Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1009: : Dian Wei Zhan Sun Ce

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Sun Ce’s guards are carefully selected from the Jiangdong Army. They must not be entered. Although the Jiangdong Army is riding In terms of technique, it is much worse than the Bingzhou Army, but under Sun Ce's years of careful training, he has a strong combat power and made a lot of feats when Jiangdong defeated the gangsters.

The appearance of five hundred guards weakened the chaotic situation in the camp a little bit. Along the way, the Jiangdong army who saw Sun Ce's guards evaded one after another. In the Bingzhou army, the flying cavalry represented invincibility. Their pride, the invincible posture of Sun Ce's guards has penetrated into the soldiers' hearts.

Dian Wei also noticed the situation not far away. In the light of the fire, after seeing that it was Sun Ce's banner, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. He was not Yang Feng and Liu Yi. This time he went to fight, more for revenge, as Lu Bu's. Under the command of the personal guards, he could understand Lu Bu's anger at this time.

"Children Sun Ce, your grandfather is here, don't hesitate to come forward and die." Dian Wee Ce immediately yelled.

Seeing that Dian Wei was so arrogant, the general guards slapped Dian Wei forward.

With the double halberd and iron tower-like figure in his hand, Dian Wei is like a killer in the night. The posture of Dian Wei leading his guards to charge has caused a lot of waves in the hearts of Jiangdong Army generals.

"Dian Wei An dare to be so rampant, Benhou will come to meet you." Sun Ce yelled and shot him.

Taking advantage of the horse, a gunshot flashed by and took Dianwei’s throat. This shot was one of Sun Ce’s ultimate moves. It was also because the Jiangdong Army’s camp was too chaotic. If the Bingzhou Army was dispatched at this time If a large number of soldiers come, the loss of the lieutenant soldiers will be even greater.

After Dianwei confessed a few words to the deputy commander of the guard, he leaped up with the two halberds, holding Sun Ce's spear steadily, and then the left-handed halberd grabbed Sun Ce's chest with lightning speed. If a blow is a stabbing, Sun Ce absolutely has no reason to survive.

Sun Ce's eyes tightened, and the spear in his hand swung away Dianwei's left halberd. His gaze was a bit solemn when he looked at Dianwei. He knew Dianwei's bravery. What he didn't expect was that the opponent was not only powerful, in The moves are also extremely delicate.

The two played against each other, and it was more than ten times in a blink of an eye. Dian Wei was very proficient in the use of double halberds. He has been fighting with Lu Bu for many years, and his halberd has already reached the point of proficiency. Sun Ce's marksmanship is not weak. Moreover, Sun Ce is a martial artist.

Just when Sun Ce and Dianwei arrived at the same place, Guan Yu, the deputy commander of the guards, led a violent attack on Sun Ce's guards.

Guan Yu was able to walk to the position of deputy commander of the guards step by step relying entirely on his own efforts. Originally, his martial arts could only be regarded as mediocre. However, after training in the Bingzhou Army, not only did his martial arts improve significantly, but also Great progress has also been made in leading the battle.

What Lu Bu’s guard battalion fears most is the difficulty. Even if he is in the middle of the enemy army at this time, it cannot make them retreat. The weakness of the Jiangdong army has given them a deep experience. This mob. , And want to use the cavalry to block one's own offensive, it is completely a fantasy.

With a stroke of the long knife in Guan Yu's hand, the enemy cavalry weakly fell from the horse.

The two cavalry were quickly entangled in one place. After a short period of melee, one could faintly see that the guard battalion led by Dian Wei faintly took advantage. There was a clear gap between the two sides in the level of cavalry.

Sun Ce took the time to look at the battlefield behind him, and his heart moved slightly. He knew the combat effectiveness of the Guards. Although there were five hundred men, he could still win against thousands of infantrymen, but the cavalry led by Dian Wei passed by. A period of fighting.

The cavalry led by Dianwei was entangled by the Jiangdong Army, and the chaotic situation in the camp gradually stabilized. Zhou Yu immediately ordered Zu Mao to lead the army to take over Sun Ce.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Dianwei left Sun Ce and led the cavalry away.

"Chasing!" Sun Ce was furious. This was in his own camp, and the state army was like no one. This was a naked contempt for Jiangdong Army, but a general would not be willing to endure such humiliation.

"Arrow!" Dian Wei ordered when Sun Ce led his guards to kill.

A intensive rain of arrows caused Sun Ce to lead the cavalry to a halt a little bit. Seeing this opportunity, the guards moved farther away. Sun Ce's guards could not stop the cavalry led by Dianwei, let alone in the Jiangdong Army. The first reaction of many infantry soldiers when they saw the cavalry killed was not to rush up to fight, but to avoid them. The strength of the cavalry has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but any soldier who is slightly more wise will not choose to head-to-head with the cavalry. .

The Jiangdong Army did not have the ability to fight the cavalry with infantry like the first ascending the dead and the trapped Faced with the charge of the cavalry, they could only evade.

After leading the cavalry through the Jiangdong army, Dianwei felt refreshed. After just killing, the anger in his chest was reduced a lot. If the strength in his hand is sufficient, Dianwei will not retreat and treat Jiangdong. An enemy like the army must show even more tyrannical strength and means.

Taking advantage of the chaos of the Jiangdong Army, Shi A, led by Yingwei, made a **** killing of the generals of the Jiangdong Army's tutor and captain. The shadow guards usually train more to assassinate them, who were originally Jianghu knights. Most of them know how to save their lives in chaotic situations. The more chaotic the army, the more convenient their actions.

Lü Bu led a thousand cavalry soldiers and came slowly towards Cao Cao’s camp. The three princes jointly attacked Huguan. Cao Jun’s camp was located in the center. This was also to highlight the position of Cao Cao’s leader. The position in the middle was extremely important. The big advantage is that once the army encounters a surprise attack, the army of the princes on the left and right sides can support it at an extremely fast speed.

A famous flying eagle shuttled in the darkness. As early as Lu Bu decided to attack the camp of the princes, the soldiers of the flying eagle had already been dispatched. They were ghosts on the battlefield. On the lurking, even the Black Ice Platform and the shadow guards of Bingzhou. Compared with the flying eagle soldiers, there is still a big gap. Under the cover of night, a secret whistle named Cao Jun was killed.

Zhao Shu can’t remember how many secret whistles were dead in his hands. For Cao Jun’s arrangement of secret whistles, he has to say that he is unique. However, they are facing the flying eagle soldiers at this time. In terms of hiding, Compared with flying eagle soldiers, Cao Jun is like a child.

With a splash of blood, many Cao Jun's secret whistles did not think of when the Flying Eagle soldiers appeared when they died.

(End of this chapter)

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