Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1052: : Decisive Battle of the Allied Forces (1)

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Cao Cao wondered: "I wonder what Feng Xian said?"

"Could it be that Meng De forgot?" Lu Bu said with a smile: "In this case, Benhou can remind one or two that when Meng De led the troops and horses to chase Dong Zhuo, he was trapped in a heavy siege, but Benhou led the troops to kill him."

Cao Cao showed a stunned look and laughed: "Fengxian, if our army retreats, wouldn't Fengxian be afraid of failure?"

"When did Benhou have been afraid of failure, even if he failed, as long as there is a man with passion under Benhou's command, he will not let the prince's army enter Bingzhou for half a step."

Seeing Lü Bu's strong self-confidence in his words, Cao Cao secretly applauded that Lü Bu's achievements as a military commander are enough to survive through the ages.

"If Benhou is right, does Fengxian want to follow Qiang Qin's case?" Cao Cao asked.

"Meng De, now that it is useless to say more, it depends on who can win." Lu Bu said.

Cao Cao obviously acquiesced to what Lv Bu said, and he couldn't help but suddenly. This time Jingzhou's actions can be said to have offended Lv Bu transparently. With Lv Bu's character, he will certainly show no words for Jingzhou, and the majesty of the Han Dynasty will be It is further weakened, and as long as Liu Biao is gone, the Han Dynasty will surely be destroyed.

The situation in the world at this time is very similar to that of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The difference is that Cao Cao is equally powerful. He will not sit back and watch Lü Bu's hegemony in Bingzhou, and the princes at this time are not as faint as the monarchs of the Warring States period.

This time, the Union State Army will fight for 40,000 people. This is already the army in the state except for the defenders. The war is going on. The defenders in the state will be constantly mobilized to Huguan, while the Jiangdong Army and the Cao Army are united in one place. The number of people reached 70,000.

Forty thousand combined state troops were waiting for the command of the general.

A bed of crossbows and thunderbolt carts were transported to the forefront of the battlefield. The battlefield of 110,000 people was unprecedented in scale. At this time, the command of the general played a vital role. Only the battlefield can be controlled in time. Only a dynamic leader can make an effective response in a timely manner.

Ordinary soldiers only need to obey the orders of their generals.

The war drum rumbling, the Fang Tian painted halberd in Lu Bu's hand swung forward, and the soldier in the front of the thunderbolt moved. The two armies must be a long-range weapon contest at first, and the Bingzhou army, whether it is a crossbow or a thunderbolt, They are all heads of the Allied Forces of the Regulating Princes.

What the Allied Forces of the princes must do at this time is how to connect with the Union Army as quickly as possible. Only in this way can the damage caused by the Thunderbolt and the crossbow be weakened to the greatest extent. In this way, the princes are on the passive side. If you want to break this situation, you must break through the camp of Thunderbolt Car and Crossbow.

The bed crossbow of the Union State Army barely reached 320 steps in range, while the bed crossbow of the princes only had 300 steps at most. The distance of 20 steps is enough for the soldiers of the Union State Army to launch the crossbow and get the first hand. Controlled the initiative on the battlefield.

On the left side of the Union State Army was the Xiongnu’s 3,000 cavalrymen, and on the right side of the Union State Army there was no cavalry. At this time, Huang Zhong was still holding the princes' coalition forces on the battlefield in Hanoi, and the princes' coalition forces had to allocate more troops. response.

The number of cavalry on both sides of the Allied Forces of the princes reached 4,000. This was also in response to the cavalry of the Union State Army. At this time, the cavalry served on the battlefield to guard and prevent the enemy's surprise attack.

Knowing the layout of the Bingzhou Army, Cao Cao frowned slightly and said, "Have you ever found it out? There are indeed no cavalry on the right flank of the Bingzhou Army?"

"Enlighten the leader, and the right wing of the state army has never found a cavalry." The scout said truthfully.

Xun You said: "Lord, there was an army in Bingzhou some time ago with the title of Modao Army, which defeated our cavalry, and there are elites like the trapped camp in the Lu Bu army. Although the right wing is not guarded by cavalry, it is Extremely dangerous."

"With the frontal soldiers to break it, the prince will not believe that the 70,000 people cannot defeat the 40,000 Bingzhou army." Cao Cao said.

The chief generals of both sides are deploying troops and generals, arranging formations. Such a huge battlefield is a great test for the chief general. Cao Cao has top advisers such as Xun You and Zhou Yu beside him, and there is only Jia in the Bingzhou Army. The lords have an absolute advantage in the number of counselors who can tell.

The Bianzhou Army's bed crossbows and thunderbolt vehicles stopped suddenly, and the bed crossbowmen and thunderbolt riders put the boulders and bolts in place at the fastest speed. The faster they were on the battlefield, the greater the gains would be.

During this period of fighting, Hao Meng’s Thunderbolt drivers were killed and injured, especially after the princes threw the boulder on the city wall regardless of the casualties.

And this time, it’s time for the Thunderbolt rider of the Union State Army to show off. The power of the Thunderbolt lies in his destructive power. At this time, the Thunderbolt cars of the two sides are competing. Who can destroy the other's Thunderbolt car? More, you can fight for a greater advantage for your side on the battlefield.

The boulder flew, you came and I went between the two sides, and the front army was suddenly caught in the billowing and the Bingzhou army had an absolute advantage in the confrontation between the Thunderbolt car and the bed crossbow, whether it was accuracy or accuracy. The range is not comparable to the princes' coalition forces.

"Order the front army, dispatch!" Cao Cao categorically ordered, and the state army took the lead in his expectation. Once the soldiers began to fight, the role of the Thunderbolt and the bed crossbow would not be very big. Of course, they took the lead in the charge. The side of the party will be larger in terms of loss.

The sound of war drums became denser, and the coalition forces launched a death charge against the Bingzhou Army.

After two rounds of arrow rain, Cao Jun and Jiangdong Army were close to the front line of the Bingzhou Army.

"Kill!" A Bianzhou army general yelled, and his soldiers rushed up.

Regarding the equipment of ordinary soldiers, although the state army is excellent, there is not much difference between the princes and soldiers.

"Stab!" After a loud shout, the Pikemen stabs forward with all their strength through the moves they have trained countless times. They know that this time they are facing the enemy, whether you die or I live, and there is no mercy from their subordinates.

Although the role played by ordinary soldiers on a large battlefield is extremely limited, once these soldiers can fully execute the above orders, the impact will be significant. Any army is composed of ordinary soldiers. , Ordinary soldiers are an important part.

After the battle between the two armies began, it was time for each other not to yield.

After an hour of fighting between the front army, the Bingzhou army occupied the dominant position. The close cooperation allowed ordinary soldiers to exert great combat effectiveness on the battlefield. Cao Cao and Sun Ce's subordinates are all elites. The army, however, is far worse in terms of ordinary soldiers.

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(End of this chapter)

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