at ease.

That night, Zhang Xi gathered three thousand cavalrymen and headed towards Huaixian County. It was a very complicated task to search for enemy cavalry on the battlefield. Lieyang archers were all cavalry, and at this point, they were given to the army. Brought a lot of trouble.

However, the army of the princes launched a more violent attack on Huguan on the next day. At this time, the princes attacked completely regardless of casualties. Outside the Huguan, whenever a well was destroyed, another well will be transported again. .

Under these crazy attacks, the allied forces of the princes finally raised the ladder above the Huguan.

The pot was closed, and under the fire, the oil in the pot was boiling continuously. It has entered the summer. The soldiers who are closer to the oil pan feel the heat waves, and some soldiers have special long scoops in their hands.

And beside the oil pan, there are piles of animal dung, mixed with the fragrance from the oil pan, giving people a weird feeling.

Following the order, the soldiers next to the oil pan threw the feces into the pan without hesitation, and the oil in the pan immediately boiled.

A series of aerial ladders are mounted on the Huguan, and the soldiers responsible for the charge climb up to the Huguan at the fastest speed. The soldiers who initiate the charge first are the most dangerous on such a battlefield. They will be the first to bear the defenders. s attack.

"Let!" Xu Rong shouted, and the soldiers next to the oil pan spilled the boiling oil.

A coalition soldier raised his head and watched the Huguan vigilantly, while climbing quickly. Suddenly, a dark shadow passed from above. Under the heat, he suddenly uttered a terrible cry. The soldier under the ladder still tried to avoid it. It's hard to do it.

After falling off the ladder, the coalition soldiers screamed and screamed, and even forgot the pain in their limbs when they fell off the ladder.

This kind of scene is constantly staged under the pot.

Listening to the screams under the city, the defenders' expressions were neither sad nor happy. These people are enemies, and they will not have the slightest softness in the face of the enemy.

The coalition soldiers who were charging behind would inevitably take a look at the robe that had just fallen from the ladder. After seeing it, their hearts were cold, and their bare skin was terrible.

The screams and the tragic condition of the robe are more shocking than those injured on the But no one pays attention to the injured robe. On such a battlefield, the order they get is not to fear life or death. No difficulty can stop their pace.

Among the princes and soldiers, the most violent when they charged was the Qingzhou Army under Cao Cao's command. Qingzhou Army Master Cao Cao relied on the heavy forces. These soldiers were all composed of the Yellow Turban Army.

The oil and boulders caused considerable damage to the coalition soldiers who were attacking the city. Although the coalition forces of the princes had sharp weapons such as wells to suppress them, the casualties were extremely heavy.

With the fierce offensive of the princes alliance, more and more coalition soldiers boarded the Huguan.

A Bingzhou sergeant shouted angrily and slashed the ring head knife towards a coalition army. At this time, the Bingzhou sergeant already had three wounds on his body, one of which was shocking and chopped on his left arm for the enemy. , The blood keeps flowing.

The faces of the coalition soldiers showed hideous faces, and two of them had already died in the hands of this person, and this person was at the end of the force.

The spear in his hand pierced the chest of the Union sergeant. To the horror of the coalition soldiers, the injuries caused by the spear did not affect the charge of the Union sergeant. The spear penetrated directly through the chest, and the ring-head knife in the hands of the Union sergeant It was also cut to the neck of the coalition soldier, and the two fell to the ground.

When the pot was closed, there were countless similar situations. In front of the coalition forces, the soldiers of the state army broke out with strong combat power. There was no retreat. Even if they died, they had to pull a person. Many soldiers refused to be lifted by the robe after being injured. The pot is off.

Paoze's continuous death in battle has already made the soldiers of the Union State Army crazy. They want to constantly kill the enemy to avenge the dead Paoze.

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(End of this chapter)

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