Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 996: : Huang Zhong makes another move

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Hanoi, this is already Huang Zhong’s third shot, except for the first time after burning a large amount of grain and grass of the Jingzhou Army, the next encounter The prince team was obviously more cautious, and there were many prince army scouts on the battlefield. Huang Zhong had to be more cautious. The scouts had spotted the cavalry sent by the princes several times.

Huang Zhong is very confident of the Lieyang Archer. He is not arrogant enough to face head-on with the cavalry of the princes on the battlefield in Hanoi. In terms of the number of soldiers, the princes have an absolute advantage. It is extremely important to the army.

"General Huang, since the enemy cavalry is not far from our army, why not defeat them. If you defeat this cavalry, the princes will definitely shake." Zhang Xiu said in confusion.

"General Zhang, the enemy general is Zhang Xun, one of the four pillars of Hanoi. Leading troops is quite structured." Huang Zhongdao.

"What Hanoi Sitingzhu is just some wine and rice bags. Two people in Hebei Sitingzhu have already died in the hands of the lord." Zhang Xiu said with disdain. He is quite clear about the combat effectiveness of the princes' army. If there are only a hundred thousand people, the Binzhou army might have already fought a decisive battle with the army of the princes.

And Zhang Xiu believes that the time for a decisive battle between the Union State Army and the Allied Forces of the Princes will not be too long. It is impossible for the State to allow the princes’ army to go down like Huguan, and the prince’s army is even more eager to fight the Union State Army. Staying in Huguan for a day will consume more food and grass. Although the Central Plains is rich, it cannot afford such a large amount of food and grass.

For example, the Jiangdong Army, so far from Jinyang, consumed a huge amount of food and grass on the way.

"Don't underestimate your opponent at any time." Huang Zhong said slowly: "Let the scout closely monitor Zhang Yun's movements."

"Here." Zhang Xiu clasped his fist and said. He admired Huang Zhong's ability very much. As a veteran, with such a powerful martial arts and magical archery skills, he was very fond of Huang Zhong. Fanaticism can be seen.

Even when Xiliang's iron cavalry was the most elite, it was nothing more than that.

Since entering Hanoi, Zhang Xi has been cautious. He understands that the Binzhou cavalry is very powerful. As long as there are some flaws, they may be seized by these cavalry. The most annoying thing for Zhang Xi is that the speed of the Lieyang bow cavalry is too fast. If it weren't for this factor, he would be able to catch up with the cavalry in Binzhou, and Huang Zhong made it clear that he didn't want to fight his own side.

After a long period of contemplation, Zhang Xi's face showed a faint smile, and the state army pictured it as the grain and grass of the princes army. If the grain and grass were used as a temptation, Huang Zhong would definitely not let this opportunity go.

After the arrangement, Zhang Yun fell asleep deeply.

Three days later, a team escorting the food and grass after the adjustment in Huai County, came slowly towards Huguan. This time, the **** of the food and grass was Chun Yuqiong, the general of the Jizhou army, after receiving news from Zhang Yun. , Chun Yuqiong was extremely excited, if he could eliminate the cavalry of the Union State Army on the battlefield, it would definitely be a great achievement.

Chun Yuqiong was one of the eight lieutenants of the West Garden. After the decline of the Han Dynasty, he took refuge under Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao also gave Chunyuqiong enough attention. Chunyuqiong was able to become one of the lieutenants of the Xiyuan. Very capable person.

Chun Yuqiong has always believed that he lacks an opportunity, and even figures such as Ju Yi can be famous all over the world, and defeating the Lieyang Archer is the opportunity for his rise.

After the grain and grass of the Jingzhou army in Hanoi were burned by the Lieyang archers, the princes were extremely strict about the grain and grass.

"The scout pays close attention to the surrounding movement, but there are those who are slack, and there is no mercy!" Chun Yuqiong shouted. From the news he received, Huang Zhong, the commander of the enemy cavalry, is quite a man of strategy. If the flaws are too obvious. He will certainly not be fooled easily, and if he is cautious enough, he may be able to attract the enemy troops. As long as he entangles these cavalry, he will not be able to defeat them.

Chun Yuqiong's prestige in the army is not low, and the scouts accompanying him have also energized him, and kept sending news around him back to the army.

"General Huang, the grain and grass escorted by the Jizhou army this time may be 50,000 stones. If these grains and grass can be burned, the pressure on the pot can be relieved to a great extent."

"Nowadays, there are cavalry of vassals on the battlefield. Once our army is entangled by the **** team, it will be dangerous." Huang Zhongdao.

"It's not easy for the enemy's cavalry to find the trail of our army. If they miss this heavy-duty team, the situation will become more and more unfavorable for our army." There is no trace of enemy cavalry at all, as long as the speed is fast enough, it will be enough to burn the grain and grass before Zhang Yun leads the troops.

Huang Zhong also fell into silence. Their most important role on the battlefield was to cut off the enemy's grain and grass. Even if the Jizhou army's grain and grass were a strategy, he would try it.

"General Zhang, you personally lead the scouts to investigate the situation of the careful not to be found by the other party." Huang Zhong warned.

An hour later, Zhang Xiu hurriedly returned with a look of excitement, "General Huang, the other party is absolutely unprepared."

After listening to Zhang Xiu's narration, Huang Zhong's eyes flashed with a sharp look.

"When our army is dispatched, we must not take it lightly. General Zhang led three hundred cavalry to respond. The scouts carefully probed for any wind and grass in the surrounding 30 miles. When the enemy cavalry appears, this general must know for the first time."

"Here." Zhang Xiu said with a fist. He was rather regretful that he could not play in person. After entering the Bingzhou Army, he deeply realized the importance of military merit. Whether it is a general or an ordinary soldier, the most important thing is military merit. They can only improve their status in the army after they have enough military merit. It is not too difficult for some generals who have performed well to lead a soldier and horse alone after going out.

The cavalry who can enter the Fiery Sun Archer are all carefully selected, and every cavalry has good abilities.

After receiving the news from the scouts, Chun Yuqiong, who was slowly advancing, hurriedly ordered the army to gather the food carts together. He had only 2,000 soldiers and horses. If he did not prepare some necessary precautions in advance, he would face the enemy. The cavalry of the army will occupy a great disadvantage.

But now that the Lieyang Bowrider appeared, he had his chance.

"Tell General Zhang that the enemy's cavalry is coming to the heavy convoy and will fight our army within half an hour at most." Chun Yuqiong said.

"Enemy attack!" I don’t know who yelled. Many soldiers looked in the direction of the billowing dust. The cowardly soldiers even trembled slightly. Although escorting grain and grass is very boring, more often than not, it’s still boring. Extremely safe, as long as the grain and grass can be delivered to the army on time, it is a great achievement.

(End of this chapter)

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