Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1066: : Liu Bei seizes the power of the Jingzhou Army

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! One stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves, this general's refuge made many Jingzhou generals stand up, and the rest of the generals In addition to Cai Wei's loyalty, the rest are observing the changes in the situation.

Seizure of power, such things can be heard in the army, but Liu Bei is just an outsider in the Jingzhou army. He can win over 30% of the generals in the army in a short period of time. This skill is beyond the reach of ordinary people. .

After Liu Bei had been quietly observing the situation on the court, Guan Yu shouted angrily and drew his sword to kill Cai Wei.

The situation in the field changed so suddenly that many generals could not react. In their opinion, even if Liu Bei seized military power, he would not embarrass Cai Hao at this time. After all, Cai Hao was appointed by the Supreme Commander. What kind of turbulence will be brought to the army by seizing power when the troops are withdrawn.

Seeing this, one of Cai's confidant generals hurriedly stepped forward to block him. Before this person drew his saber from his waist, he killed Guan Yu, and the sword was wrapped in the sound of breaking through the air and pierced towards Cai Wei.

Cai Wei was stunned. When it comes to martial arts, Cai Wei can only be regarded as mediocre. He has been in a high position for many years, and his martial arts has deteriorated a lot. Facing Guan Yu's sword, he can only watch the long sword pierce his chest in a daze.

Cai Hao’s death caused a lot of turmoil in the tent. Many generals panicked. There were not a few generals in the army who supported Cai Hao. However, the premise of all this was that Cai Hao was alive and the situation in the tent changed too quickly. , So that they have a dizzying feeling.

Seeing Guan Yu killing Cai Wei, Zhang Fei shouted vigorously: "Cai Wei is dead, and he is willing to follow Liu Shijun and sit in place, otherwise he will be treated as rebellious."

After hearing Zhang Fei’s big drink, some neutral generals sat down one after another, looking at Liu Bei with a trace of fear. They couldn’t think that Liu Bei, who usually seemed harmless to humans and animals, had such a terrible thing. one side.

Needless to say, the generals who secretly voted for Liu Bei, there were even two generals of the Jingzhou Army spontaneously at the tent to prevent the soldiers of the Jingzhou Army from breaking into the tent. The reason why the soldiers just outside did not enter the tent was related to the lieutenant general of Cai Hao’s guards. Great relationship.

The generals who usually walked closer to Cai Wei, saw that Cai Wei was already dead, and chose to be silent. At this time, half of the generals in the tent were willing to take refuge in Liu Bei. Their resistance may only bring about killing, even if it is. They fought hard to win from this seizure of power, so what can they do?

"Liu Bei children dare to do this." A general stood up and shouted, drew his sword to kill Liu Bei. On the way, he felt a chill in his back, but Guan Yu's long sword stabbed him.

After beheading several people one after another, the court gradually returned to calm, and the generals in the tent turned their eyes to Liu Bei who was sitting among the generals.

Liu Bei slowly got up in the eyes of everyone, and walked towards the position that originally belonged to Cai Tao.

After a glance at the generals in the field, Liu Bei said: "It is not the officer who is willing to do this. At this time, the Bingzhou army will win the battle. Jingzhou will definitely be difficult to stabilize. Bei is the Han clan, and naturally cannot bear to fall into the Han clan. After Cai Hao, a narrow-eyed general, is ready to take over the army, he will definitely lead Er and others to revitalize the Han Dynasty, and you will become the heroes of the Han Dynasty's revitalization."

Many generals in the tent heard the words and breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Liu Bei took over the army and did not shake their military power, it was enough in their opinion.

"Willing to follow Liu Shijun!" a general shouted.

The voices in the tent gradually gathered together.

The soldiers guarding outside the tents didn’t realize that their leader had changed, but the generals of the Jingzhou Army at the tent gate would not let ordinary soldiers into the tents. Under these circumstances, the Jingzhou Army had undergone tremendous changes. .

After seeing the generals express their attitude, Liu Bei set his sights on Kuai Yue. He naturally knew the influence of the Kuai family in Jingzhou. If you want to truly gain a foothold in Jingzhou, you must get the support of the Kuai family.

The Cai family represented by Cai Hao is the largest family in Jingzhou, and now Liu Bei has completely offended the Cai family. There is no room for the two sides to change, and it is extremely important to obtain the support of the Kuai family.

Kuaiyue also did not expect this to happen in the Jingzhou Army. From Liu Bei's actions, he could see that Liu Bei was a man with great ambitions. Perhaps when he first entered Jingzhou, he had already started secretly plotting. Everything is there. The Huguan battle against Lu Bu greatly improved the prestige of Liu Bei's trio in the Jingzhou Army. There are naturally many generals who choose to join in secretly, and the attack on Wenxi gave Liu Bei a great position in the army. I am afraid that it was precisely because the Jingzhou Army sent reinforcements to help Liu Bei break through Wenxi, that there was a scene in front of him. Cai Hao's death made the two plans in Jingzhou a passing cloud.

Taking control of Jingzhou’s military power means that Liu Bei’s power in Jingzhou will reach its peak, and no one dared to take advantage of it. The methods shown by Liu Bei show that he is not a generous person, but People with deep thoughts.

"Zai Xia is willing to help Liu Shijun one or two." Kuai Yue arched his hands.

Zhang Fei said impatiently: "What does it mean to be willing to help one or two."

Liu Bei glared at Zhang Fei and said, "If Mr. Kuai Yue is willing to help, he must be rewarded."

Kuai Yue kept thinking about it, and now the situation in Jingzhou will definitely become more chaotic as Liu Bei seizes military power. Of course, whoever has military power is the one who has the final say. The reason why no one in Jingzhou dares to shake the position of Cai Hao , It is because of the strength controlled by Cai Tao.

What Kuai Yue can foresee is that once Liu Bei leads the army into Jingzhou, what kind of situation Jingzhou will fall into, either because of Liu Bei’s joining, or falling into a complete panic. Everything depends on Liu Bei’s methods. Of course, if the Kuai family chooses to support Liu Bei at this time, it will be more convenient for Liu Bei’s actions in Jingzhou. At the same time, as Liu Bei’s initial supporter, Kuai’s family will definitely be able to get more things, but in the end Kuai will be disappointed. .

After Cai Hao died, the Cai family had no leader. Using Cai's methods, it was difficult to compete with Liu Bei.

After a long silence, Kuai Yue solemnly saluted: "I am willing to help Liu Shijun calm Jingzhou and revitalize the Han Dynasty."

Liu Bei hurriedly stepped forward to lift Kuai Yue up, and laughed: "With Mr. Kuai's help, why can't I calm the world and smooth out the rebellion."

Liu Bei’s remarks made Kuai Yue extremely useful. He didn’t feel the slightest pretentiousness from Liu Bei’s tone, but Kuai Yue still raised his vigilance in the dark. Liu Bei felt like this in the past. Face Liu Bei again. This attitude has to be cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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