Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1180: : Pang Shiyuan's Ambassador to Han Sui

Zhao Yun's expression moved, and he had more thoughts in his mind. He spent a long time in the Bingzhou Army, and in the intermittent time, he would take the lives of ordinary soldiers more seriously. As a general, this would be desirable. However, After becoming the commander of the first army, he needs more thinking. Zhao Yun is a smart person. After a little bit of thinking, he understands the meaning of Lu Bu's words.

"Thank you for the Lord's teaching, Yun will remember it in his heart." Zhao Yun solemnly clasped his fist.

"Zilong and Benhou are brothers, you can call Benhou eldest brother in private, why be so cautious." Lu Bu laughed.

"Here." Zhao Yun clasped his fist.

After the two talked freely, the gap between them was significantly reduced. He became brothers with Dian Wei, Zhao Yun, and Guo Jia. However, in front of everyone, the three of them respected Lu Bu with extraordinary respect. Over time, some barriers will inevitably arise, and Lu Bu naturally does not want this to happen.

After leaving Lu Bu's mansion, Pang Tong began to prepare to go to Jincheng. Persuading Han Sui to dispatch troops was of vital importance to the dispatch of troops in Chang'an. The key was how to persuade Han Sui. Before leaving, Pang Tong met with Lu Bu again. Since it is necessary to persuade Han Sui to send troops, practical benefits are indispensable, otherwise it would be strange if Han Sui’s character was willing to send troops willingly.

When Han Sui turned to attack Ma Teng, he was driven by profit. Han Sui could get more from Lu Bu, and he would not hesitate to point the butcher knife at his brother.

After receiving Lü Bu's promise, Pang Tong headed towards Jincheng confidently.

The army that has been training outside Chang'an has new moves. This is the first time many people have joined the army. Their target is the thieves who are entrenched in the land of Sanshou.

There are flying eagle soldiers secretly inquiring about the news, and the thieves who are entrenched in the land of Sansuke are easily detected. Among these thieves, there are many subordinates of Li Lai and Guo Ben. The power of the bandits is not small, the largest number of bandits, reached 800.

Of course, since Lu Bu occupied Chang'an, these thieves acted a lot more carefully. When the princes attacked Bingzhou, thieves were rampant for a while, and 30,000 troops were stationed in Chang'an. These thieves were even more cautious, for fear of someone who accidentally angered Chang'an. army.

In the eyes of ordinary people, thieves are awe-inspiring, but thieves need to worry about their safety at all times. In good circumstances, they can eat meat and drink a lot, and they may die in the next moment, especially When faced with a regular army, the thieves’ powerful combat effectiveness in the eyes of the people is even less worth mentioning.

Looking at it from a distance, groups of black torrents were heading from Chang'an in all directions. As the commander-in-chief of the army, Zhao Yun made specific analysis based on the operations formulated by Jushou and Pang Tong.

In the process of talking with Jushou, Zhao Yun also benefited a lot.

Let's say that Pang Tong was escorted by Dianwei and went to Jincheng. Along the way, he encountered a large group of thieves. However, under the strong fighting power of the guards, these thieves were directly attacked.

The guards accompanying him were all cavalry, and there was a lot of momentum on the way. Eight days later, Pang Tong arrived in Jincheng.

Knowing that Lu Bu sent an envoy, Han Sui did not dare to neglect. Now the biggest threat to Liangzhou is the army stationed in Chang'an. What worries Han Sui the most is that Lu Bu will attack Liangzhou at this time, and he and Ma Just after the war between Teng and Teng, facing the powerful Union State Army, it was in danger, especially after Lu Bu arrived in Chang'an, it made Han Sui feel shocked.

It is undeniable that the artisans from Bingzhou, who created the technology taught in the Thunderbolt and the bed crossbow, have greatly improved the strength of Han Sui's army. Otherwise, when facing Ma Teng, Han Sui would not have been able to fight for so long. , And Han Sui still has ideas for the land of Hanyang.

When Ma Teng fled and Ma Chao led his troops to attack Hanyang, Han Sui asked for help from Lv Bu, but he was a little dissatisfied with Lv Bu's lack of reinforcements, but he didn't dare to show his tyrannical strength.

The Battle of Hanyang also made Ma Chao's reputation even stronger in Liangzhou. Even many generals in Han Sui's army mentioned Ma Chao with awe.

Yan Xing is definitely the first man in Han Sui’s army, but Ma Chao is able to fight against Yan Xing and firmly gains the upper hand. It is enough to see Ma Chao’s strength in force, and Ma Chao is extremely brave in combat. Xiliang's iron cavalry is even more brave and good at fighting.

When he saw Pang Tong, Han Sui was taken aback. The main reason was that Pang Tong’s appearance was too prominent. Just looking at it can be unforgettable for a lifetime. The ugliness has reached a certain level, with Han Sui’s temperament. Although he could hold down the disgust in his heart, the generals who came with him were different, and they talked in low voices.

Pang Tong is self-aware of his appearance, but the more obvious the flaws ~ ~ often cares about others' opinions the most. What Pang Tong hates most is that others are picky about their looks.

However, this time Pang Tong came to Han Sui's army as an envoy of the Marquis of Jin, so naturally he couldn't show his willfulness, but it was a very simple matter for Pang Tong to clean up Han Sui.

As if seeing the unhappiness in Pang Tong's heart, Han Sui murmured a few words two steps behind, and everyone hurriedly closed their mouths.

Seeing that there was no slight change in Pang Tong’s expression, Han Sui secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The attitude towards Lu Bu must be respectful. Even Jingzhou cannot be an exception. Otherwise, after Liu Bei took over the military power of Jingzhou, why would the Han Dynasty order the restoration of the official positions of General Lu Bu and Marquis of Jin? Too strong, so strong that people can't ignore it.

That night, Han Sui invited Pang Tong to a banquet in the mansion to introduce Pang Tong to the generals in the army. The atmosphere at the banquet can be said to be pleasant, but one general is probably drunk too much. When talking about Pang Tong’s appearance, his voice was a little bit It was too big and caused some unhappiness.

Dian Wei, who had been paying attention to all of this, sneered in his heart. Although he had not been in contact with Pang Tong for a long time, he could see that Pang Tong had an extraordinary strategy. Otherwise, Lu Bu would not be as important as Han Sui. Pang Tong will handle the matter.

Regardless of whether Dianwei is a military commander, he is quite clear on some issues. In terms of appearance, he is not much better than Pang Tong, and Lu Bu can tolerate Pang Tong's ugliness, treat each other with courtesy, and entrust him with important tasks, then Pang Tong must excel.

chapter eight! I also hope that the book friends will be able to support a lot. Every subscription and every reward you give is the greatest support for the author!

(End of this chapter)

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