Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1188: :Tai Shi's merciful fight against Ma Mengqi

In a blink of an eye, the two played against each other for more than 20 times. The battlefield was dangerous. Both of them were powerful and sophisticated. The soldiers on both sides were a little demented at a time. Tai Shi Ci was the eighth of Lu Bu's command. One of the valiant generals, one can imagine how powerful his martial arts is, but anyone who can enter the valiant generals is a master of martial arts.

And Ma Chao is the pride of the Wudu Army. In their eyes, Ma Chao is invincible.

Ma Chao was full of spirits, and Tai Shi Ci was unwilling to show weakness, and after fifty and the two were still on the same level.

Taishici looked at Ma Chao with a serious look in his eyes. Taishici's knowledge of his martial arts is still very clear, and he can survive fifty rounds in his hands, absolutely at the level of a fierce general.

After Lily, the two still did not distinguish between the two, but Tai Shici reined his horse to put away his weapons and said, "But it's too late today, and it won't be too late to fight tomorrow."

Ma Chao coldly snorted, "Why wait until tomorrow, you can order the lieutenant generals to light the torch, and you and I will be better."

Tai Shici was also angered by Ma Chao's words. Since he came out of the division, Tai Shici has never encountered an opponent. Although he has seen the strength of military generals in the Bingzhou Army, there are not many opportunities to fight against fierce generals. The battle gave Tai Shici a lot of gains.

It is not difficult for Taishici to carry the lights in the night battle. In the process of fighting Ma Chao, Taishici did not dare to take it lightly. Now when he returned to the army, he felt a little sore and tingling in his arm.

"The general is brave, and he will definitely be able to kill Ma Chao!" After the first battle, the general's look at Tai Shici became even more in awe.

"Don't underestimate Ma Chao." After Tai Shici finished speaking, he ordered the soldiers in the army to prepare torches outside the city of Hechi to deal with the upcoming battle. The newly built camp was heavily guarded. For Ma Chao, Tai Shici There was still some trepidation, lest Ma Chao resorted to unseen means.

Under the light of the fire, two fierce generals stood in one place and fought again for fifty rounds. The outcome was still undivided. However, Tai Shici felt tremendous pressure. He could feel stronger and stronger from Ma Chao's marksmanship. Strength, and after a series of battles, he appears to be somewhat insufficient in strength.

After the two horses were separated, Tai Shi Cilema laughed and said, "General Ma’s martial arts is really strong. This general admires him. If the general is willing to open the city gate and welcome the Chang'an army to enter the city, this general will help you in front of Jinhou. Meiyan, with the martial arts of the generals under the command of the Marquis of Jin, it can be reused."

"Hmph, this general listens to the Han family, how can he listen to rebellious words?" Ma Chao coldly snorted. After the battle just now, his impression of Tai Shici has also changed. He can fight with him for hundreds of times. Losing is definitely a respectable opponent.

"The Marquis of Jin is the great general of the Han Dynasty. He was ordered by the Holy Supreme to control the soldiers and horses of the world. The generals are naturally under the jurisdiction of the generals. Does General Ma think that with the thousands of soldiers and horses in the city, he can fight against the Marquis of Jin? Moreover, Hanyang is in danger. If the general is willing to seek refuge in the Marquis of Jin, then the danger of Hanyang will be resolved." Tai Shici persuaded again.

"If you want to fight, then fight, why do you need to be so long-winded." Ma Chao said angrily.

After the two fought again for more than fifty times, they led their troops back to the camp, and the reputations of Ma Chao and Tai Shici were also spread in each other's army. Tai Shici was one of the eight generals under the command of the Jin Hou, and their strength is beyond doubt. Yes, Ma Chao can be equal to Tai Shici, enough to make Ma Chao's reputation resounding through the Chang'an Army.

However, under the excavation of some generals in the vanguard, the fact that Ma Chao was defeated by Lu Bu was spread in the army, and the generals in the army awe and adore Lu Bu even more.

Ma Chaonatural didn’t know how the soldiers in Taishici’s army talked about him, but Taishici came outside Hechi city so easily and made him feel uneasy. Although the enemy had no intention of attacking the city, he did not dare to take it lightly. .

However, Ma Chao showed great power outside the city, but it made the defenders extremely excited, and he also had greater confidence in being able to hold Hechi in the hands of the Chang'an Army.

The next day, although the Chang'an Army did not show off its power outside the city, there were many scouts looking at Hechi. The soldiers in the army were preparing to build the Perak car and the wood used by the Jinglan. After the army arrived, they could use Attack Hechi as quickly as possible.

There is no slightest light on Ma Chao’s expression. According to the news from Hanyang, even if Ma Teng can hold Hanyang in the hands of Han Sui and Zhao Yang, he will surely lose his army. If it is about hatred, the person Ma Chao hates most is the person. It was Han Sui. Had Han Sui not been for Han Sui, how could Hanyang be where it is now? Maybe even the city of Chang'an fell into his hands. It was because of Han Sui's betrayal that he had to retreat from Chang'an and gave up. He even had to give up Longguan to the Bingzhou the middle of the night, General Ma Chao’s generals gathered in the Central Army’s large account. He decided to test the strength of the enemy army, and the intelligence came from meticulous work. Look, the enemy's training only lasts more than three months. What kind of army can be trained in three months? If the news is true, he is confident enough to defeat Taishi Ci before Lu Bu leads the army.

Soldiers who have not experienced war will become extremely flustered when faced with a sudden war, and by then, the army in the city will be dispatched, so why not worry about defeating the enemy.

Ma Chao has absolute prestige in the army, and the family of Wudu also hoped that Ma Chao could defend Wudu and avoid becoming a subsidiary of Lu Bu. They were very clear about what treatment the family under Lu Bu's rule would be.

Now the only choice for the family is to help Ma Chao resist the threat from Lu Bu. Only in this way can the interests in their hands be preserved. After the battle between Ma Chaocheng and Tai Shici spread to the city, the family has indeed stabilized a lot. Ma Chao Chao is brave. They will be able to win when they face the Chang'an Army in the future.

"The Chang'an Army outside the city is extremely rampant, but it was just after the formation of an army that they dared to explore Hechi so unscrupulously outside the city. This general decided to leave the city to teach Tai Shici a vicious lesson." Ma Chao slowly said.

"Listen to the general's dispatch!" The generals in the field said one after another. They have absolute confidence in Ma Chao's bravery. Over the years, they have followed Ma Chao to fight and have won many victories. The morale of the soldiers has been accumulated from victory after victory.

Seeing this situation, Ma Chao nodded in satisfaction. The effect of the battle with Tai Shici was still very obvious. The soldiers in Wudu County originally rejected him. After the fight, Ma Chao was able to Obviously, the generals in the army looked at him with very different gazes.

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