Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1133: : Qingzhou Guanhai

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Feng Ji nodded secretly, Yuan Tan can have such an understanding, but Yuan Shang is much better than Yuan Shang, Yuan Shang Congying, not Yuan Tan can be compared, otherwise Yuan Shao would not like Yuan Shang, but after successive failures, Yuan Shang has become a little daunted.

"Nowadays, the Yellow Turban is raging in Qingzhou. It is not an easy task to calm the Qingzhou Yellow Turban." Xin Pi said.

Speaking of this, Feng Ji understood Yuan Tan’s intentions. Yuan Shao had no intention of military affairs at this time. If he could hold the army firmly in his hands, it would play a very important role in governing Qingzhou. Although Yuan Shao was retired from Jizhou with soldiers and soldiers. There are only a few thousand people, but they are the elite of the Jizhou army. With a little training, it will be a strong army. Now Yuan Tan has put his mind on the army.

At this time, it is a wise move to focus on the army. As long as he has absolute strength in his hands, he can have more power. Yuan Tan obviously understands this.

"I don't know what Master Feng means?" Yuan Tan set his sights on Feng Ji. To obtain Yuan Shao's promise, the first thing he must obtain is the trust of Feng Ji and the trial.

The trial partner hummed coldly: "Could it be that the eldest son wants to seize power and fail."

Yuan Tan's complexion changed slightly, "Master Guo is not right about this. What this general is worried about is the situation in Qingzhou. Now the morale of the Jizhou army is low and needs victory."

Hearing the words, the trial partner was silent.

"If the eldest son wants to put down the Qingzhou rebellion, even if Xiang Yehou clearly said so." Feng Ji said.

Seeing that Feng Ji still did not express his position, Yuan Tan felt a little disappointed. His achievements in Qingzhou were obvious to all. However, he was not recognized by Feng Ji. He was very clear about Feng Ji’s position in Yuan Shao’s heart. , He can do more, and in the future it is possible to defeat Yuan Shang and become the heir of Yehou.

A discussion about the future of Qingzhou was nothing but Yuan Tan was unwilling to continue in Qingzhou. At this time, in the Qingzhou army, the strongest black mountain cavalry led by Yang Feng was on the battlefield of Qingzhou. On the previous day, the Black Mountain cavalry had won battles, and Yang Feng was extremely loyal to Yuan Tan. This is also the reason why General Yuan Tan still feels at ease after the power of General Yuan Tan is handed over to Yuan Shao.

"Mr. Xin, Mr. Guo, it seems extremely difficult to eradicate the Yellow Turban in Qingzhou." Yuan Tan said.

Xinpi sighed: "Looking back, Jizhou was full of talents, but now it is lost in the hands of Lu Bu."

Xinpi knows the situation in Jizhou very well. The seemingly powerful Jizhou is full of contradictions. Aristocratic families are fighting each other for each other's interests. There are many contests between the counsellors in Jizhou. Damage to the overall situation of Jizhou, this is the real reason for the defeat of the Jizhou army.

Among the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans, Guan Hai is the most powerful. Since Yuan Tan arrived in Qingzhou, the living space of the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans has been greatly compressed. In the past, the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans must have achieved wherever they went. Now it is changing.

Facing the current situation of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban, Guan Hai is a little worried. He is not reconciled to the Qingzhou Yellow Turban going down like this. Especially after Yuan Shao entered Qingzhou, it gave him a strong sense of crisis. Yuan Shao’s methods and abilities are definitely Isn't Yuan Tan comparable, once Yuan Shao is allowed to stand firm in Qingzhou, will there be room for the Qingzhou Yellow Turban?

At this time, Guan Hai set his sights on the Beihai. Even if the attack on Beihai fails, Guan Haida can choose to go to Xuzhou. Prior to this, Guan Hai had already sent someone to contact Zang Ba. For Zang Ba, Guan Hai still More agreeable.

Guan Hai remembered that he hated the Yuan family since he led the troops to Yuan Tan in Beihai. If it hadn’t been for the Yuan family’s move, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban would not have fallen to the present situation and could only live in the mountains. If you can't get rid of Yuan Jun as soon as possible, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban will be really dangerous.

The strength of Qingzhou Yellow Turban is well known. Qingzhou was also a relatively prosperous state of the Han Dynasty, supported by Qi State and other places. However, Qingzhou officials exploited the people so much that the people have risen in succession. Among the prefectures and counties of Dahan, Qingzhou is definitely a special case.

Since calculating for Yuan Tan, Guan Hai has realized the shortcomings of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban. How powerful was the Qingzhou Yellow Turban. He attacked Yanzhou and attacked the city. Even the Yanzhou Governor Liu Dai died in the hands of the Yellow Turban.

The ever-changing situation in Qingzhou made Guan Hai realize that if he wants to survive in troubled times, he needs land and money. Zang Ba shares many similarities with the Yellow Turban when he was born. He is also dissatisfied and betrayed, and Zang. Ba’s subordinates have the Taishan bandits, but Zang Ba is now a pivotal figure in Xuzhou. After getting in touch with Zang Ba, Guan Hai is more assured of his actions in Qingzhou. As long as he can occupy Beihai, he will have the capital to fight against the Yuan family. At the same time Guan Hai also understands the limitations of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban. First of all, it does not occupy the righteousness. This is an extremely serious problem. His plan is to occupy Beihai. After that, he asked the court to surrender temporarily to gain a firm foothold in morality.

During this time in the mountains, Guan Hai did not idle, wooing the forces that tended to him among the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans, and rectified the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans with iron and blood. The reason why Yuan Tan’s cavalry was easily defeated was because The orders of the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans were uneven, and all the troops obeyed the orders of their commanders.

Guan Hai has absolute prestige among the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans, and his martial arts is unmatched among the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans, but the rough-looking Guan Hai has a delicate mind.

After Yuan Shao entered Qingzhou, although he did not deal with the Yellow Turban army in Qingzhou, Guan Hai knew that the two sides would have a battle sooner or later. In that case, it is better to take the initiative and take a certain advantage first, so that in the next war there will be a confrontation with Yuan Shao. The capital of Qingzhou Huangjin paid a lot of money when attacking the city before, but now it is just in time for Yuan Shao to try the taste of siege.

Guan Hai set his sights on Jusuo Juxian County in Beihai. After the Yellow Turban attacked Juxian County and Yuan Tanfu attacked Juxian County, the city of Juxian County was somewhat decayed. As long as you are careful to add up, you can take Juxian County.

After occupying Juxian County, when Yuan Shao did not react, Guan Hai was able to seize Beihai and threaten Donglai.

After secret planning, the number of cavalry in Guan Hai's hand reached 800. This was also due to the help of Zang Ba. The cavalry under Zang Ba was powerful and supported by Zang Ba. After Guan Hai paid a certain price, He got the cavalry he dreamed of, and it was because of the cavalry that Guan Hai quickly integrated the Qingzhou Yellow Turban.

The college entrance examination is over, I wish the brothers and sisters who participated in the college entrance examination can return in triumph!

(End of this chapter)

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