Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1150: : Simpi's mission to Zangba

The genius remembers the site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The power of the Black Ice Platform lies in their inquiries on intelligence. Yuan Shao got the Yuxi, or Qin Tian's conclusion through clues analysis, Qin Tian had some guesses about Yuan Shao’s thoughts. Yuan Shao was the fourth and third master of the Yuan family, and his family members were all over the world. At that time, Yuan Shao was still the leader of the princes and had a great influence in the world. If there is more governance, Yuan Shao Will show his ambition.

The princes were unwilling to subdue to others, especially when the Han Dynasty was declining. If they had enough strength to replace them, they would not be soft.

Recently, Yuan Shao led a large army to be stationed in the Beihai. The army under his command was either to clean up the remnants of the Yellow Turban in the North Sea or to woo the Yellow Turban forces in the vicinity of the North Sea. The morale of the army has greatly improved.

Besides, after Xinpi came to Xiapi, he was temporarily placed in the army by Zangba.

The battle in Xiapi has not stopped. The Xuzhou Army, which is dominant in number, did not encircle Xiapi. The main reason is that there are elite cavalry in the city. Although the number of cavalry in Xuzhou is roughly the same as the number of cavalry in the army. Quite, but far less sophisticated than Zang Ba.

Zang Ba’s cavalry has gone through many battles. They are extremely convinced by Zang Ba, while Hua Xiong’s cavalry has just gathered. Hua Xiong is very clear about the strength of the Xuzhou cavalry, and Hua Xiong has to do it. It is to seize the opportunity to win over the generals of the Xuzhou cavalry, and it is best to turn the power of the Xuzhou cavalry into one's own.

Although the Xuzhou Army did not stop the attack on Xiapi, the defenders on the city did not appear to be flustered. The Xiapi defenders not only possessed such sharp weapons as the Thunderbolt, but also this crossbow. The car and the crossbow suffer.

Although Chen Deng learned that the Thunderbolt and the crossbow in Zang Ba were purchased from Bingzhou, he was skeptical. The Thunderbolt and the crossbow were absolutely confidential in Bingzhou. In the past, the princes wanted to buy the Thunderbolt from Bingzhou. Both carts and bed crossbows are not available. Why can suddenly Zang Ba be able to buy so many Thunder carts and bed crossbows from Bingzhou? With a little thought, you can guess that the relationship between Zang Ba and Lu Bu is not as simple as it seems.

Today, the Yanzhou Army cannot send a large army. Their support is the Thunderbolt and Crossbow. As for whether it can take the Xiapi, it depends on the strength of the Xuzhou Army.

At this time, Chen Deng was also extremely aggrieved. Xuzhou Mu was dignified. Apart from Pengcheng, the only one who followed his orders in Xuzhou was Guangling, but Guangling was in the hands of Yuan Shu before. After Yuan Shu’s violent conquest, his strength declined sharply. It is impossible to pose a threat to Zang Ba.

Xuzhou Mu didn't even have as much land as Zang Ba, a thief, and looking at the current situation, if he couldn't defeat Zang Ba in the battle, Pengcheng would be in great danger.

Although Zang Ba is a captain, he has long been regarded as a thief by Xuzhou.

What Chen Deng had to admit was that Zang Ba was a general with methods and strategies, and Zang Ba's command had a mysterious adviser.

In the great account of the Chinese army, Zang Ba cast his gaze on Xinpi, who was not humble or humble, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xin came from Qingzhou for some reason?"

"Planning Xuzhou Er with General Zang, the general's strength is certainly not weak, but behind Xuzhou is the support of Cao Jun. Under Cao Cao's rule, he has Yanzhou, Yuzhou, and Shouchun, and his strength is not weak. Xuzhou, then the general will be in danger." Simpi said.

Zang Ba laughed and said: "Mr. Mo Feixin thinks this general is afraid? What can Cao Jun do? When Cao Cao led the army to capture Xuzhou, this general captured the East China Sea. Did Cao Cao ever send troops?"

Xin Pi took a deep look at Chen Gong beside Zang Ba, and slowly said, "If it is not unexpected, the person behind General Zang is probably Jin Hou, right?"

Zang Ba was shocked, but on the surface he said calmly: "If Jinhouken accepts this general, it would be a blessing for this general. In order to get the Thunderbolt and the crossbow, the general has paid a great price. ."

"Not at all, the cavalry under General Zang must be from Bingzhou. With the background of Langxie and the East China Sea, can they support thousands of cavalry and tens of thousands of troops? "

Chen Gong, who has been silent all the time, smiled and said, "Mr. Xin knows what he wants."

"Dare to ask who is this?" Simpi questioned.

"This is the military division under the general's account." Zang Ba introduced.

Seeing that Zang Ba didn’t mention Chen Gong’s name, Simpi was aware of Chen Gong’s extraordinary from the aura of Chen Gong. What kind of relationship is there between Lu Bu? If Zang Ba is really Lu Bu's subordinate, Qingzhou will be even more critical, and at the same time he will not be able to stay with him.

At this time, Yuan Shao and Lv Bu are in the same situation. Once Lv Bu recovers their strength, the first one to deal with is probably Qingzhou. After the loss of Qingzhou, the Yuan family can only withdraw from the lords' struggle for hegemony.

"It turns out that it was General Zang's military division. This time, he was entrusted by Yehou to join the general to capture Xuzhou. I don't know what the general would like to do?" Simpi stared at Zang Ba and asked.

Chen Gong smiled and said, "Yehou? You just lost Jizhou, but now you want to set foot in Xuzhou?"

"It's not about meddling in Xuzhou, but uniting with General Zangba to form an alliance." Xin Pi said slowly.

Chen Gong sneered: "Mr. Xin's remarks are not true. As far as I know, the Xin family in Jizhou has taken refuge in Jinhou. Xin Ping is now a high-level official in Jizhou, while Mr. Xin is doing things for Yehou. Does Mr. Mo Feixin want to help Jin Hou's plot against Xuzhou?"

Xin Pi coldly hummed: "The Xin family in Jizhou has no relationship with the next."

"Ming people don't speak secretly, if Mr. Xin is willing to confess the truth, I would be willing to tell him one or two." Chen Gong winked at Zang Ba who was aside.

Simpi was shocked. From Chen Gong’s look and tone, it was difficult for him to tell what was false or true. The more under such circumstances, the more he wanted to know who Zangba obeyed. If it was really like guessing. If he obeyed Lu Bu's orders like that, his strength would be too terrifying, and he quietly planted Zang Ba in Xuzhou.

Seeing Xinpi's silence, Chen Gong said with a smile: "Look at it here. Yuan Shao sent his husband to come at this time. In fact, he distrusts him very much. Otherwise, why put Mr. Xin in a dangerous situation? And the purpose of Mr. Xin's coming here is probably not to persuade General Zang to form an alliance with Yuan Shao, but to persuade General Zang to join Yuan Shao and prepare Yuan Shao for plotting Xuzhou, right?"

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(End of this chapter)

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