Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1042: : Assassination

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Then Zang Ba can lead the army to attack Xia Pi calmly, and it is best to steal the letter from Liang Gang mobilizing troops and horses from the prefectural mansion. Go, it will be easier to break Xiapi.

Thinking of Chen Gong’s conspiracy to attack and attack Pi’s, the more Wang Yue wanted to show his distrust of the shadow guards. With Wang Yue’s shrewdness, wouldn’t he be able to see that this was Chen Gong’s deliberate use of radical generals, and He went to Xiapi, originally for his fame, but now that he has such a great amount of credit in front of him, if he doesn't take it, it's a bit unreasonable.

Assassinating Liang Gang stealing the seal of mobilizing soldiers and horses is somewhat difficult to ordinary people, but it is not too dangerous for Wang Yue. Even if he fails to succeed, he can guarantee to retreat all over.

Wang Yue got up and walked outside the inn, and quickly merged into the people coming and going on the street.

In the middle of the night, Liang Gang returned to the mansion and went to sleep in peace. Although the undercurrents were surging in Xiapi city, he still had three thousand soldiers and horses in his hands. These soldiers and horses were enough to deter the young Xiaos in the city. Hua Xiong has since occupied Xiapi. After that, they were able to do their best to the family. However, the attitude of these families to Hua Xiong made Liang Gang extremely dissatisfied, mainly because of Hua Xiong's status as a military commander.

There is nothing wrong with this, but all aristocratic families have something to look down on for those who come from military commanders.

Several dark shadows came outside the walls of Liang Mansion and sneaked into Liang Mansion quietly.

According to the news from the spies, Wang Yue quietly went forward.

Although Liang Gang's residence was heavily guarded, Wang Yue found out what he wanted. That was Liang Gang's residence. Only by controlling Liang Gang could he achieve the purpose of this trip and allow Zang Ba's army to enter the city.

As the weather gradually turned cooler, Wang Yue glanced at the room where Liang Gang was, frowning slightly. From the arrangement of Liang Gang inside and outside the mansion, it can be seen that Liang Gang is a person who is afraid of death, and such a person is very concerned about himself. Safety is very important. Just like now, there are ten guards outside Liang Gang's door. Even though Wang Yue's martial arts is strong, he can't guarantee that he can enter Liang Gang's room silently.

At a shift, a big fire suddenly ignited in the southeast of Liang's mansion, and the Liang's mansion suddenly became lively, and the servants and guards hurried to fight the fire.

Liang Gang woke up from his sleep, Huo Ran got up and asked, "What happened outside?"

"General Qi, it is the fire in the mansion." The guard replied truthfully.

The door of the room opened with a "creak", and Liang Gang said in a low tone: "Find out who did it, and severely punish it."

"Here." The two guards clasped their fists and left.

Wang Yue's eyes lit up, and after Liang had just walked into the room, he quietly followed.

About half an hour, the fire was gradually controlled, and the two guards returned to Liang Gang's door again.

At the second shift, sleepiness struck, and although the guard outside Liang Gang tried his best to endure it, it did not stop taking naps.

"The third child, I will sleep for a while. It is you and Zhao Er watching tonight. You must be careful. If the mansion is on fire tonight, someone will be unlucky tomorrow."

Wang Laosan nodded. After the guards went to sleep, the guard called Zhao Er came over quietly and whispered: "Lao San, we two have agreed, and you will watch it tonight. ."

Wang Lao San nodded again, unable to see Wang Lao San's expression in the dark.

After everyone fell asleep deeply, Wang Lao San got up and walked to Liang Gang’s room on tiptoe. If a guard woke up, he would find that Wang Lao San was much taller than before. This person pretended to be Wang Lao San. The guard was Wang Yue. Using Wang Yue's method, it was relatively easy to eliminate one of the two guards when they were investigating the situation.

The soft sword started and fiddled slowly through the crack of the door. After a while, the door opened a crack, and Wang Yue pushed the door open at a very slow speed and stepped into it.

The room was dark, and the two maids who took care of Liang Gang were also dozing off on the sidelines.

After raising the sword and quietly solving the two maids, Wang Yue turned his gaze to Liang Gang who was asleep, with an imperceptible sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Perhaps he was surprised by Wang Yue’s killing intent. Liang Gang opened his eyes. After adjusting to the dark shadows around him, he saw the dark shadow sitting on the bed. His heart burst. The maid in the room was Clearly, there will definitely not be such a figure.

"Don't yell, otherwise this commander will kill you." Wang Yue said coldly: "General Liang's vigilance is still a bit low. If this commander takes action, I am afraid that the general will be in a different place. "

Liang Gang's face was pale, the secret way was not good, and he kept thinking about who the person was.

"This commander came to ask, you said, don't think about alarming the guards in the mansion." Wang Yue said.

From Wang Yue’s tone, Liang Gang felt absolute self-confidence. He could not help but increase his The more he reached a certain position, the more he valued his own life. At the beginning Liang Gang was Hua A well-known warrior under Xiong’s command, he fought without fear of death. However, after many years of fighting, Liang Gang felt the importance of living. Only by living can you enjoy more glory and wealth, Jinyiyushi lives, so he doesn't want to die.

Liang Gang nodded hard.

Seeing Liang Gang being so well-behaved, Wang Yue showed a trace of contempt, and said in a low voice, "Where is the seal that mobilized Xia Pi?"

Liang Gang suddenly thought, "Who are you? What is the use of the seal of mobilizing soldiers and horses? If you need money, there are some in the general's mansion, and ten beautiful women will be offered."

Wang Yue sneered and said, "What is the use of these external objects?"

Seeing Liang Gang's silence, Wang Yue said: "Kill you, this commander can also find the seal."

Seeing Wang Yue's murderous intent, Liang Gang hurriedly said: "The seal is here with this general, and I hope your servants will show mercy."

Wang Yue took the seal, and after a little trial, he smiled and said, "For the sake of General Liang's cooperation, this commander can give you a happy one."

Liang Gang hurriedly said: "This general is willing to take refuge in the people behind you."

Wang Yue sneered and said: "This commander doesn't need people like you." Yanbi took the sword and fell. The figure in charge of the Xia Pi army died on his bed. He did not look at him until he died. , Because he didn't know who assassinated him, and he didn't even say a word about soliciting.

After solving Liang Gang, the rest of the matter was much simpler. Although the generals received Liang Gang’s order at night, although he was a little hesitant, they did not dare. The command is to help Liangcheng.

(End of this chapter)

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