Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1160: : Zhao Zangba

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Lu Bu shook his head and said: "Let’s put the jade seal aside for the time being. General Qin can bring the jade seal from Qingzhou. I am very pleased. But the matter of Yuxi is very important, and Benhou does not want this matter to be heard by other people."

Qin Tian was alarmed and hurriedly said, "Here."

"General Qin is indispensable to get Yuxi, but the existence of the Black Ice Terrace has always been a huge hidden danger for the Lord, and General Qin was the master of the Black Ice Terrace before, so he might as well take the initiative to conquer the Black Ice Terrace." Lu Budao .

"This is a subordinate matter." Qin Tian saluted again. In front of Lu Bu, he did not dare to be presumptuous at all. Since he decided to take refuge in Lu Bu, he would find a good position for himself, just like Wang Yue. As an emperor, he also had a certain status in the court. He was still respectful and respectful in front of Lu Bu, and he did not dare to go beyond.

After Qin Tian left, Jia Xu still had some excitement in his tone. The meaning of the jade seal had to be thought-provoking. Lu Bu's ability to obtain the jade seal at this time is definitely a sign that can command the world. As a counselor, he can see The monarch has made great achievements and cannot remain indifferent.

"Wenhe, the jade seal is nothing more than a symbolic thing. In the heart of Benhou, obtaining the jade seal has nothing to do with gaining the world. Benhou believes that the one who wins the hearts of the people wins the world. Otherwise, why would Qiang Qin be the second king? Died." Lu Bu said.

"The lord's words are true." Jia Xu arched his hands.

"Now there are not a few conscripts under the rule of Benhou, and Wenhe's responsibility is heavier, especially Jizhou. Benhou does not want to see him in the turmoil, and Jizhou will help him greatly in the future." Lu Bu said. .

"My lord, General Zang Ba received news from Langxie. After the defeat of the Yellow Turban Army in Beihai, Guanhai went to Xuzhou. Now he is stationed in the counties. Yuan Shao once sent his subordinate Xin Pi to ally with Zang Ba, Zang Ba. He agreed and convinced Simpi with Chen Gong's help." Jia Xu said.

Lu Bu was happy when he heard that, "If Yuan Shao can be eliminated in the future, Zang Ba has made great contributions. Over the years, the development of Zang Ba in Xuzhou will be remembered by Benhou."

"My lord, my subordinates are worried that once Zang Ba sits up, he will not obey the lord's orders. At this time, Zang Ba has 20,000 elite soldiers and occupy the three counties of Xuzhou. If he captures Xuzhou, it will definitely breed ambition." Jia Xudao, after all, Lv Bu and Zang Ba had a relationship in the first place, and Zang Ba had always been in Xuzhou, and had never returned to Jinyang to return to Lv Bu.

It is undeniable that Zang Ba’s contribution was tremendous. When Cao Jun attacked Bingzhou, Cao Cao caused a lot of trouble. The instability of Xuzhou was a huge hidden danger for Cao Cao. However, Lu Bu’s support for Zang Ba was Huge, thunderbolt carts, bed crossbows, and war horses, it can be said that the request is given.

Hearing Jia Xu’s reminder, Lu Bu also increased his vigilance. Once a person reaches a certain position, he will breed ambition. Although Lu Bu has confidence in Zang Ba, it was a Zang Ba he had contacted several years ago, and he secretly ordered Zang Ba. , Go to Jinyang."

Jia Xu handed over and said here.

After the Bingzhou Army went through a series of wars, the soldiers must be a little tired. At this time, Lu Bu was not suitable for large-scale deployment of troops, while Ma Chao in Longyou and Hanyang was a big threat to Lu Bu. Lu Bu didn’t want to be anymore. A scene of Ma Chao leading an army to attack Longguan.

After Ma Chao attacked Longguan, Lu Bu realized that even the weak princes had great ambitions. If Ma Teng successfully captured the land of Chang'an, his strength would surely be further strengthened. Ma Teng was helping the Han Dynasty. It is absolutely ridiculous. What a character Ma Teng was. When he defeated Dong Zhuo, he was one of the princes of the Eighteenth Route. Moreover, the Xiliang soldiers under his command were extremely elite and kept these characters in Near Chang'an, there is indeed no small hidden danger.

"Wenhe, Benhou intends to go to Chang'an after handling the affairs of Bingzhou. Benhou has not occupied Chang'an for a long time, and Chang'an has been through wars for a long time, and the people's livelihood is withered." Lu Bu said.

Jia Xu understood Lu Bu's intention after a little thought.

Bingzhou Craftsman's Workshop showed strong strength when the princes' coalition attacked Bingzhou. Once the war started, it meant that there would be consumption of armor and weapons every day, and the Bingzhou Craftsmanship Workshop could maintain the battles in Bingzhou, and finally get it. Victory is definitely a great tribute.

After the war in Bingzhou, the artisan workshop became the key to the recovery of Bingzhou. Nowadays, after the massive construction of cement roads in Bingzhou and Youzhou, the distance between each other was smooth, and the journey was greatly shortened. In this attack and merged with the state, I realized the benefits of cement roads.

The envoys from various parties also wanted to obtain the method of making the cement road. Lu Bu did not intend to hide the cement road production. This is something that is beneficial to the development of the world. After the princes have cement roads, after the combined state army breaks them, they can have a faster speed and the efficiency of business can be improved to a greater extent.

Of course, the princes paid a certain price in order to obtain the method of making the cement road.

In May, an order from the Bingzhou State Shepherd House caused a lot of turmoil in Jizhou and Youzhou. The banknotes will be fully developed in Youzhou, Bingzhou, Jizhou and Sili. The habit of using paper money has initially formed. Whether it is merchants from various places to Bingzhou or the people of Bingzhou, they all support paper money. Especially the victory of Bingzhou in this battle has made Jinyang Bank invisible. Improved the strength to make businessmen trust.

More businessmen put money in the bank and exchanged it into banknotes. Lu Bu is happy to see it. What he has to do is to make the Binzhou and the interests of these people closely integrated. Only in this way, when the Binzhou is in crisis, these Merchants will only consider the union state, otherwise, the money they existed in the union state will be wiped out.

Merchants chase convenience and benefits, and the state makes them feel at ease. Not every businessman stands behind the family, and the power of small businessmen cannot be ignored. The state can have current development and has an inseparable relationship with the merchants. .

Binzhou is not rich in grain and grass, but it can guarantee sufficient grain and grass. It is because of the merchants. Even if the princes impose strict orders on the merchants under their control, it will be difficult to fundamentally change this problem.

Youzhou is okay. Lu Bu has a high prestige in Youzhou. After all, Jizhou has just returned to Lu Bu. After all, the money in his hands was exchanged for banknotes. The impact on the people of Jizhou was huge. There is no objection to the baht money, but people and businessmen who use paper money must not refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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