Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1163: : Showdown between guards

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Jushou and Tian Yu salute each other, and they feel absolute confidence in the eyes of each other, whether it is Jushou or Tian Yu, this Shi was a pivotal figure under Lu Bu's rule.

"In the future, the state will be responsible for the governance of the third-supplemented land, but it will be responsible for the affairs of the army. You two must cooperate closely to try to restore the third-supplemented land to its former glory as soon as possible." Lu Bu said.

"Here." The two solemnly saluted.

"Although Guo Rang is young, he is extremely powerful in governing the locality. You Beiping can develop now. Guo Rang has a lot of credit. But he notes that he was an important adviser under Yuan Shao, and his strategy is no less than that of Wenhe and Feng. Xiao, you two are in Chang'an, and you have no worries." Lu Bu said with a smile.

Tian Yu looked at Jushou with a dignified look. He had already studied various deeds about Jushou on the way to Chang'an.

Under Yuan Shao’s command, Jushou could be described as having no ambition. He had no tactics and could not win the trust of the monarch. However, after taking refuge in Lu Bu, he was entrusted with important tasks in a short period of time. At the critical moment when the princes attacked Binzhou, he was stationed in Chang'an. It shows its position in Lu Bu's heart.

After discussing the current situation in Chang'an with the two, Lu Bu got up and went to the army. The army was the most important factor in ensuring the stability of the Sanshou Land. Can shock the family to a great extent, after all, Lu Bu's methods have been heard by the family.

After Lu Bu's conscription plan, the army stationed outside Chang'an city reached 30,000, and Zhao Yun and Tai Shici were in charge of training.

Lu Bu's arrival in the army caused a lot of shock among the lieutenants and soldiers. At this time, how respected Lu Bu's identity was.

Zhao Yun, who knows Lu Bu well, did not show too much surprise. After the experience of the war, Zhao Yun has already shown an extraordinary side, and Zhao Yun is now the first of the five tiger generals under Lu Bu’s command, trained by these characters. It is no small encouragement for those soldiers who have just joined the army.

The clothing of soldiers outside Chang'an was also varied at this time. More soldiers were their own clothes. Chang'an made changes in clothing, which could not be completed in a short time. Therefore, the clothing of these soldiers was temporarily put on hold, even so. , Will not affect their daily training.

The Binzhou Army has always adhered to the principle of Ningquewulan, which has not changed in Changan's army.

"I will see the lord at the end." Zhao Yun and Tai Shici hurriedly stepped forward to salute after seeing Lu Bu.

Lü Bu raised the two to laugh and said, "Zilong and Ziyi are in charge of the Chang'an army. In the future, they will definitely become the elites under the command of the Hou."

After hearing Lu Bu’s praise, the generals who came with him smiled. Most of these generals were former generals in the Union State Army. Because of their merits in combat and the increase in the number of troops under control, the problem that followed was the strength of the command level. Weakened, some generals may have been military officers or school lieutenants before, and became a general with meritorious combat. In terms of commanding operations, there is a big gap between them and a general in the previous army. All of this needs to be done gradually. Training and battlefield inspection.

"Dian Wei, Ben Hou’s personal guards haven’t done anything for a while, but Ben Hou heard that Zilong’s personal guards were formed by thousands of cavalry carefully selected from the army." Lu Bu suddenly cast his eyes on Dian Wei said behind him.

Zhao Yun's identity at this time was the chief general in the Chang'an Army, and he was qualified to form personal guards. Zhao Yun's personal guard training was extremely strict. The cavalry who could enter Zhao Yun's personal guards was undoubtedly the level of elite, and Zhao Yun's goal It is to train these guards to become elites like Bai Ma Yicong, and Zhao Yun has deep feelings for Bai Ma Yicong.

Dianwei chuckled and said, "Zilong, don't blame the second brother, this is the lord's order, and you also know the rules of the Bingzhou army."

Zhao Yun smiled and said: "Second brother, I also hope that he will show some affection, and the formation of Yunzhi's guards only takes more than one month."

Zhao Yun is very clear about the combat effectiveness of the personal guards led by Dianwei, not to mention his personal guards, even Feiqi and Lieyang Archer have suffered from Dianwei's hands.

The main reason is that Dianwei's usual combat method is foot combat, which is said to not cause too much accidental injury.

As Lu Bu's personal guards, the combat ability of these soldiers can be imagined.

Chen Wu, Zhao Yun’s guard commander, immediately showed dissatisfaction after hearing Dianwei’s arrogant words. He followed Zhao Yun for many years and admired Zhao Yun’s martial arts very much. He was just promoted to guard commander. When in high spirits, the generals of the generals were also courteous when they saw him.

Chen Wu, the school lieutenant of Bai Ma Yicong, followed Zhao Yun to Bingzhou, and he repeatedly made military exploits and became a general. Under Zhao Yun's command, he was also one of the famous generals.

When Zhao Yun formed his guards, he wanted to restore Baima Yicong. He was a member of Baima Yicong when he was under Gongsun Zan's first. When he followed Lv Bu to fight, he was led by Baima. Yicong, Lu Bu would naturally not object to this matter.

As if seeing Chen Wu's dissatisfaction, Dian Wei laughed and said, "This general will not be merciful when he makes a move. This point must be very clear to Long."

Seeing this, Zhao Yun nodded helplessly.

When the generals learned that Zhao Yun’s guards would have a battle with Lu Bu’s guards, they all showed excitement. As generals in the Union State Army, they were extremely combative. This is also the style of the Union State Army. In the comparison, the soldiers can find their own gaps.

Zhao Yun has absolute prestige in the army, but Lu Bu's prestige in the army is even greater.

An empty space was quickly vacated on the school field, enough for thousands of people to fight, and a lot of soldiers were onlookers around, but even though these soldiers were onlookers, they still maintained a neat formation.

Lu Bu, who noticed this scene, nodded secretly. Soldiers in the army must maintain a rigorous style at all times. In the army, there can be no slack.

Dian Wei only led five hundred personal guards into the battle, and it attracted a lot of comments from the onlookers. Before Changan, there were five thousand combined state troops, and there were no weak people. Although Zhao Yun's personal guards were cavalry before, they were in infantry combat ability. It is not to be underestimated. Before they became cavalry, they were the elite infantry in the various ministries.

Chen Wu felt that he was underestimated. Five hundred people against 1,000 people was the biggest challenge to him.

Angrily, Chen Wu gave the order to charge.

Zhao Yun shook his head secretly. Against the guards led by Zhan Dianwei, he must have enough strategies, otherwise he would lose miserably. Chen Wu is known for his bravery in combat, but he is not good at strategy.

Seventh, guess if there are any more?

In the past few days, in order to update the manuscript, the monkey is desperate, don't stop me.

(End of this chapter)

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