Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1115: : The arrival of Mi Zhu

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Now Jinhou has seized Jizhou, and the strength has been even greater. If there is no Jiangdong army attacking Huguan, it will rely on the past Jin Hou might be able to line up with Jiangdong Gang, but now it’s a bit difficult.” Sun Ce sighed. The reason why he attacked Huguan was because he saw the threat posed by Lü Bu. Once the Bingzhou army took Yizhou, Jiangdong will fall into a disadvantage, and even Jingzhou will be in danger.

This is the reason Jiangdong agreed to send troops. They felt a strong threat from the Bingzhou Army. This was also true for the other princes. At this time, a powerful Bianzhou Army was not in the interests of the princes.

"The lord does not need to worry. Jiangdong is far away from Jinyang. If Jinhou wants to do something, he will definitely unite with Jiangdong and follow the example of Qin. If the princes cannot recover from that battle soon, they will face the powerful in the future. The state army is in real danger." Zhou Yu said.

The changes in the world situation gave Zhou Yu a sense of dizziness. Han Sui and Ma Teng were originally brothers, but they turned against each other. Otherwise, the situation in Chang'an would have fallen into crisis. The sudden change between Han Sui and Ma Teng It was the key that affected the Chang’an War. And the Zhao family in Anding County and Beidi County in Liangzhou, which was unheard of before, rose up miraculously, taking Anding County and Beidi County as their own. Pan Chang'an was in crisis, and the Zhao family didn't say anything. Everything felt strange to Zhou Yu.

"Does the lord know about the Zhao family that occupies the Anding County and Beidi County? The Zhao family gives his subordinates a weird feeling, which seems to be implicated in Lu Bu." Zhou Yu said.

"If this is the case, Liangzhou might also belong to Lu Bu in the future." Sun Ce's eyes tightened, and the speed of the state army's expansion will always give people a strong anxiety.

"The lord can send an envoy to Jizhou to congratulate him and make friends with the Jinhou." Zhou Yu said.

The situation in Chang'an has gradually stabilized, and the victory of the state army outside Huguan is an important turning point for Chang'an. If it had not been for the victory of the state army in this battle, Chang'an would be really dangerous. After the war, there were quite a few families among them, and Wenxi's battles could tell one thing or two. If it weren't for the families in the city to support the Jingzhou Army, the Jingzhou Army would have to pay a greater price to break Wenxi.

Longguan is still in the hands of Ma Chao, and Ma Chao's intention Jushou can naturally see one or two things. It is nothing more than worrying about the retaliation from the Bingzhou Army.

The situation at this time gave Ma Chao a sense of urgency. Ma Teng was in the hands of Han Sui. Even Hanyang was seized by Han Sui. Longyou and Wu were not captured for long. Ma Chao's influence in the two counties was not long. Far behind Hanyang.

At the beginning, Ma Chao was a little puzzled about Han Sui's actions. After all, the princes' coalition had the absolute upper hand in the battle. Unexpectedly, Han Sui would stand on Lu Bu's side at this critical moment. But now it seems that Han Sui has It was a right bet. After the war between Binzhou and Chang'an, the princes were unable to deal with the Binzhou army, and it was time for the Binzhou army to retaliate against the enemy.

At the same time, news of Lu Bu’s wedding with the daughter of the Zhen family in Yecheng reached the ears of the princes. Envoys from all over the country went to Yecheng one after another. Relationship between.

Yuan Shao, who fled back to Qingzhou, looked a little worried. The loss of Yecheng means the loss of its foundation. When it comes to Qingzhou, people most often think of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban.

The Qingzhou Yellow Turban not only has strong destructive power, but also has good combat effectiveness. Especially the Qingzhou Yellow Turban has continuously invaded counties and counties over the years, and its own strength has been greatly improved.

Upon hearing the news that Lu Bu had completely seized Jizhou, Yuan Shao spit out blood again, his face pale as paper.

"The lord should put his body first. Although Lu Bu has occupied Jizhou, the lord will send his troops to Jizhou in the future, and it will not be a problem to seize Jizhou." Feng Ji said relievedly. In fact, Feng Ji also understands that after coming out of Jizhou, he wants to do it again. It's not that simple to go back. With the power of the state army and Lu Bu's method, how could Yuan Shao's future be expected.

Yuan Shao shook his head slightly. After successive failures, he no longer had the confidence to deal with Lu Bu. Since raising his troops, he has suffered severe setbacks in Lu Bu's hands.

"Lord, now Lu Bu is married to the Zhen family's daughter in Yecheng, why not send an envoy to fix it with Lu Bu again." Guo Tu said.

Yuan Shao's eyes tightened, and his gaze towards Guo Tu was a bit sharp.

Feng Ji hurriedly said: "Guo's words are true, and now the combined state army is strong, we should repair it with Lu Bu."

After a long silence, Yuan Shao agreed. No matter what kind of grievances he had with Lu Bu, he is now at an absolute disadvantage. If Lu Bu sent troops to Qingzhou, it would be difficult to resist the combat effectiveness of the Qingzhou Army at this time~www Bu's wedding, Yecheng gradually became lively.

Bingzhou Craftsmanship Workshop also took action at this time. After Lu Bu’s wedding, a chamber of commerce will be held in Yecheng. However, all merchants who come to buy can enjoy 70% of the original price. The businessman is crazy.

During the war in Bingzhou, the merchants could not go to Jinyang. At this time, the materials in their hands had already been exhausted. How could they let it go when they get this kind of good news? The price of 70% is absolutely unimaginable.

Vehicles of supplies were transported from Bingzhou to Yecheng, and Yecheng was immediately caught in a busy state.

Lu Bu’s move is naturally the family in the city. They occupy more shops in Yecheng. As long as the merchants from all over the world gather in Yecheng, they can get more benefits from it. The family of Yecheng praised Lu Bu.

Mi Zhu also accompanied the caravan to Yecheng.

Seeing Mi Zhu again, Zhen Yao was extremely grateful. It would be very difficult for the Zhen family to marry Lu Bu if it were not for Mi Zhu's help.

"Congratulations to Brother Zhen." Mi Zhu said with a smile.

"Brother Zizhong is polite, why don't you go to Zhen's house and rest for a while?" Zhen Yao invited.

"It's disturbing." Mi Zhu agreed directly. He came to Yecheng to help the Chamber of Commerce in Jizhou to a greater extent. At this time, the Chamber of Commerce in Bingzhou was on the right track.

The Chamber of Commerce in Jizhou will inevitably attract the attention of many families. The benefits that the Chamber of Commerce can bring are huge. Jizhou is different from Bingzhou. My family is stronger. At this time, it is particularly important to choose the family members who enter the Chamber of Commerce.

It is true that the person Mi Zhu fancy is the Zhen family. The Zhen family has this relationship with Lu Bu, which is so similar to the Mi family in Bingzhou. Mi Zhu knew exactly what the Zhen family intended.

(End of this chapter)

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