Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1170: : Pang Tong's Strategy (Part 1)

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Pang Tong said: "Master, it is not the subordinates who are unwilling to let the Pang family go to Jinyang, but the subordinates cannot influence the Pang family. It is decided that his subordinates are just a member of the Pang family. Even if Liu Bei is in charge of Jingzhou, he will not be embarrassed by the Pang family."

Seeing Pang Tong's words, Lu Bu smiled and said, "Now that Shiyuan is under the command of the Hou, I don't know where to advise, even if he speaks clearly."

Lu Bu’s words are absolutely sincere. In the eyes of outsiders, Lu Bu may be unruly. However, Pang Tong knows how much trust Lu Bu treats civilian officers and generals under his command. When he was in Jinyang, it was not because of the last trace of persistence in his heart. Nian is hard to let go, he may have stayed in Bingzhou.

After a moment of silence, Pang Tong said slowly: "Now the lord sits in the land of Bingzhou, Youzhou, Jizhou, and Sansui, with sufficient troops and sufficient resources, and the rule is stable. However, the lord is facing more and more enemies. At that time, the princes jointly attacked the merged state, shaking the world. The reason was that the princes were afraid of the lord. The strength of the lord made them feel uneasy. Although the lord defeated the princes' coalition forces and seized Jizhou with the opportunity, Jizhou was the foundation of Yuan Shao. The reason is that with the influence of the Yuan family in the world and Jizhou, the lord wants to truly take Jizhou as his own, which cannot be done in a short time."

Lu Bu nodded slightly. Pang Tong’s analysis is very reasonable. Although Jizhou is rich, if it cannot be used for him, it will cause a lot of trouble. This is also the reason why Lu Bu ordered Jizhou’s standing force to reach 30,000. The princes treated him He has a jealous attitude, and as he expands, the conflicts with the princes are bound to become more intense. After the war, all parties need to rest and rejuvenate. It depends on which party recovers faster. In the future, he will face The right enemy will definitely become stronger and stronger.

After the war, the rule of the princes will usher in rapid development, and the military strength of the princes will also be greatly improved, in this way, although his rule is more, there are more places to guard against.

"The lord’s advantage is that he doesn’t have to worry about threats from the grasslands. Xianbei surrenders. He has a great advantage in governing the land. He can use his military power more in fighting against the princes. However, Xianbei, Xiongnu, and Wuhuan He is an alien. As the so-called non-my race, his heart must be different. The lord should take precautions to avoid alien turmoil, which may affect Bingzhou and Youzhou." Pang Tongdao, for Lu Buping, Xianbei, Xiongnu, Wuhuan, scholars Yes, at this point, Lu Bu's merits cannot be denied.

"The lord has been operating in Bingzhou for many years. After the lord’s efforts, Bingzhou has achieved greater development, and Jinyang has become one of the cities of the rich and prosperous today. I think the lord has also seen it. Compared with Chang'an, Jinyang has a foundation. There is too much difference. On this occasion, the lord should gradually shift the focus of the governance to the land of the three supplements. Chang'an is the foundation of the king's industry. Guanzhong is fertile for thousands of miles, and Yizhou is a country of abundance and easy to defend. It is difficult to attack. If you get Yizhou, the lord will have no worries. Although there are disturbances in Liangzhou, such as Ma Teng and Han Sui, it is not a concern. The lord only needs to send an admiral to lead soldiers to quell it. The lord occupies Yizhou, Sili, Jizhou, Bingzhou, and Youzhou. Even if he faces a joint attack by the princes, he will not be in the slightest fear." At this point, Pang Tong’s tone was a little excited. If Yizhou is pacified, Lv Bu's sweep of the world has been unstoppable.

Lu Bu said, "In this way, the princes should develop Chang'an as soon as possible." Jinyang's prosperity is obvious to all princes, but Jinyang is remote, if it is to fight against the princes, it is extremely inconvenient to use troops, and the state is in the big Han. The frontier, after all, is inferior to the land of three supplements in terms of background.

"Exactly, if the officials governing the combined state can be moved to the Sanshou land, the Sanshou land will surely become the center of the world again." Pang Tongdao.

Lu Bu was silent when he heard that, the center of the world, this sentence contains too many things. When the Han is stable, Luoyang is the center of the Han, because Luoyang is the capital.

"The lord's visit to Chang'an is probably not for the simple purpose of sitting in Chang'an, or to deter Jingzhou. The strength of the family in the land of three supplements is much worse than that of Jizhou." Pang Tong stared at Lu Bu and said, as a qualified counselor. It is necessary to understand the meaning of the next step of the monarch through the actions of the monarch, so as to formulate a more favorable strategy.

Lv Bu nodded and said: "As Shiyuan said, this trip to Chang'an was for Ma Teng's business. Now Ma Teng owns the three counties of Hanyang, Longyou, and Wudu. Given time, it will inevitably be a great disaster. After Ma Teng experienced the war with Han Sui, his troops were exhausted and it was the time to defeat Ma Teng in one fell swoop."

Pang Tongdao: "Ma Teng has tens of thousands of elite and he has not weak prestige in Liangzhou. If the lord wants to put Ma Teng down in a short time, it is not an easy task. Come, the lord may wish to secretly unite with the soldiers and horses of Han Sui and Anding County to seize the horse."

Lü Bu secretly applauded that when he went to Chang'an, Jia Xu had already mentioned this strategy in private, and Pang Tong could see this, enough to see how powerful his strategy was.

"Senior Yuan, Han Sui and Ma Teng are not easy people. Ma Teng has a son named Ma Chao, who has the courage of a thousand husbands. When the princes jointly attacked the merged state last year, he led his army to break Longguan and threatened Chang'an. If it weren’t for the time of Han Sui, the land of Sansou would have been in turmoil.” Speaking of this, a ray of hatred flashed in Lu Bu’s eyes, and Wei Xu died in Longguan in battle. Wei Xu followed him for many years, which can be described as a hard work. , At the critical moment of Longguan, but he did not retreat in the slightest, and died in Longguan.

Pang Tong said: "Although Han Sui has ambitions, his strength is insufficient. Now he can only rely on his lord, and he has captured Hanyang, and he has been in power with Ma Teng. The two sides will definitely not unite, and after Ma Teng is eliminated, Han Not to be afraid of it, Ma Chao is just a military commander. When the princes attacked Bingzhou, they could not succeed, let alone now."

"Shi Yuan's strategy is highly admired by the prince. Shi Yuan and Zezhu are responsible for the attack on Ma Teng, and strive to settle Ma Teng at the least cost." Lu Bu said.

Pang Tong handed over and said, his heart was ignited with a strong fighting spirit. He had naturally heard of Jushou's name. He was one of Yuan Shao's important advisers. He made great achievements when the princes attacked the merged state. , Putting the same thing on Pang Tong, he was confident that he could do it, but with Pang Tong's arrogance, he admired Jushou's strategy.

Chapter Six!

(End of this chapter)

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