Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1087: : Xu Chang died

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! A light car came to the cell where Xu Chang was detained, Shi A’s face showed a good smile on his face. After staying in Yecheng for a while, Shi A learned about the power of the Xu family son. He took advantage of Yecheng's turmoil, but he didn't take advantage of it. What made Shi A laugh or cry most was that Xu Chang opened a Bafang restaurant in Yecheng.

The significance of the existence of Bafang Restaurant, as the deputy commander of the shadow guard, Shi A is naturally clear. Bafang Restaurant is to provide Bingzhou with information in a more sense. Of course, this kind of thing is absolutely confidential in Bingzhou, and he is also a coincidence. I only learned it later.

"Who are you?" A jailer who was torturing Xu Chang raised his head and saw that the person in front of him was not a prison jailer.

"Those who want your lives." Just as Shi A's voice fell, two crossbow arrows accurately pierced the throats of the two jailers.

Xu Chang, who was being tortured to death, heard the abnormal movement in the field, raised his head blankly, his eyes were bloodshot, and he had obviously just endured great pain.

"Are you sent by my father?" Xu Chang smiled on his pale face.

Shi A shook his head, "Xu Chang, your death date is here."

Seeing someone coming slowly with a long sword in his hand, Xu Chang's expression was full of horror. He was a member of the Xu family. He hadn't enjoyed a life full of good food and clothing, so naturally he didn't want to die so easily.

"If you are willing to let you go, you are willing to pay the price that will satisfy you." Xu Chang drove into the final effort.

Shi A sneered and said: "No need, your life is the most precious to us."

A sword light flashed across, and Xu Chang, the person who made a lot of trouble among the Jizhou family, fell softly.

"Withdraw!" Shi A ordered after confirming that Xu Chang had died.

The next day, what happened in Jizhou’s cell spread quickly among the Jizhou family. Xu You’s second son, Xu Chang, died in prison. If this incident had nothing to do with the family, no one would I don’t believe it. Although Xu Chang’s shot in Jizhou this time did not compromise the strength of other aristocratic families, Yecheng’s aristocratic family did not act against Xu Chang because of this. There were also rules in the family. Xu Chang this is relying on his methods to win benefits for the Xu family, even if they lose, they will not have too many complaints.

This shot of Feng Ji caused a lot of turmoil among the Jizhou family, which means that Jizhou Fengjia will have a battle with the Xu family.

After Feng Ji learned of this, his face was low, and he immediately ordered Feng Fang to summon him.

"Why did Xu Chang die in prison? Do you know what consequences would happen if Xu Chang died?" Feng Ji asked.

Feng Fang’s expression was full of trepidation. He also just learned about Xu Chang’s death in prison. "My lord, I just learned about this humble job. According to the news from the jailer and other prisoners in the jail, there were several criminals last night. Yi Ren broke into the prison, killed the guard jailer, and then killed Xu Chang."

"Do you think Xu You would believe such a rhetoric? Do the family in Jizhou think so? Now in their eyes, the killing of Xu Chang was an instruction from the local official." Feng Ji's tone was full of anger, regardless of Xu Chang's death and his family. It’s okay. It’s obviously impossible for the family to get rid of this. He gave the order to catch Xu Chang. This is well known among the Jizhou family and high-level people. I originally wanted to pass Xu Chang to Xu Youti. After waking up, I got enough benefits by the way, but I didn't expect it to be destroyed secretly.

"Xu Chang admitted that he was guilty of fornication and the state army was too guilty and committed suicide in prison. Do you know how to do the rest?" Feng Ji said.

Feng Fang handed over and said that he had hurriedly left, and walked out of the room where Feng Ji was, his back was already wet with sweat.

"No matter who takes the shot, the official and Xu You are already in a situation of endless death." Feng Ji muttered, and these things happened at the most critical moment in Yecheng, which made him feel the fear of the waves. This shows that Someone secretly made this matter more complicated, but I didn't know whether it was the Marquis of Jin or the aristocratic family in the city.

In the Xu family, Xu You received the sad news of Xu Chang's death just as soon as he got up, with blue veins on his forehead.

"My lord, every dialect says that the son has fornicated and merged with the state army. He committed suicide in prison under guilt. No one is allowed to approach the cell. Feng Fang is investigating this matter thoroughly." The steward said in a low voice.

A sharp expression flashed in Xu You's eyes, "Chang'er's death was a suicide, okay, what a Fengji, he dared to insult the Xu family in this way."

Xu You immediately went to the Hou Mansion to see Yuan Shao.

After Yuan Shao learned of this incident, he was surprised and looked at Xu You with a slightly different gaze. After the Huguan incident, he was somewhat wary of Xu You, plus Feng Ji and him Some words that are said will inevitably make Xu You suspicious.

"This matter will be cleared up by the Houhou." Yuan Shao said lightly: "Now that the enemy is now, Ziyuan should take Jizhou's major events as the most important thing, and there is no need to worry about Xu Chang's matter."

Xu You bowed his hand and said, leaving the Hou Mansion, he looked a little gloomy ~ ~ What kind of character Xu You is, and a lot of news can be obtained through Yuan Shao's brief words.

At this time, Xu You thought of Bingzhou and Lu Bu. After the defeat of the Jizhou Army in the Battle of Dang Yin, Jia Xu's words seemed to be in his ears.

After returning to the Xu family, Xu You stayed behind closed doors. This situation caused some anxiety in the family that had a good relationship with the Xu family in the city.

In the study, Xu You's face was low and he was thinking about Yuan Shao's attitude today.

Looking back at how much Yuan Shao valued him at the beginning, otherwise he would not follow Yuan Shao. Even though Xu You is greedy, he can still weigh clearly in the face of the big things. For Jizhou, Xu You can be said to have paid a lot, several times for Jizhou did not hesitate to commit dangers with his own body. If he was sent to merge with the state, a few of Jizhou officials were willing to do this, but he chose to go there. When planning for Youzhou, he even went to Youzhou in person, although there was no such thing. Success has brought a lot of trouble to Lu Bu, which can be said to be a lot of hard work.

Now Yuan Shao has doubts about him, how to keep Xu You from chilling.

After a long time, Xu You got up, glanced at the direction where the prefecture and animal husbandry mansion was located, and muttered, "Yehou, Xu You has done his best to you."

Xu You ran into a wall with Yuan Shao, and Feng Ji's spirit was lifted. Obviously, the words in Yuan Shao's place had played a role. He was quite clear about Yuan Shao's character.

Everything has shown that Xu You has lost trust in Yuan Shao's place. This is very important news for the family at this time.

The experience of the Xu family made the family in the city inevitably feel a sense of sorrow and death. However, because Xu You lost Yuan Shao’s trust, he fell to where he is today. They have even seen the Xu family decline in Feng Ji’s hands. .

(End of this chapter)

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