Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1040: : Zang Ba Mou Xia Pi

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! After losing Jizhou, Yuan Shao can only go to Qingzhou. Compared with Jizhou's wealthy, Qingzhou seems a little barren and hard to support on grain As the army needs, his strength will plummet because of this.

"Lord, Huguan is dangerous. From the point of view of his subordinates, even if the coalition forces attack for another month, it will be difficult to break through. After successive battles, the soldiers in the army are already a little tired. Retiring Jizhou may be a good choice." Feng Ji Dao.

Yuan Shao was puzzled: "Why did you just say something different in front of everyone?"

Feng Ji said: "The matter of retreating troops is of great importance. If the lord decides to withdraw the troops immediately, it will inevitably be discussed by the lieutenant officers. After the matter is decided, it is not too late to inform the lieutenant officers."

Yuan Shao nodded in agreement.

The next day, the atmosphere of the princes’ army’s big account was a bit solemn. For example, Sun Ce, Cao Cao and others were in charge of other princes. They were all meticulous. The Youzhou Army aggressively attacked Jizhou and the news of Julu County was broken. It's no secret anymore.

"In the beginning, Benhou had learned about the Jizhou incident. Now that the war at Huguan has entered the most critical time, if the troops were withdrawn at the beginning, our army would be at a disadvantage." Cao Cao said.

Yuan Shao snorted coldly: "Meng De will speak at this time. If something happens in Yanzhou, will Meng De still be so peaceful? Jizhou is the root of Benhou."

"This Hou's words are based on the initial consideration. If Jizhou withdraws troops, Yanzhou Army, Jiangdong Army and Jingzhou Army will hardly make any achievements. Once the other three parties withdraw troops, who will Lu Bu deal with first?" Cao Cao said.

Yuan Shao's heart sank. Jizhou was in the midst of war at this time. As Cao Cao said, once the princes withdrew their troops, the Union State Army would definitely not give up. Based on his knowledge of Lu Bu, the target of the Union State Army was most likely Jizhou.

Whether it is Jingzhou or Yanzhou or Jiangdong, the distance from Bingzhou is a little far away. When fighting against Jizhou, Bingzhou has an absolute advantage.

Seeing Yuan Shao's silence, Cao Cao said: "There is no need to worry at the beginning. Yecheng City is high and deep. The Youzhou Army who is going to Jizhou this time is no more than 20,000 people. Bingzhou is the root of Lu Bu. , Youzhou Army will inevitably withdraw its troops."

Yuan Shao's complexion kept changing, and after a long time he said: "The Hon Hou can stay in Huguan for half a month. If he can't break the Huguan, he will definitely withdraw his troops."

Seeing Yuan Shao's agreement, a smile appeared on Cao Cao's face. Yuan Shao's character was very clear. As long as he showed his power, he was likely to change his decision. In this respect, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao have The big difference is that Cao Cao will do it as quickly as possible as long as it is something after the decision.

At Huguan, Lu Bu looked at the topographic map of Jizhou in front of him and said with a smile: "In Wenhe's opinion, will Yuan Shao withdraw troops this time?"

Jia Xu shook his head and said: "In order to attack Bingzhou, the Allied Forces of the princes paid a considerable price. It is definitely not so easy to withdraw troops. However, as long as one party withdraws troops, the rest will definitely leave. Although Youzhou Army is strong, Yuan Shao But he has been operating in Jizhou for many years. Unsurprisingly, Yuan Shao will definitely place hope on the allied forces of the princes. Once the Huguan is broken, the state will surely be shaken, and Jizhou will also gain huge benefits from this war."

"It seems that the princes will not be so reluctant to give up. They ordered people to inform Zang Ba, Gan Ning, and teach Cao Cao, Sun Ce, and Liu Biao a little lesson, so that they understand that their governance is not as stable as it seems on the surface."

Jia Xu showed excitement on his face and arched his hands: "Hey, in the opinion of his subordinates, Wang Yue can lead some of the shadow guards into Xuzhou to help General Zangba. If he can capture Xuzhou in one fell swoop, it will be of great significance to the lord. Benefits."

Lu Bu said: "Wenhe will arrange this at this time. If you can't do it for Xuzhou, you don't need to force it." If it hadn't been for the critical moment of merge, he would not easily expose the chess piece Zangba.

Jia Xu said yes, he was more optimistic about the current situation. The princes attacked Huguan. In Jia Xu's view, they could only end without disease. They attacked Huguan and paid only a corpse. Of course, The price that Binzhou paid in this war is also a bit heavy. Whether it is Jiguan or Huguan, soldiers will die every day.

Occupying the advantage of the checkpoint, the proportion of deaths and injuries between the siege and the defender was gradually reduced under the fierce offensive of the princes. Until now, the number of Bianzhou troops who died in Huguan has reached tens of thousands.

After the princes discussed, they continued to launch a fierce offensive against Huguan. This offensive was more violent than before. As a result, the walls of Huguan collapsed a bit. This situation made the princes' coalition even more crazy. They seemed to be more violent. Saw the scene after the Huguan collapsed.

Facing the frenzied attacks of the princes, the Binzhou Army attacked back in an orderly manner. As for the collapsed part of the city wall, it seemed to them nothing wrong, because there were tens of thousands of soldiers from the Binzhou army behind them, even if it was Huguan. No, they also have absolute confidence to defeat the Allied Forces of the princes.

Xuzhou, Langxie, Zang Ba handed it to Chen Gong after reading the letter in his hand.

After opening the letter and reading it carefully, Chen Gong whispered: "General, this is an opportunity for our army. Yanzhou army attacked Huguan, Yanzhou was empty, and Xuzhou's troops were insufficient. If the general took the opportunity to send troops and seize Xuzhou It's impossible."

Since Cao Cao sent troops, Chen Gong persuaded Zang Ba to take the opportunity to take Xuzhou more than once. However, Zang Ba did not readily agree to this matter. Instead, he secretly accumulated strength. He was waiting for orders from Bingzhou, Zang Ba. He will never forget that he is a general of Bingzhou. Sometimes Chen Gong's tone shows the meaning, he can naturally understand it, and even because of the attack on Xuzhou, there is some gap between him and Chen Gong.

Zang overbearing: "Since the lord's order is given, the attack on Xuzhou can be put on the agenda. I don't know what the leader of the king thinks?"

Wang Yue smiled and said: "This commander is here to help General Zang Ba occupy Xuzhou. Regarding General Zang's decision, this commander will not interfere." Through the brief conversation between Chen Gong and Zang Ba just now, Wang Yue keenly noticed that Zang Ba and Chen Gong were not as harmonious as they seemed on the surface.

Although the battle in Xuzhou was important, it was far less than Huguanzhong. At this time, Lu Bu sent him to Xuzhou. Would it be as simple as the superficial order?

Chen Gong and Zang Ba naturally didn’t know Wang Yue’s thoughts. Seeing Wang Yue’s arrogant expression, Zang Ba didn’t take it to heart. Lu Bu deliberately asked Wang Yue to come to assist. It must have his intentions. Wang Yue’s name, Zang He has naturally heard of it.

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(End of this chapter)

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