Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1081: : The aggrieved Xianden dead man

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "At the beginning, Benhou advised you to open the city gate as soon as possible to welcome the Bingzhou army into the city, lest the people in the city fall into the flames of war. If you were willing to take refuge in the first place, how would you be assured of your prosperity?"

Yuan Shao said angrily: "Lü Bu deceived people too much."

Lu Bu's expression changed abruptly, and he said coldly: "Isn't the Jizhou Army's actions deceiving people too much? Benhou is just asking for something for the soldiers who died on the battlefield."

"Kill!" Yuan Shao gave the order to charge, he really couldn't stand Yuan Lubu's arrogant expression.

As early as when Yuan Shao was out of the city, Lu Bu noticed the first-dead soldiers in the Jizhou army. As the elite of the Jizhou army, the first-dead soldiers should not be underestimated.

Xiandeng's dead soldier slowly stepped forward, but Lu Bu gave Huang Zhong a color.

Huang Zhong understood, and led the Lieyang archer to rush forward. When they were a hundred steps away from the first ascendant deceased led by Ju Yi, they used their bows and arrows, and then turned the other way around. The whole process seemed to be smooth and flowing in Ju Yi's view. As for Ju Yi's command, he had to swallow it.

The defensive power of the Xiandeng dead is amazing, but the accuracy of the Lieyang bow rider is not weak. Although it did not cause much damage to the Xiandeng dead, six people died in the first round of arrow rain. .

The armor protects the Xianden dead men, but it does not have the slightest advantage in speed at all. What's more, they are faced with a team known for speed like the Sunbow Archers, as long as the Xianden dead men can't get close to a hundred steps. The distance, the rest is not what Huang Zhong said.

Ju Yi felt the unprecedented aggrievedness. What an elite person the Xianden dead man was, but he suffered more than ten people in the two rounds of arrow rain, and he happened to be the first to climb the dead man Lian Lie Yang archer. None of them were encountered, and the crossbowmen in the army did not even have time to fire an arrow.

Huang Zhong entangled the Lieyang archer, while Lu Bu turned his attention to Yuan Shao who was in the Jizhou army.

Perhaps in order to show sufficient strength and tolerance, there are only a thousand cavalry left with Yuan Shao leaving the city besides the first ascendant. The most important thing is that Yuan Shao did not intend to be like Lu Bu before he came out. Time to be a diplomatic front in the city.

However, Lu Bu's words stimulated Yuan Shao to a great extent. As a party prince, how proud Yuan Shao was, how could he stand the reproach of Lu Bu. In anger, Yuan Shao gave the command to charge the army.

Otherwise, the Jizhou Army has the first to die as a deterrent, and the cavalry of the Jizhou Army, even if they are elite, dare not come forward easily.

The situation on the battlefield changed beyond Yuan Shao's expectations, and the generals of the Jizhou army who were protecting Yuan Shao's side saw Lu Bu appear as an enemy.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lu Bu’s mouth, Fang Tian’s painted halberd waved in his hand, and the thousands of flying knights ready to go charged towards Yuan Shao’s direction. Dead man.

Seeing this, Yuan Shao hurriedly ordered Zhang Yun to lead the cavalry forward.

Lu Bu lightly kicked the red rabbit under him, like an arrow from the string, killing him in the direction of Yuan Shao, while Dian Wei led a hundred flying knights to follow him to the left and right.

Fang Tian painted a halberd and a red rabbit under a horse, but as long as there was no enemy in the Jizhou army, Lu Bu's image was once again infinitely magnified in the hearts of the Jizhou army generals.

Lu Bu committed suicide, causing Yuan Shao to panic. The facts on the battlefield have proved Lu Bu's formidable power. At the moment of the enemy, Yuan Shao is more worried about his own life.

Hundreds of flying horses, led by Lu Bu, directly tore open the front army of the Jizhou Army cavalry.

Panicked, Yuan Shao hurriedly issued an order to retreat. Fortunately, it was not very far from Yecheng. Lu Bu just chased after about three hundred steps from the city, and then retreated.

The power of the Binzhou Army and the toughness of Lu Bu were once again spread among the Jizhou Army.

Yuan Shao's complexion was ugly, and he encountered a defeat in the first battle. Although this defeat was insignificant for Yecheng with tens of thousands of defenders, it greatly weakened the morale of the defenders.

Before the two armies were defeated, how would the soldiers in the army discuss the matter?

Not to mention the shock that the Bingzhou Army’s victory brought to the Jizhou Army, not long after Lu Bu led the army back to the camp, Guo Jia and Zhang Liao came to the Bingzhou Army’s camp to discuss military affairs.

The situation on the battlefield today is not as clear to the Bingzhou Army on the surface. If the Jizhou Army can't get out of the city, even if the Bingzhou Army is more elite, it will be difficult to break Yecheng. Of course, the Bingzhou Army’s performance is stronger. The more advantageous it is to break through Jizhou.

The energy displayed by a powerful Union State Army was enough to shake the Jizhou family.

The aristocratic family is very practical. Even if it is difficult to survive in Bingzhou, they will still make choices in order to keep the family alive, just like the Zhen family in Jizhou. After seeing the heritage displayed by Bingzhou, the allied forces attacked Bingzhou. When I still choose to join Bingzhou, this is more often the test of the family’s If the Zhen family’s choice is correct, they will get far more than the family who have taken refuge in after gaining absolute advantage on the battlefield. , The icing on the cake is always inferior to giving charcoal in the snow.

It's been a year since I was farewell to Guo Jia, but now I see Guo Jia again, but I feel a touch of kindness.

"Fengxiao, you don't need to be polite." Lu Bu hurriedly stepped forward to help Guo Jia who wanted to salute.

When Guo Jia's expression changed, he still said: "Lord, etiquette cannot be abolished."

Lü Bu smiled and said, "Now the Han Dynasty has regarded Benhou as a rebel, where did the courtesy come from? Besides, Fengxiao and Benhou are brothers."

Guo Jia's heart warmed. As a lord, Lu Bu had done a lot of trust, and delivered the Youzhou Army to him without the slightest suspicion.

"My lord, now there are nearly 50,000 Jizhou troops in Yecheng. In the day of the battle, although the lord has caused the Jizhou army to suffer a lot, I think Yuan Shao has increased his vigilance. Yecheng is high and deep, and wants to break Yecheng. It can’t be done in a short time.” Guo Jiadao.

Lv Bu nodded slightly and broke through Yecheng. It was a great test for the Bingzhou Army and Youzhou Army at this time. However, if Jizhou can be captured from Yuan Shao's hands in one fell swoop, it would definitely be of great significance to Bingzhou. .

Jizhou is the enemy of Bingzhou. No matter whether Jizhou is seeking peace with Bingzhou or not, this cannot be changed. If Jizhou can be captured, Youzhou Army’s forces can be mobilized at any time. When Yuan Shao only has Qingzhou in his hands, Yuan Shao’s distance will be destroyed. Not far away.

Qingzhou has been war-torn for a long time, and the people are tired and empty, which greatly restricts the development of Qingzhou.

Guo Jia suddenly lowered his voice and said: "Lord, now Liu Biao is dead. Liu Bei supports Liu Qi to inherit the Datong. Unsurprisingly, the Han Dynasty will surely make friends with Bingzhou again."

(End of this chapter)

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