Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1104: : Gaolan Attack Camp

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! After all, there is a huge gap between imagination and reality.

If it goes on like this, Huang Zhong can only choose to ask for help from Lu Bu. As a well-known general in the Union State Army, Huang Zhong is naturally unwilling to give in so easily, let alone Zhang Yan. This is after Zhang Yan turned to Lu Bu. In the first battle with the army, if you give up when you encounter setbacks, what prestige is there in the army? He needs victory, and publicity also needs it.

To drive Yuan Shao out of Jizhou, Zhang Yan was at a high morale. He understood that if he wanted to have a higher position in the army, he had to achieve greater achievements to support him. He was considered a very good person in the army under Lu Bu at this time. A well-known person, he alone leads a Montenegrin army, equipped with cavalry, what a scenery.

"Can General Zhang have a good plan?" Lieutenant General Huang turned his attention to Zhang Yan. Huang Zhong still knows Zhang Yan's skills. How can the commander of the Black Mountain Army lack any skills, or it won't cause Yuan Shao to have a headache for many years. NS.

"General Huang, the most important thing at the moment is to make the Jizhou army dare to go out of the city to meet. From Gao Lan's performance, it is clear that he wants to rely on the advantage of the city to resist our army. Gao Lan feels that he has the opportunity to take advantage. As long as Gao Lan is willing to leave the city, our army has a chance of winning." Zhang Yan said.

Huang Zhong nodded slightly, "General Zhang must not reveal the wolf cavalry before the defending army. Gao Lan was previously defeated by the wolf cavalry. A thousand wolf cavalry is enough to make Gao Lan jealous."

Zhang Yan smiled and said: "Don't say it's Gao Lan, that is, the most elite of the Jizhou army, the first ascending dead soldier, when encountering the wolf knight, he can only avoid its edge." The wolf knight has already proved their powerful strength on the battlefield. But there were a lot of wolf riders who came along in the secret.

"Of course, who can compete with Wolf and Fei on the battlefield in the world?" Huang Zhong laughed.

"Not only the wolf rider and the flying rider, the Lieyang bow rider under the general's command also has a great reputation among the princes." Zhang Yan said.

This sentence obviously made Huang Zhong extremely useful, and he couldn't stop laughing.

The provocation of the Bingzhou Army outside the city gave the successful Jizhou Army a lot of excitement. The Jizhou Army who was stationed in Hejian was arrogant and arrogant. Unexpectedly, it was directly caused by the defeat of Wei Jun. The result is that the morale of the army is low, otherwise the Bingzhou army outside the city is so arrogant, how can they bear it.

The Jizhou army never dared to fight, making the Bingzhou army outside the city even more unscrupulous. After many soldiers came outside the city, they simply took off their armor and played around outside the city.

Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, many generals have asked for battle after seeing this situation. After observation, they found that although there were cavalry in the Bingzhou Army, there were no wolf riders. The scouts on the battlefield encountered most of the Sunshine Archers. .

Facing the general's request for a battle, Gao Lan refused. Judging from the past actions of the Union State Army, Dan did not make such a low-level mistake. Everything can only show that the Union State Army did this to lure the Jizhou Army in the city into battle.

After seeing through the Bingzhou Army, Gao Lan watched the Bingzhou Army perform outside the city like this.

The Bingzhou Army outside the city was so slack and unable to watch the battle, which made Liu Chang extremely puzzled. According to his idea, directly leading the troops and horses to defeat the invincible Bingzhou Army, and the situation in Hejian would be more stable.

The wise Zhang Qian saw through the tactics of the Bingzhou Army and laughed without saying a word.

The defenders in the city were not fooled. Huang Zhong could only pin his hopes on Zhang Yun's letter, hoping that the Euphorbia could perform meritorious service on the battlefield, open the city gate, and welcome the Bingzhou army into the city.

The leader of the Euphorbia at this time was Zhang Yun's deputy, Yu Hu, who followed Zhang Yun for many years, but Zhang Yun pulled it out with one hand, and he won Zhang Yun's trust. Of course, Yu Hu also carried out Zhang Yun's orders to the full.

However, after the news that Zhang Yun opened the city gate to welcome the Bingzhou army entering Yecheng, Yu Hu could feel Gao Lan's guard against him. This kind of thing is no exception even if it is placed on him, not to mention that Gao Lan is no exception at this time. Is the main general in the city, his task is to guard the river.

Gao Lan also knew that even if he killed Yu Hu, the Euphorbia would still not obey his orders, so Gao Lan controlled Yu Hu alone and prevented Yu Hu from meeting with the Euphorbia. When Zhang Yun was away, Yu Hu is the main general of the Euphorbia, and he has a high prestige among the Euphorbia. Before leaving, Zhang Xun had instructed the Euphorbia to obey Yu Hu's orders.

Yu Hu could not make contact with the Euphorbia, and He Kang, who was responsible for sending information to the city, could only stay in the city and watch the changes.

What's more, as a veteran of Flying Eagles, he naturally performed a lot of tasks. After spending a few days in the city, He Kang decided to find a solution to this matter. Although the defense in the city was tight, He Kang believed that he could still find it with his means. To the opportunity.

In the army, Gao Lan was planning a battle against the Union State Army. UU read www.uukanshu. Although the com Jizhou Army has the benefit of the city, when facing the Union State Army, the morale is a bit low after all. The reason is that it was once defeated by the Wolf Cavalry on the battlefield in Weijun. It wants to change this situation. The quick way is to win a battle.

Gao Lan is a generation unwilling to be lonely, otherwise he will not become a pivotal general in the Jizhou army. In terms of leading troops, Gao Lan is extremely cautious, and he sees the actions of the state army outside the city, and he keeps it in mind. What is needed is the complete slack of the Union State Army. The previous behavior of the Union State Army outside the city was to paralyze the defenders in the city. After several days, the Union State Army will inevitably have a real slack.

That night, the city gate of Yuecheng slowly opened. A group of cavalry with 500 men headed towards the camp of the Union State Army. About a quarter of an hour later, another group of about 1,000 soldiers quietly went outside the city. The general leading the army is Gao Lan.

As expected by Gao Lan, the Union State Army had slackened. After successive wars and victories, even an elite like the Union State Army would have slackened.

After solving the scouts outside the camp, Guo Yuan led the cavalry into the camp of the Bingzhou Army.

The Bingzhou Army, who was sleeping, did not expect that their enemy dared to sneak out of the city, and immediately there was chaos in the army.

Huang Zhong was awakened by the uproar in the army. After learning that it was the Jizhou army's sneak attack, his expression changed slightly. In the Bingzhou army, Huang Zhong could be said to have experienced many battles, but he did not expect to be aware of the enemy's surprise attack. This kind of low-level mistake is intolerable in Huang Zhong's view.

After a brief period of panic, the Binzhou Army showed a quality far beyond the ordinary army, especially the wolf cavalry, which appeared at a critical moment and blocked the cavalry led by Guo Yuan. Although it was fighting in a hurry, the wolf cavalry still showed far. Super Jizhou Army's combat effectiveness.

(End of this chapter)

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