Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1045: : Liu Bei Borrowed Soldiers

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In Anyi City, Zhao Yun's stern face looked a little low, and he didn't expect that Jiguan would be attacked by the Jingzhou Army in this way. The wall of Jiguan was not thick, but it collapsed under the crazy attack of Jingzhou Army.

In terms of defense, Jiguan is still a bit worse than Huguan. Since Lu Bu entered Bingzhou, he has strengthened his defense against Huguan.

However, with An Yi as the support, Zhao Yun was not afraid of the Jingzhou Army.

"General, now the people in Hedong are panicked. In the last view, it is better to gather the defenders of Hedong in Anyi, so that the defenders in the city can reach eight thousand, which is more than enough to deal with the Jingzhou army." Wei Yan suggested.

Zhao Yun said: "The general's concern is not the Jingzhou army, but the princes army. If the princes army abandons Huguan and attack Hedong, it will be a little disadvantageous for Bingzhou."

"The princes' coalition is just a group of native chickens and dogs, relying on the advantage of the number of people to show off outside Huguan, if you dare to lead the troops to Hedong, the lord will definitely not keep his hands." Wei Yan said.

"At this time, the army of the princes still has hundreds of thousands of people. It should not be underestimated. Once the princes send troops to Hedong, the lord will definitely fall into a passive situation." Zhao Yun said: "If Hedong is broken by the princes' army, the princes' army can There were not many defenders in the city of Chang'an at this time."

After a long silence, Zhao Yun said: "Wei Yan, this general has ordered you to lead four thousand soldiers and horses to guard Wenxi, I wonder if you have confidence?"

"But according to the general's orders." Wei Yan clasped his fist.

"This general wants you to support half a month in Wenxi." Zhao Yun said slowly.

Wei Yan agreed without hesitation. Only by fighting alone can a general obtain greater feats. Defending against Wenxi seems to be a bit dangerous, but it is not. As long as he defends carefully, it is not a problem to deal with the Jingzhou Army.

"General Wei, Wenxi has a vital position in Hedong. Ordering you to defend Wenxi can also divide the forces of the princes. After you enter Wenxi City, when you comfort the families and people in the city, don't wait at this time. There is a conflict with the family, it will not be too late to wait for the enemy to retreat." Zhao Yun exhorted.

After the Jingzhou Army broke through the Jiguan, Dongyuan was the first to bear the brunt. With the support of the family in the city, the Jingzhou Army easily captured Dongyuan.

After learning that Zhao Yun was defending Anyi and Wei Yan was stationed in Wenxi, Cai Hao smiled. The division of troops in Hedong at this time was a stupid move in Cai Hao's view. Cai Hao had already learned Zhao Yun's power when he was in Jiguan. NS.

"Now Zhao Yun is stationed in Anyi. There are about five thousand soldiers and horses in the city. Wei Yan, who is stationed in Wenxi, has four thousand soldiers and horses. This general decided to divide his troops to attack Anyi and Wenxi. I don't know what you have to say." Cai Hao, who was in the top position, said vigorously that the Jingzhou army was not far behind the coalition forces of Yuan Shao, Sun Ce and Cao Cao in terms of numbers, but he was the first to break Jiguan and break the deadlock on the battlefield. It can be said to have a huge credit.

The purpose of the Jingzhou Army's trip was to occupy the land of Chang'an. After occupying the Jiguan, Cai Hao left four thousand defenders to repair the Jiguan day and night to guard against the soldiers and horses of the princes.

When the princes attacked Huguan, the war was unfavorable. If the prince’s army were allowed to enter Chang'an at this time, it would be extremely unfavorable to the Jingzhou army. The more the princes were like Kuai, the more clearly they would let the princes’ army enter Hedong. It's easy, but it's a little difficult to get them to leave. In this division of interests, Hanoi belongs to Cao Cao, and Cao Cao has always tried to constrain the land of San Su in order to further restrict the development of Jingzhou Army.

"The general wants to attack Wenxi, but he is not talented, and he is willing to lead the army." Liu Bei said.

Cai Hao was overjoyed when he heard this. He had been thinking about how to weaken Liu Bei's strength. He didn't expect Liu Bei to stand up at this time, "If General Liu has any requirements, please make it clear."

Seeing Cai Hao triumphantly, Liu Bei was overjoyed. His attack on Wenxi was just a concealment on the surface. In fact, he wanted to deepen his influence in the Jingzhou Army. Under the unremitting planning of him and Zhuge Liang, at this time the Jingzhou Army Already 30% of the generals secretly turned back, willing to obey Liu Bei's orders.

After learning about Zhao Yun's troop deployment in Hedong, Zhuge Liang thought that the opportunity had arrived. At this time, he would ask Cai Hao for a fight. Cai Hao would definitely not refuse.

"There are only more than two thousand people in the hands of Wenxi, and they have more than enough heart but not enough strength. If the general is willing to send 10,000 people to help, I have the confidence to defeat Wenxi." Liu Bei said.

Cai Hao was silent for a moment and said, "Xuande, there is no joke in the army."

Liu Bei sternly said: "If Wenxi can't be attacked, there is no need for the general to take action, Bei Zi will kill him."

Cai Hao laughed and said, "With Liu Shijun, why can't I break Wenxi."

Kuai Yue on the side saw Liu Bei's performance that he was not surprised and angry, and he felt a bad premonition in his heart. Although Liu Bei had been silent in the army during this period, his influence in the army was still there. Great improvement This is where Kuai Yue fears Liu Bei.

Although Cai Hao had a strong position in Jingzhou, he still seemed to be inadequate in front of Liu Bei. Liu Bei had fought on the battlefield for many years and had experienced many things. He even suspected that Liu Bei's actions had hidden secrets behind them.

"The general agreed." Cai Hao stared at Liu Bei with scorching eyes: "If you can't break Wenxi, don't blame this general for being ruthless."

Liu Bei gave his hand and said here.

After Liu Bei left, Kuai Yue whispered: "General, Liu Bei is not an ordinary person, so don't underestimate it."

Cai Hao said indifferently: "Liu Bei is nothing more than that." After breaking through the Jiguan, Cai Hao indeed had a little over-inflated confidence. For Liu Bei, he did not even have the same cautiousness as before. He even thought about the credit for breaking through the Jiguan. After returning to Jingzhou, what kind of reward will the court have, maybe the position of the general has fallen to him.

Liu Bei ordered 10,000 soldiers and horses, together with the soldiers of his headquarters, in one place, a total of more than 12,000 people, thinking that Wen Xi came in mighty, as for the generals selected by Liu Bei was secretly turned to Liu Bei in the Jingzhou army. Generals, Liu Bei borrowed troops from Cai Hao and didn't intend to return them. As for the generals of the Jingzhou Army who did not obey orders in the army, Liu Bei had a way to deal with them.

After entering Wenxi, Wei Yan immediately ordered the defenders in the city to reinforce the city wall. How dangerous the Jiguan was, but was defeated by the Jingzhou Army's Thunderbolt. This incident made Wei Yan realize the importance of the city wall.

The people in the city are still more concerned about repairing the city wall. During the war, the most unlucky people are the ordinary people. They are on the absolutely weak side. After the army breaks through the city, they are the first to be hurt.

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