Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1153: : Yuan Shang

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Infiltrating Yuan Shao’s mansion is definitely a very complicated task. After all, Yuxi is a small thing, slightly hidden, extremely Hard to find.

Under the management, several assassins from the Black Ice Terrace sneaked into Yuan Shao’s mansion. Their task was to explore the hidden places in the mansion as much as possible. As for what to look for, Qin Yi didn’t tell them, not to mention that it was from the Black Ice Terrace. Ordinary assassins, even Qin Yi didn't know what the purpose of this trip was. Heibingtai was absolutely strict in his actions.

After spending several days in Linzi, Qin Tian is not very optimistic about Linzi’s current situation. Linzi is the most prosperous place in Qingzhou, but after years of continuous military disasters, the people’s livelihood is declining, and the people passing by on the streets are a little yellow and thin. In the above, Linzi and Jinyang have a big gap, Yuan Shao wants to use Qingzhou to once again rank among the powerful princes, it takes a lot of effort.

However, there are many restaurants in Linzi City. There are also many diners in the restaurant. There are many officials and nobles. There are not a few officials who followed Yuan Shao to Qingzhou from Jizhou. After they come to Qingzhou, they will definitely meet In secretly developing the power of the family, many aristocratic families moved from Jizhou to Qingzhou. To a certain extent, the aristocratic families in Qingzhou have a lot of pressure. Qingzhou is now in charge of Yuan Shao. These officials have Yuan Shao as support. Qingzhou The family's situation seems worrying.

Ten days later, when Simpi went to Xiapi again, Qin Tian planned to take action. His goal was to find the most hidden places in Yuan Shao’s mansion. If he could not find the trace of Yuxi, he planned to contact Yuan Shao’s closest relatives. People start.

On a dark night with high winds, Qin Tian and Qin Yan were able to enter under the support of the servants in the mansion.

With the topographic map provided by the Black Ice Terrace assassin in their hands, Qin Tian and Qin Yan explored the hidden places without disturbing the people of Yuan Mansion, but they did not gain much.

"In your opinion, where would Yuan Shao put the jade seal?" Inside the inn, Qin Tian asked, frowning slightly.

Qin Yan was silent for a long time and said, "The lord might as well shoot Yuan Shang, maybe he will get the news he wants."

"For the present plan, it can only be done like this, but after moving Yuan Shang, there will be a lot of trouble, and there are many guards guarding Yuan Shang's mansion." Qin Tiandao.

Since arriving in Qingzhou, Yuan Shang has been very concerned about his own safety. Yuan Shao’s absence in Linzi made Yuan Shang even more vigilant in secret. In Qingzhou, Yuan Tan has a strong prestige. If he takes advantage of Yuan Shao’s absence, he will be attacked. Unfortunately, the elder brother Yuan Shang was disdainful on the surface, but in fact he was very jealous. After losing Jizhou, he became more cautious when he arrived at Yuan Tan's site.

Yuan Shang stayed behind closed doors in the mansion all day, and the guards were tightly guarded, which gave Qin Tian a feeling that it was difficult to start. If Yuan Shao was in Linzi, it would be extremely difficult for Qin Tian to sneak into Yuan Shao's mansion easily.

As a last resort, Qin Tian could only wait for the opportunity. He didn't believe that Yuan Shang had been in the house without showing up, and at the same time had to admire Yuan Shang's caution.

After another five days, Yuan Shang finally couldn't bear it, and walked out of the mansion under the protection of the guards.

No matter how respected Yuan Shang's place is, he is still curious about Linzi. Under the protection of a large number of guards accompanying him, Yuan Shang walked the streets of Linji and occasionally stopped to comment.

Feng Ji specifically confessed to him before leaving, that he must not go out when there is nothing to do to prevent changes.

Yuan Shang is surrounded by a large number of guards to follow, and many pedestrians from the past have stopped and watched along the way, which satisfied Yuan Shang's sense of accomplishment to a great extent.

"Jizhou Restaurant?" Yuan Shang seemed to have thought of something, and stopped in front of the building.

"Master, do you want to go in for a drink? I heard that the Jinjiu in this restaurant is very delicious." The guard leader Wang Qiang said.

"Usually, your kid must have come to this place secretly, right?" Yuan Shang asked with a smile.

Wang Qiang touched his head embarrassedly. As Yuan Shang’s personal leader, Wang Qiang was also a man of great power when he was in Jizhou. However, after arriving in Qingzhou, he had to act cautiously, which made it difficult for Wang Qiang to adapt, and occasionally carried it secretly. The guards went to the city for fun.

After entering the restaurant, Yuan Shang asked for a wing room. Seeing Yuan Shang and his party's posture, the shopkeeper of the restaurant must have a good position in the city and eagerly led Yuan Shang and his party to the best wing room.

"Good wine and good food are served," Wang Qiang said in a low voice.

After the shopkeeper left the wing room, there was no respect for his expression. Jizhou restaurant was opened by the Zhen family in Qingzhou. After Yuan Tan entered Qingzhou, it has been opened. It has a not weak reputation in the city. With close contacts, Yuan Tan is definitely a very popular figure in that is a powerful candidate to inherit the position of Yehou.

"Don't neglect the guests in this wing room." The shopkeeper whispered and left. No matter what position Yuan Shang has in Qingzhou, he always belongs to the Zhen family in Jizhou, and the Zhen family has taken refuge in Lu Bu. , He had already regarded himself as a Jin Hou's subordinate.

As soon as he returned to the room, there was a knock on the door, and the shopkeeper opened the door suspiciously.

Several strangers broke into the shopkeeper's room.

"There is one thing that needs the cooperation of the shopkeeper later." Qin Yi said coldly.

When I saw Qin Yi, the shopkeeper felt a tremor in his heart. From Qin Yi's body, he felt a strong killing intent. What he was sure was that as long as he showed an uncooperative look, the next moment would be a difference in his head. Place.

"What is the command of the strong man, even if it is stated clearly, I will do my best in the future." The shopkeeper regarded these people as strong men on the rivers and lakes.

"The group of people who have just entered the restaurant, let the people in the next order deliver the wine and food, you can arrange it." Qin Yi said coldly.

The shopkeeper did not dare to neglect when he heard this. No matter what kind of grievances these people have with Yuan Shang, he is not able to control him. In his heart, he has already figured out what to do if something happens to the restaurant. No matter what purpose these people have, Yuan Shangruo is in Jizhou. There was an accident in the restaurant, and the ensuing consequences can be imagined.

Under the arrangement of the shopkeeper, Qin Yi became the person who gave away food and wine.

"Why is it so slow, the restaurant's speed is usually very fast." Wang Qiang said dissatisfied.

"Shao An, don't be impatient, this time this young man came out to feel the prosperity of Linzi, why should he be so anxious." Yuan Shang showed a faint smile, under the guidance of Fengjia and the trial and other people, he has a lot of self-cultivation. Progress, this is beyond comparison by Yuan Tan.

Wang Qiang nodded and said yes.

Chapter VII!

(End of this chapter)

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