Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1165: : Guan Yu breaks through Wuling, Xiangyang changes

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! How powerful is Yuan Shao in Jizhou, but it was driven to Qingzhou by Lu Bu. He doesn't think that the power of Jingzhou at this time can match the original Yuan Shao. In comparison, the Jizhou army did not participate in the decisive battle outside Huguan. The elites in the army still lost Jizhou, which shows the terrible aspects of Lu Bu.

"I ask Kong Ming for this matter. If the Han Dynasty can be revitalized, even if the body is dead, it will be okay." Liu Bei said in a low voice.

"Liang must do his best to assist the master in setting Jingzhou fairly and revitalizing the Han Dynasty." Zhuge Liang said.

Among the four counties in Jingnan, the prefect of Changsha county Han Xuan is the strongest, and the other three counties are weaker. At this time, Han Xuan is under the attack of tens of thousands of troops led by Zhang Fei.

When the princes attacked the merged state, they communicated with each other. The advantage brought to Jingzhou is that the equipment has been greatly developed. The Thunderbolt and the crossbow are currently on par with other princes. As for Jingzhou in the future, it will be able to obtain equipment. What kind of achievement is unknown.

Changsha County is not very far from Xiangyang. Han Xuan is not an incompetent person. Relying on the city, even if he is under the attack of the Thunderbolt, he is still fighting forever. As an old man in Jingzhou, Han Xuan understands that Liu Bei can only be involved to the greatest extent. It’s possible for Liu Cong to win this battle with the energy of Zhang Fei. Besides, the soldiers who followed Zhang Fei to fight were originally the sergeants of Jingzhou. Zhang Fei's order still has to relax a lot.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Fei was furious, but Han Xuan didn't give Zhang Fei a chance to fight head-on. If he wanted to enter the city, he could only break the city from the front. As for the family in the city as an internal response, it was impossible.

Compared with the Cai family, Liu Bei is only a latecomer, and this latecomer now controls the military power of Jingzhou, which is very likely to threaten the interests of the family. For this kind of existence, how can the family help unless they can get enough from Liu Bei the benefits of.

A strong city, it is difficult to break through from the front, unless it can have an overwhelming advantage.

Zhang Fei was blocked by Changsha City, and Guan Yu was the leader to break Wuling County.

When Guan Yu led the army to Wuling County, the prefect of Wuling County Jin Xuan did not show the slightest weakness. He directly led the soldiers and horses from the city to fight with Guan Yu. During the battle, the military general Gong Zhi beheaded Guan Yu. Greatly defeated the spirit of the Wuling defenders, and then Guan Yu led the army to break through the Wuling army.

After Jin Xuan was defeated, the officials in the city opened the gates to welcome Guan Yu into the city. Soon after occupying Wuling, Guan Yu left troops and horses to garrison Wuling and led six thousand soldiers and horses to Lingling County.

Jin Xuan was defeated and fled to Lingling County. Liu Du, the prefect of Lingling County, was kind and relieved. He learned Jin Xuan's experience in Wuling County, and he was like Han Xuan. Although there are six thousand elite men, it is still relatively difficult to break through the Lingling County where three thousand people are stationed.

The war in the four counties of Jingnan was at a stalemate, and the hearts of the people in Xiangyang City were floating, but the Cai family was ready to take a shot in secret. Lu Bu entered Chang'an, which made Liu Bei feel a huge threat and added a lot of troops to Nanyang County. As a result, Liu Bei was in Xiangyang. Cai's strength dropped sharply, and there were no such fierce generals as Guan Yu and Zhang Fei around him, which made Cai see hope.

The Cai clan secretly gathered aristocratic families and officials in the city to take refuge in him, plotting to eradicate Liu Bei.

Half of the aristocratic families in the city are on the side of the Cai family. The Cai family's influence in Jingzhou cannot be ignored. Coupled with the support of Zhang Yun in the military, there is a great chance of success.

"Everyone, success or failure depends on this. If you can sack Liu Bei, you will be the hero of the revitalization of the Han Dynasty. Liu Bei is a child who controls the power of the imperial court. The crime is not to be blamed." Cai said.

"I would like to follow the instructions of the Queen Mother." The family in the field said one after another.

Three days later, in the middle of the night, three thousand elite soldiers led by Zhang Yun headed towards the Hussar General's Mansion. Unexpectedly, he met the soldiers led by Cao Bao on the way. After the two sides fought, it was Cao Bao who had the upper hand. , Zhang Yun's navy is good at fighting on the water. If fighting on land, it will inevitably weaken the combat effectiveness, and Cao Bao is also a fierce general under Liu Bei's command.

After repelling Zhang Yun, Cao Leopard led his troops to rush to kill Zhang Yun, gathered the soldiers in the army, and headed towards the inner city. The inner city was mostly the place where Jingzhou's dignitaries lived, and most of the aristocratic families gathered in it. The order Cao Bao received was to defeat Zhang Yun. After that, he went to the inner city to eradicate the family who participated in the rebellion.

Liu Bei's methods cannot be ignored. After years of turmoil, Liu Bei has a unique ability to win people's hearts. The Wang family who secretly sought refuge in the Cai family is the eyeliner that Liu Bei put in the family, and the Wang family is not weak in the family. The news received was an extremely important part, and only then did Cao Bao lead an army to defeat Zhang Yun.

"My lord, now the Han Dynasty is in critical condition. The lord should lead his troops to the palace to rescue Zhuge Liang said.

Liu Bei shouted, "Take General Ben's double-stranded sword."

As early as when the family was planning to seize the military power of Jingzhou, Liu Bei was aware that although the inner city of the family was huge, Liu Bei had enough power to defeat the family. Although the private soldiers of the family were stronger, they were better than the army. There is still a big gap between the soldiers.

It is the Cai family of Jingzhou that dominates everything. If the Cai family can be eradicated, the family will definitely not dare to make excessive actions. The only thing that troubles Liu Bei is the Cai family. After all, it is the queen mother of the big man. What is his identity. Noble, if you attack the Cai family, it will inevitably lead to verbal criticism from the princes. The Han family's position in the hearts of the princes is very weak, but they can't stop them from attacking Jingzhou with such an excuse.

After Cao Bao led the army into the inner city, he didn't keep any hands on the family who participated in the rebellion, and blood flowed in wherever he went.

The Cai family, who was anxiously waiting for news in the palace, was shocked when he heard the news of Zhang Yun's defeat. In the palace, although the Cai family had some considerable influence, among them were the soldiers who were loyal to Liu Bei.

After Liu Bei led two thousand soldiers into the city, he immediately let his subordinates control the gate of the palace, and then led the rest of the soldiers towards the palace.

If it were put to the time when the big man was strong, Liu Bei's actions would be condemned to death, how could the palace be a place where courtiers could trespass.

However, at this time, Liu Bei has a lot of right to speak in Jingzhou’s palace, and there is no lack of Liu Bei’s eyes and ears in the palace. Liu Bei is well aware of Cai’s influence in Jingzhou, and he dare not relax in the treatment of Cai, and Cai is dissatisfied with Liu Qi. , If Cai clan shot Liu Qi, it would be dangerous.

The lowest eight chapters today!

Brothers, looking at the recent updates, please support me a lot, the monkey is already working on the draft!

(End of this chapter)

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