Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1070: : Annoying Xu You

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Lü Bu coldly hummed: "I can pacify Jizhou, I will know after Benhou has tried it."

Xu You's heart suddenly burst. If Lv Bu leads his troops to Jizhou at this time, even if the Jizhou army can save under the offensive of the Bingzhou army, it will cause huge damage to Jizhou, and it will be difficult to restore vitality in a short period of time. From a long-term perspective From the above point of view, it is extremely unfavorable for Jizhou.

"I don't know how Jin Hou was willing to form an alliance with Ye Hou?" Xu You said.

Lu Bu smiled and said, "If Benhou wants Yecheng, I wonder if Ziyuan can be the master?"

Xu You categorically said, "Yecheng is the foundation of Yehou, and it is absolutely impossible to give it to Bingzhou."

"In that case, Jizhou is willing to cede other counties?" Lu Bu asked.

Seeing that there was a lot of loosening in Lu Bu’s words, Xu You secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He came to Bingzhou. Even if the alliance fails to succeed, he must find out Lu Bu’s attitude. This is extremely important for the current Jizhou. As for the way to the Bingzhou army There will be a certain degree of danger, and it is inevitable. As a messenger of one party, it is possible to become the dead soul of others at any time.

"If Jinhou promises to withdraw troops from Jizhou, Jizhou is willing to cede Zhongshan and Hejian to Jinhou."

Lu Bu smiled and said, "Ziyuan, now Youzhou Army has occupied Zhongshan and Julu."

Xu You said: "The situation in Julu is complicated, and the people are exhausted, far less than Hejian's wealthy."

Seeing Lv Bu looking at him with a smile but a smile, Xu You's face turned red. Although Julu's situation is complicated, it borders Weijun. Once Youzhou Army firmly controls Julu, it will be extremely stable for Jizhou. unfavorable.

Of course, being able to cede Zhongshan and Hejian has already paid a heavy price for Jizhou, especially Hejian, which is the land of wealth and prosperity in Jizhou.

"Ziyuan will rest in Huguan first, and Benhou will discuss this matter after discussing with his subordinate officials."

Xu You heard the words, bowed his hands and left.

After Xu You left, Jia Xu said: "Jizhou certainly would not have expected that the Bingzhou Army would dare to send troops to Jizhou again after the Great War. Supporting Chang'an and then sending troops to Jizhou can have unexpected results."

"Wenhe, if it wasn't because Jizhou had a huge threat to Bingzhou, Benhou wouldn't be willing to let his soldiers fight at this time." Lu Bu sighed. Once the war starts, it means there will be more soldiers. Fall on the battlefield forever.

"The soldiers of the Bingzhou Army are willing to fight for the Lord. Although Bingzhou has paid a certain price today, he will be able to gain more long-term stability in the future." Jia Xu said hurriedly.

"Why doesn't this prince know the truth? Whether it is Jizhou or Bingzhou, it is the people of the big Han after all. The princes fight endlessly, but the strength of the big Han is consumed." Lu Bu said.

Jia Xu was silent when he heard this. At this time, the princes and counsellors were more concerned about how to get the most benefit for themselves, regardless of the life and death of ordinary soldiers. At this point, the Union State Army was ahead of them. , Even if you are an elite of the state army, some people will die when you fight against the princes.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. The recruitment of troops and horses will be handled by Wenhe. Pay close attention to the movement of Jizhou, especially the Xu family in Jizhou. Perhaps Xu You can become a breakthrough." Lu Bu said.

Jia Xu understood that Xu You was an important adviser under Yuan Shao's command. If Xu You could become the internal respondent of the Bingzhou Army, it would be a sure thing to seize Jizhou.

Of course, it is extremely difficult to make a breakthrough from Xu You. Xu You himself represents the power of a family in Jizhou that is not weak, and the family is resistant to Bingzhou. Once you join Bingzhou, it means the family. May lose more.

In the eyes of the aristocratic family, Bingzhou is indeed a good place to obtain benefits. Whether it is Jinjiu, Jinzhi or Shenli, they can obtain enough benefits. The months of the princes attacking Bingzhou have silenced the merchants for a long time, and the war is over. After that, merchants will definitely gather in Jinyang, which is foreseeable.

Not long after Xu You left, Jia Xu came, and he took Xu You around Huguan. After seeing the soldiers of the Bingzhou Army in the wounded camp, Xu You was still maintaining basic training. Moved.

What made Xu You feel the most horror was the treatment of wounded soldiers by the Union State Army. In the eyes of the princes, the wounded soldiers could be given up. Treating these wounded soldiers would cost a lot of money. Such actions by the State Army not only could Let the Union State Army have a stronger cohesion, and also provide more elite soldiers for the Union State Army. After the slightly injured soldiers are treated, they will definitely be more devoted to the Union State Army.

With this kind of guarantee, the soldiers will explode more powerful combat power on the battlefield. Why did the princes' coalition fail outside Huguan that In the final analysis, it is the strength of the Union State Army, which went crazy at the last moment. The princes' coalition forces paid a heavy price.

However, Jia Xu’s actions relieved Xu You a lot. Judging from the change in Lu Bu’s attitude and Jia Xu’s deliberate display of the strength of the Bingzhou Army, Lu Bu did not have the intention of attacking Jizhou, but the more at this time, The more Xu You had to be cautious, his opponent was too powerful and cunning.

In the eyes of scholars, Lv Bu was only a military commander. Many people even called Lv Bu a man or a fighter in private. However, after careful consideration, you can see the horror of Lv Bu. The body of a general is in this era. People who will be despised by others, it is very difficult to achieve a hegemony as a military commander.

Sun Ce is the Yu Yin of his father, Sun Jian, for whom he has left a warrior and counselor to achieve what he has achieved today.

However, Lv Bu relied on his own ability to step by step to the present, fighting against Xianbei and sweeping Youzhou, which one did not pay a huge price. It can be said that Lv Bu used the victory of battles to make the world look at him.

After the news that the Union State Army defeated the Allied Forces of the princes spread through the state, the state was rejoiced. The officials of the State Mufu found that Gu Yong, who had been tense since the beginning of the war, also showed a smile, and the victory of the State Army made secret desires. The aristocratic families with small actions put their minds away. They understood that many aristocratic families behaved more well-behaved. The reason why the aristocratic families behaved so carefully when the princes attacked Binzhou was because they knew the methods of mergers. An extremely powerful force. Although the aristocratic family intends to invade the defenders everywhere and ask the generals in the army to follow the orders of the aristocratic family, it is somewhat difficult to do. Once their performance makes the officials in the city feel uneasy, these defenders will The butcher knife will be lit up at them.

(End of this chapter)

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