Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1048: : Seize the city

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! It is late at night, and the patrol soldiers in the city have just passed. Hundreds of soldiers dressed in black and armed with swords emerged from the darkness. The people, these people are obviously very familiar with the terrain in the city, and even the laws of the Union State Army patrolling soldiers are controlled by them, and they easily escaped several rounds of soldiers' detection.

With the city gate right in front of him, Yu Liang tore off the black cloth on his face and shouted: "The army of the state is not benevolent, and the city gate is opened to welcome the army of Jingzhou into the city."

The soldiers who followed Yu Liang heard this and rushed forward. They were the dead men cultivated secretly by the Yu and Zhang families. There is no doubt about the execution of orders, but any family with a larger family background will cultivate them in the family. The dead man is not only a defense against the opponent, but also can be used to fight the enemy under special circumstances.

After several days of war, the defenders at the city gate were already a bit tired. Faced with the impact of two dead men who were not afraid of death, they showed their defeat. After a quarter of an hour, the city gate slowly opened.

Zhang Fei, who was waiting outside the city gate after receiving the news, saw that the city gate was indeed opened, and did not hesitate to lead the cavalry to rush in. At this time, the Hezhou Army was unable to arrange a trap, and the number of defenders in the city was far away. Far less than the Jingzhou Army, as long as the cavalry has a firm foothold after entering the city, it will be the end of the Union State Army.

After Wei Yan learned that the city gate had changed, Huo Ran woke up and took the long knife beside the bed and walked out of the camp.

After the orders were conveyed, the sleeping Bianzhou Army quickly gathered in one place.

However, the advantage of the Jingzhou Army's superiority in numbers was reflected at this time. Even if the Bingzhou Army was extremely elite, it was losing ground when facing the Jingzhou Army.

Zhang Fei, armed with a Zhangba Snake Spear, entered the Union State Army, and no one could stop it. After Wei Yan had fought Zhang Fei for more than ten times, he was worried about the situation in the army, leaving Zhang Fei aside, commanded his soldiers to resist the Jingzhou Army.

Zhang Fei saw that the Bingzhou Army could quickly organize resistance in the face of such a surprise attack, and was furious, and launched a more violent attack on the Bingzhou Army.

However, most of the soldiers of the Jingzhou Army began to enter the city. Even if the soldiers of the State Army were brave, facing this situation, Wei Yan could only lead his soldiers to retreat to the outside of the city.

Early in the morning, the early people discovered that the flag on the city was not owned by the state army, and the news of the Jingzhou army’s seizure of Wenxi was also spread in the city. As the biggest contributors to the attack on Wenxi, the Yu family and Zhang family’s The harvest was also extremely rich. The land lost under the Bingzhou Army was compensated, and more fields were invaded by the way. Of course, these are all things to follow.

Let’s say that after Wei Yan withdrew from Wenxi, his expression was full of anger. He couldn’t think that before, he would be respectful and respectful. The Yu family and Zhang family who contributed food and grass would suddenly turn back. Things happened too suddenly, and the food and grass in the city were heavy. But it was in vain for the Jingzhou Army.

Wei Yan said bitterly: "Zhang Jiaan of the Yu family dare to treat this general like this. After the Japanese general and Wenxi break through, the two chickens and dogs will not stay."

"General, now that Jingzhou has a strong army, what should we do if our army has lost Wenxi?" the lieutenant asked.

"There are all the cavalry in the general. You lead the rest of the soldiers and horses to Anyi. Since the Jingzhou army is so rampant, this general will teach them a vicious lesson on the battlefield in Hedong." As a man with great ambitions General, Wei Yan was unwilling to fail like this. He wanted to use victory to redeem the consequences of this defeat.

The system of the Bingzhou Army decided that the fastest way to gradually improve his position in the army was military merit. This time he lost Wenxi, and Wei Yan would also be implicated. He was unwilling to fail like this.

The lieutenant clasped his fists and said, he understood Wei Yan's difficulties.

After occupying Wenxi, Liu Bei's position in the eyes of the generals of the Jingzhou army has been greatly improved. Some generals secretly expressed their allegiance to Liu Bei. In this regard, Liu Bei was happy to see his success, Cai Hao could not tolerate him, he naturally wanted Those who resist will see whose methods are more clever.

Liu Bei was not stingy with the soldiers under his command. Instead, he opened Wenxi's treasury to reward the three armies and won the support of many soldiers.

It only took Liu Bei less than ten days to break Wenxi, which made Zhao Yun a little frightened. He knew Wei Yan’s abilities, and Wenxi city had such defensive weapons as thunderbolt cars and bed crossbows. He insisted that half a month was completely indifferent. Down.

At the same time, Liu Bei's victory inspired the Jingzhou army outside Anyi City. They seemed to have seen the victory of this battle.

The failure of Wei Yan allowed Zhao Yun to see the many problems that existed under the Bingzhou Army, and had to devote more energy to deal with the family in the city.

Liu Bei made a breakthrough in Wenxi, but Cai Hao encountered a fierce counterattack in Anyi, and Zhao Yun led the cavalry on several occasions, making the Jingzhou army unpredictable.

After the battle in Hedong reached Huguan, Lu Bu frowned slightly The situation that was originally extremely favorable to the Bingzhou Army, because of Zhao Yun's successive defeats, turned to the princes' coalition, although now the princes' coalition did not attack Chang'an. mean.

Jia Xu said: "Lord, at this time the princes are still garrisoning outside the pot, they must be thinking about breaking the pot, and thus shake the root of the lord."

"Hmph, the princes wanted to do this. How could the prince have no means to tell Guo Jia that he would send troops to encircle Yecheng after Zhongshan was breached at all costs. The prince did not believe that Yuan Shao would still pay after he learned that Yecheng was besieged? Can be so calm." Lu Bu said coldly.

"Huguan has been shaking a little under the attack of the Thunderbolt." Jia Xu worried.

"Wen He doesn't need to worry about this. Even if the Huguan collapses, the Union State Army will allow the princes' coalition forces to set foot in the Union State so easily. Since the princes want to divide the Union State to satisfy their ambitions, Benhou will naturally not be soft." Lu Buchen Soundtrack.

Naturally, there was a lot of joy among the allied forces of the princes, but behind the excitement, there were deep worries. Cao Cao had already learned about the current situation in Xuzhou. If the tyrant would break Xuzhou, the situation would be extremely great for the Yanzhou army. It's not good, it can be said that now the princes' coalition army and the combined state army will see who moves faster. What made the princes most anxious was the danger of Huguan. Even the important barriers around Chang'an, such as Jiguan, collapsed under the attack of the Thunderbolt, but the Huguan has always stood up. It shows how much Lu Bu invested in the Huguan.

However, recently, through news from the battlefield, Cao Cao can feel that Huguan is not far from being broken. As long as this situation develops, within five days, Huguan will surely be able to keep the Huguan offensive. Collapse under.

Once the Huguan collapsed, Bingzhou would lose its most powerful barrier, and the army of the princes could gallop in the territory of Bingzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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