Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1079: : The arrogant guard

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "After returning, I will inquire about the news of the Bingzhou Army, and at the same time let me pay close attention to Ma Teng's situation." Yuan Shaodao.

Feng Ji said yes and left.

When he walked out of the prefecture, Feng Ji sighed. With Yuan Shao's words, he would have no big problems with Xu's family. No matter how Xu You explained it after he came back, he had the same words. , Its status in Jizhou will definitely be reduced a lot, and the strength of the Xu family in Jizhou is not weak, Feng Ji has been coveted for a long time, if it can get the assets of Xu family, the Feng family will become the largest family in Jizhou.

Guo Jia was still a little puzzled that Yuan Shao dared not go out of the city to fight the Youzhou Army. He was already determined to fight the Jizhou Army to the death. The generals in the army had even talked about it with the soldiers below. However, the Jizhou Army entered Ye. There was no movement after the city. If it weren't for seeing it with his own eyes, Guo Jia even wondered if the Jizhou army had returned to Yecheng.

Regardless of what Yuan Shao did, Guo Jia was ordered to deal with the Jizhou Army in Yecheng, attract the attention of the Jizhou Army, and at the same time ensure the safety of Zhongshan and Julu. On this occasion, in Jizhou, except for those in Yecheng Soldiers and horses no longer exist that can pose a threat to Zhongshan and Julu. Of course, if the Jizhou Army goes to war, Guo Jia also has sufficient confidence to defeat the Jizhou Army.

Twenty thousand Bianzhou Army came to Jizhou mightily, and once again attracted the attention of the princes. Although the Bianzhou Army and Youzhou Army had only more than 40,000 people in one place at this time, the princes were even more for Jizhou. Worry.

The Bingzhou Army's ability to win more with less, they can be regarded as a real insight, and the outside of Huguan is a clear example.

The dispatch of the Bingzhou army was also unexpected by the princes. At this time, they believed that what Lü Bu should do most was to firmly govern the land and obtain sufficient benefits from Yuan Shao's hands in order to come to Japan.

The dispatch of troops to Jizhou showed Lu Bu's confidence in ruling the army.

After approaching Wei Jun, Lu Bu ordered Huang Zhong to be the vanguard of the army and led the Lieyang Archer to inquire about news along the way. In addition to the 1,000 people left by the Lieyang Archer, Huang Zhong still had 2,000 people left in his hands. After the battle at Huguan, the number of Lieyang archers dropped sharply to more than 1,100.

However, the Lieyang archers who survived the battle with the princes' coalition forces are all elite men, although there are only a thousand people, even if they face tens of thousands of pawns, they will not be afraid.

Soldiers’ experience on the battlefield is extremely valuable. Although the decisive battle with the princes has cost the Bingzhou army a certain price, it also allows the generals and soldiers under his command to have more ways to deal with this kind of war next time.

Thousands of Lieyang archers scattered on the battlefield, inquiring about Wei Jun’s news. This time, the Jizhou Army did not lose too much force on the Huguan battlefield. The main force is still there, and as Yuan Shao’s base camp, Wei Jun, Yuan Shao definitely has absolute prestige.

Yecheng is the prefecture of Jizhou, but Yecheng is close to Hanoi. This is also the reason why the Jizhou Army will send troops to Hanoi when it was learned that the Bingzhou Army occupied Hanoi. Once the Bingzhou Army has a firm foothold in Hanoi, for It is a huge trouble for Jizhou.

Although Yuan Shao withdrew his troops from Huguan, he deployed 3,000 soldiers and horses in Chaoge City. The 3,000 soldiers and horses could block the threat from Hanoi to a certain extent, so that Jizhou was prepared.

The guard in Chaoge City is Han Meng, and Han Meng's bravery is also famous in the Jizhou army.

Knowing that Huang Zhong led more than a thousand Lieyang archers to provoke outside the city, Han was furious. As a fierce general in the Jizhou army, he had never suffered such humiliation.

"Order the soldiers and horses together, follow this general out of the city to kill the enemy, what about the Lieyang Archer?" Han Meng shouted.

The lieutenant hurriedly persuaded: "General, Lieyang Archers are one of the most elite cavalry in the Union State Army. They are brave and good at fighting. Although the main general Huang Zhong is old, he is extremely sturdy, and Jin Hou will lead the Union State Army to arrive soon. Chaoge, the general should reinforce the city to resist the enemy's soldiers and horses. Otherwise, if Yehou is blamed, we will not be able to save our lives."

Han Meng coldly snorted: "This general is the chief general of the army. When is it your turn to tell me, Huang Zhong is old, but you are so afraid to see how this general will kill Huang Zhong to kill the two armies. forward."

Seeing that Han Meng's intention was firm, the lieutenant retired only with promise.

Huang Zhong didn’t think much about the Jizhou army’s battle. He went to Chaoge City to find out about the situation of Chaoge. As for fighting, it is completely habitual, and he is still willing to do things that weaken the morale of the enemy. of.

When Huang Zhong was about to order the cavalry to retreat, Sun Ning pointed to the gate not far away and shouted: "General, the gate is open."

"Ready to fight!" Huang Zhong shouted loudly.

Lieyang Archer quickly prepared for battle, waiting for Huang Zhong's order.

After the army in the city was completely out of the Han Meng with a long knife in his hand, rode his horse to the front of the two armies, and shouted majesticly: "This general is the general of Jizhou. An dare to invade the city of Yehou, and not quickly retreat, lest he be in a different place."

After listening to Han Meng's arrogant words, Lieyang Archer laughed. Even the princes' coalition army was defeated by the Bingzhou Army, but the Jizhou Army dared to be so rampant.

Han Meng's face changed constantly, and he said angrily: "Where is Huang Zhong? Can you dare to fight this general." Wen Wu is the first and Wu Wu is the second. As a fierce general in the Jizhou army, Han Meng will naturally not think that he is better than Huang Zhong. Worse, if Huang Zhong can be beheaded before the formation, it will greatly enhance his position in the Jizhou Army, and it may be possible to become one of the new Hebei Four Court Pillars.

Thinking of this, Han Meng's heart was full of excitement, and his gaze toward Huang Zhong was full of scorching heat, and Huang Zhong was indeed as rumored, with a pale sideburns.

"Don't say that this general bullied you is a veteran general. Since he dared to invade the city of Jizhou, this general will definitely not be merciful. It is Han Meng who kills you." Han Meng said.

Huang Zhong secretly increased his vigilance. At this time, his reputation among the generals could be said to be not weak. Han Meng knew that he still dared to be so rampant, and he obviously had something to rely on.

However, after the two played against each other, Huang Zhong found out Han Meng's fictitiousness and reality. In terms of strength, Han Meng was only acceptable in front of him, but in terms of sword technique, it was far inferior.

Han Meng's face was reddish. He didn't expect Huang Zhong to be so brave, but in front of the soldiers on both sides, he couldn't show timidity. He shouted and killed Huang Zhong again. As long as Huang Zhong beheaded, he would be It is not impossible for Jizhou's great hero to become one of the four pillars of Hebei.

Huang Zhong kicked the horse under him fiercely, and the speed was faster than before, and he went straight to Han Meng.

(End of this chapter)

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