Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1145: : Qin Tian shakes

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! For a long time, Li Su said: "Why should Zhang Taichang worry? According to the news from Jingzhou, Liu Qi can't extricate himself from being addicted to drinking. If this happens, it will definitely be difficult. Longer than the world."

Zhang Mao heard that he was anxious. Even though Liu Qi was too drunk, it would take a long time to wait for Liu Qi to die. After he became the emperor, Liu Qi was even more indulgent in drinking and color. Although Liu Bei persuaded him, he still couldn’t. May have been watching Liu Qi's side, the most important thing is that Liu Bei's forces will take hold in Jingzhou.

"If the little prince becomes the emperor, the general is the king of Jin." Zhang Mao reminded again.

Li Su’s heart cannot be calm. The temptation to be a king is undoubtedly attractive to a prince. The more unattainable, it is often attractive. Since the great ancestor, the king of a different surname will be attracted. People all over the world are fighting together. Even though the Han Dynasty is in decline, no princes have come forward to refute this statement. The weak Han Dynasty has long since gained influence in the hearts of the people.

"How can this matter be determined by the next." Li Su shook his head.

"If Master Li supports it, then this matter will be half done." Zhang Mao was secretly happy, expecting Li Su to be shaken.

"If the lord mentioned this matter in the future, Xia would say something for Jingzhou. Success or failure will not be determined by Xia." Li Su said.

"So there will be more Master Li, these things are brought from Jingzhou in the next, and I hope Master Li can laugh at it." Zhang Maoyan clapped his hands, several guards moved in two boxes of things, watching the guard's look, the boxes The contents are not light.

"Zhang Taichang is so polite." Li Su arched his hands.

Seeing that Li Su did not refuse, Zhang Mao felt even more joyful and left.

After Zhang Mao left, Li Su showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth. These gold and silver jewels, he would naturally not be soft. It can be said that as long as the officials of other princes came to Li Su's place, they would leave something behind. This happened once. There have been some rumors in Bingzhou, but Lü Bu did not hold Li Su accountable, because every time Li Su received something, he would send it to Lü Bu, in the name of secretly increasing Bingzhou's strength.

Of course, after receiving the things, Li Su is not incapable of doing nothing, and will help in due course. This is also the reason why many people who want Lu Bu are willing to come to Li Su's home.

After leaving Li Su's residence, Zhang Mao was contemptuous of Li Su's behavior. If someone who did not understand the situation came to Li Su's residence, he would definitely think that Li Su was a clean person.

Later, Zhang Mao visited Jia Xu and other important civilians and generals in the state, but Jia Xu categorically refused Zhang Mao's gift, as did the other generals.

Only Li Su received something, which made Zhang Mao feel faintly uneasy. Thinking of the behavior style of Bingzhou officials mentioned in the newspaper, he didn’t take it to heart, but Zhang Mao also understood that he wanted to let Lu Bu be in In this matter, he clearly supports Liu Cong, and he needs something that fascinates Lu Bu. With Lu Bu’s identity and status at this time, ordinary things are definitely inconspicuous. At this time, the princes can completely ignore the Han family for their own interests. Face and benefit are the most important thing in the eyes of the princes.

Inside the special cell in Jinyang City, after Qin Tiantan heard the news from the outside, he couldn't calm down for a long time. When he was in Chang'an, he was arrested because of the iron eagle swordsman, and more because of desperation. As the owner of the Black Ice Terrace, Qin Tian didn't want to die like this. He still had certain hopes on the Black Ice Terrace.

He believes that Qin Chu will act accordingly. Qin Chu is an ambitious person. However, he is in charge of the secrets in the Black Ice Platform. However, in this special prison, it is extremely difficult to escape. It's difficult. The cell is heavily guarded, and ordinary prisoners will not be sent to this cell.

"The Bingzhou Army defeated the Allied Forces of the princes and seized Jizhou." Qin Tianchang sighed. Today's Lv Bu is so strong that people can only look up to it. Cheap, but impossible.

"Lord, we ignored Jin Hou's methods before." Qin Yan sighed.

After Qin Yang received the news, his face was ashamed. After being detained in the cell for so long, every day was leftovers, and the young subject of the black ice platform had a hard life.

"Father, if we surrender to the Marquis of Jin, I wonder if the Marquis of Jin will accept it?" Qin Yang said suddenly.

Qin Tian would definitely yell at Qin Yang when he was just arrested. However, after this period of time wasting and life in the cell, Qin Tian's heart gradually calmed down and he began to think about his past. act.

It is undeniable that under his leadership, the Black Ice Platform has become a huge The biggest contribution to the Black Ice Platform is to break the Momen, even though the Black Ice Platform lost. It's heavy, but the benefits are obvious. Otherwise, the Black Ice Platform will not make greater progress in weapon building.

The Qin Dynasty was destroyed, even if it was passed down through the black ice platform, there are very few things. The most powerful one is the Qin Junqiangbow. The reason why the Qin Jun was victorious in all battles was not only because of the Qin Jun’s elite, but also the indispensability of the Qin Junqiangbow. Split the relationship.

"How could it be so simple? Jin Hou was extremely jealous of the Black Ice Terrace. When his father arrived in Jinyang, the Momen middlemen had come." Qin Tiandao.

Qin Yan felt Qin Tian’s vacillation from Qin Tian’s words. As the owner of the Black Ice Terrace, he knew that Qin Tian was unwilling to continue like this. Of course, if Qin Tian’s skills could be used by Lu Bu, it would be for Lu Bu. It would be a big help, but would Lu Bu believe in the Black Ice Terrace? After all, the Black Ice Terrace had various enmities with Bingzhou before, and he shot Lv Bu several times, even the Hou Mansion.

"Lord, maybe you can give it a try." Qin Yan said.

"Old Qin, don't even you think so?" Qin Tian cast his gaze on Qin Yan.

Qin Yan said: "Lord, the strength of the princes' coalition is so powerful that even if you have never seen it with your own eyes, you can imagine that Lu Bu saved the merged state under the offensive of the princes' coalition, and took advantage of Jizhou. The military strength, even if it was compared with the Qin state back then, would not be much stronger. The subordinates had deeply understood Bingzhou, and the Bingzhou army was fanatical towards Lu Bu. This kind of army is the most terrifying existence."

"Although Qin Chu has some abilities, he is also an ambitious person. If he goes against Jin Hou, he will sooner or later be in a strange place. If he can use Jin Hou's hand to destroy the world of the big man, he will be regarded as completing the black ice. The meaning of Taiwan’s existence."

Chapter 9

(End of this chapter)

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