Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1076: : Liu Qi is the emperor

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Although Longguan is occupied by Ma Chao, Chang'an is not so easy to break, and Chang'an has a terrified seat.

But Jizhou is in danger. What a wave of Youzhou Army in Jizhou, otherwise Yuan Shao would not withdraw from Huguan. The successive failures of Jizhou Army made the princes less optimistic about the former leader of the princes. If Jizhou cannot come out of this crisis, Yuan Shao's strength must be seriously damaged.

Compared with the war in Jizhou, Jingzhou attracted the most attention of the princes.

After Liu Bei led his soldiers and horses back to Jingzhou, he immediately expressed his support for Liu Qi to inherit Datong and become the new emperor of the Han Dynasty. At this time, he had military power in his hand. With the support of the Kuaijia family, Liu Bei had absolute right to speak in Jingzhou. For a time, Liu Bei became the new emperor. This is the man who dominates the Han Dynasty.

However, there are not too many families who really support Liu Bei deep down. The main reason is that Liu Bei's past achievements are there. Failure in Xuzhou will inevitably make the family doubt Liu Bei. If Liu Bei can show strong enough In terms of means and skills, it is not impossible for the Jingzhou family to turn to support Liu Bei.

Although Jingzhou seems to be powerful at this time, true people of insight can see that if Jingzhou cannot escape from the threats of Yanzhou and Jiangdong, it will face greater danger. Jingzhou is It is a place of four battles, and there is no strange danger to guard.

Under Liu Bei's leadership, the Lord of Jingzhou seemed to have become Liu Qi. As for why he was not the Lord of the World, it was because the princes obeyed the orders of the Han Dynasty.

Since learning that Kuailiang supported him in the court to become the new emperor of the Han Dynasty, Liu Qi was overjoyed and deeply felt wise for his original choice.

When Liu Bei was defeated in Xuzhou and went to Jingzhou, the family of Jingzhou showed no promises to Liu Bei. After all, Liu Bei at that time was a little weak and the defeated general, but Liu Qi expressed his kindness to Liu Bei. At that time, Liu Qi was already right. Fighting for the crown prince did not hold any hope. He did not have the support of the Cai family in Jingzhou, and Liu Biao loved Liu Cong very much. Once he died, the position of the emperor must belong to Liu Cong. The reason why he became acquainted with Liu Bei, It is also to have a retreat in the future.

After Liu Cong became the emperor, Liu Qi seemed to be a threat to the stability of the emperor. Maybe the Cai clan would get rid of him secretly. Such things are not uncommon among the royal family. What is the emperor’s position for his position? It's all done.

Liu Bei was in charge of the military power in Jingzhou. It was completely beyond Liu Qi's expectation. In Liu Qi's impression, Liu Bei was a generous elder. However, when he saw Liu Bei again, he deeply felt the changes in Liu Bei's body. In the past, it was stronger, and the self-confidence that was faintly revealed made Liu Qi a little bit scared.

Between the words, although Liu Bei's tone is still the same, Liu Qi's feeling is quite different, but Liu Qi is already very satisfied with being the new emperor of the Han Dynasty. Liu Qi is also at a disadvantage when talking with Liu Bei.

Indeed, Liu Qi also understands that now his words are just empty promises, in order to be able to reach the highest position. As long as they reach the position that represents the pinnacle of power, why not worry about getting more things, maybe Obtain the support of the Jingzhou family and become the real master of Jingzhou.

"This time the stability of the Han Dynasty depends on the envoy. If the prince can become the emperor, the envoy will be the general." Liu Qi promised.

An excitement flashed in Liu Bei's eyes. The position of the general was above the three men, and he ordered the world to fight. Before this position was held by Lu Bu, but when Jingzhou united the princes to deal with Bingzhou, it was the position of General Lu Bu. To deprive Lu Bu of his identity in the Han room at this time was a rebellion.

"This matter will be determined after the grand prince inherits the rule. Now the grand prince is noble and must not walk around in the city at will. It's because the Cai family is in charge, so don't underestimate it." Liu Bei exhorted.

Liu Qi whispered: "My envoy, since Cai Wei is already dead, why not take the opportunity to eradicate the Cai family, the Cai family is just a female stream, why are you afraid?"

Liu Bei shook his head and said: "The prince, Cai is now the queen dowager of the country. If he were to be killed, the princes would definitely verbally criticize him, which is extremely disadvantageous for Jingzhou today."

Looking at Liu Qi’s over-drinking face, a trace of disgust flashed in Liu Bei's heart. How powerful the Cai family is in Jingzhou. Liu Bei knows that if the Cai family's power is pushed into an emergency because of impulse, the gain is not worth the loss. The reason why he entered Jingzhou so easily was because he was unexpected. In the circumstances that the Cai family did not expect, he seized military power, gained the trust of Nanyang prefect Zhang Xian, and entered Xiangyang.

Liu Qi smiled and said, "All follow the instructions of the envoy."

"The great prince will be the emperor of the Han in the future. Pay attention to your words and deeds. The minister is the The emperor is the emperor, and the etiquette cannot be abolished." Liu Bei said sternly.

Liu Qi nodded and said yes, but he didn't mind Liu Bei before. Since he can say this, it can be seen that Liu Bei respects the emperor of the Han family very much.

With the strong support of Liu Bei, Liu Qi announced that he was the crown prince of the big man three days after the army entered Xiangyang, and he took the throne on another day, and the dead Liu Biao was also in a grand burial.

Before Liu Biao was alive, he had already selected the place of burial after death. This is also common for the emperor. However, Liu Biao’s actions were unwise in Liu Bei's eyes. Jingzhou was at a disadvantage at this time. It hurts the people and money, and the gains outweigh the losses.

In Yanzhou, after Cao Cao learned of the changes in Jingzhou, there was a hint of surprise on his face. Obviously he didn't expect Liu Bei to enter Jingzhou so easily.

Xun Yu said: "Now the person in charge of the Jingzhou Army is Liu Bei, and Liu Bei supports the eldest prince Liu Qi to inherit the general rule. It is somewhat difficult to find Liu Bei's shortcomings in this regard."

Cao Cao sighed: "The Yanzhou army has been injured this time, otherwise, if this Hou sends his troops to Jingzhou, who can stop it."

"Master, Jingzhou cannot be attacked at this time, not only that, but also to postpone the original plan."

Cao Cao nodded when he heard the words. The Yanzhou Army lost its troops on the battlefield in Huguan. The most important thing at the moment is to recuperate and let the army gradually recover from the failure. Jingzhou is important. If the attack does not pay off, Cao Cao will not do that. .

The defeat of Huguan can be said to be beyond Cao Cao’s expectation. The princes of the four parties united in one place, and the generals were like clouds and strategists like rain. The Battle of Zuiling caused heavy losses to the Cao army, and the current lieutenant generals were panicked, and they were not suitable for mobilizing troops against Jingzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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