Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1197: : City Break (Part 1)

Returning to the city and counting the soldiers and horses, they lost more than 300 cavalry. As a result, Ma Chao's mood became a little heavy. The enemy cavalry was still beyond his expectations, especially Tai Shi Ci. When leading the Lieyang archer in pursuit, he caused a lot of casualties to his cavalry. As the most elite cavalry in Liangzhou, Xiliang Iron Cavalry's riding and shooting are naturally not a problem, but under the rain of arrows from the Lieyang Archer, their attack is a bit weak.

After Ma Chao’s raid, the Thunderbolt cars outside the city also suffered a lot of damage. For this, Lu Bu was prepared for this. The twelve giant Thunderbolt cars that were damaged were quickly repaired and continued to challenge Xiabian. The Chang'an Army was able to deal with the Boulder Offensive in such a short period of time, and the results made the defenders feel breathless.

The successive siege of the city made the defenders numb while their morale was low. Under the boulder, it was difficult for them to raise their heads. What they could do while staying in the city was waiting for the enemy to attack the city. Defending the city is a huge torture for the defenders, as if waiting for death to approach.

Many defenders could not stand this psychological torture. They rushed down the city wall and greeted them with merciless swords and spears. On the battlefield, it would be the deadliest for an army if it could not be forbidden. Yes, on the wall, there are not only defenders, but also a team responsible for supervising the soldiers.

As night fell, the large tent of the Chang'an Army was brightly lit, and all the generals in the army gathered in the tent.

After seeing everyone calm down, Lu Bu slowly said: "It has been half a month since our army has attacked Xiabian. The defensive force of the defenders has been consumed almost. Benhou intends to launch an offensive against Xiabian tonight. When fighting, the generals can have a certain understanding of the soldiers. The soldiers in the army have not only experienced a war of this scale for the first time, but also experienced the night battle for the first time. The situation on the battlefield must be tragic. What I want is to seize the next one by surprise."

"Here." The general in the account suddenly responded. They had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

"When attacking the city, all ministries must obey the orders. Those who fail to advance after hearing the drum will be killed, and those who will not retreat will be killed." Lu Bu said.

Perak cars are still launching non-stop attacks on the city wall. Not only that, after the northern part of the city is filled up, half of the Perak cars are distributed to the east of the city.

At a shift, there was silence on the Xiabian city wall, but occasionally there would be a scream or two. The boulder fell on the city wall, causing tremors.

The defenders have become accustomed to such situations, so when the army outside the city attacked the city, they still couldn't change their sleep, and the boulders that fell on the city became their lullaby.

At this moment, the Thunderbolt outside the city suddenly stopped attacking, and a team of ladder soldiers appeared behind the Thunderbolt, and their expressions were extremely serious under the light of the fire.

On the battlefield of Xiabian, the Chang'an Army had absolute control over the situation on the battlefield, and the enemy's scouts did not dare to leave the city. This situation caused it to be difficult for the defenders to get news from outside the city in time.

On the head of the city, a general rubbed his sleepy eyes. The Boulder’s offensive suddenly stopped, but the general woke up from his sleep. After a habitual glance outside the city, the general’s sleepiness disappeared and appeared. In his field of vision, it was the ladder soldiers who were waiting.

"Kill!" A Chang'an army general shouted, and the ladder soldiers came towards the city wall at the fastest speed. The ladder soldiers depend on speed. Only when they can run faster on the battlefield can they successfully erect the ladder. The city wall provides a favorable guarantee for the offensive of soldiers from the rear.

"The enemy is attacking the city!" The general yelled.

After hearing the shouts, the soldiers on the top of the city were awakened from their sleep. Then they saw a series of ladders appearing on the top of the city.

In a hurry, some soldiers directed their bows and arrows to the outside of the city, and some soldiers even picked up the huge boulder at hand, and the city was in chaos.

The generals yelled one after another, unable to stop the panic of the soldiers in the city. At this time, apart from the elite cavalry brought by Ma Chao, the remaining defenders in the city had not experienced the battlefield and were dealing with the war. At that time, they were not much better than the Chang'an Army outside the city.

The Chang'an Army's attack on the city caught the defenders by surprise. They had no idea that the enemy outside the city would choose to attack Xiabian suddenly in the middle of the night.

The general responded after a brief panic. However, the defenders in the city did not follow the command of the general. When faced with a huge threat, ordinary soldiers would often take actions different from those commanded by the general.

As a result, the defenders failed to cause enough heavy casualties to the soldiers who attacked the city in the first time.

Most of the soldiers in the front of the siege troops were soldiers of the Union State Army, and they had to use actual actions to demonstrate for the soldiers behind them.

The Chang'an Army attacked the city wall at a very fast The soldiers who climbed the city wall showed strong combat effectiveness, and most of the soldiers in the state army have experienced battle after battle, attacking the city. They are no strangers to fighting. They only need to stand firm on the wall, make the robe behind them continue to climb the wall, and take advantage of the wall to win the war.

This kind of war is extremely cruel to the new recruits of the Chang'an Army who have just participated in the war. Many soldiers fell from the ladder because of the boulder. They lacked sufficient battlefield experience, so that they could not be more effective when facing the counterattack of the defenders. response.

The rumble of war drums suddenly sounded outside the city.

In Xiabian city, after Ma Chao learned the news of the army's attack from outside the city, he hurriedly ordered Qi Thousand Soldiers to come to the east of the city, and Ma Dai ordered Qi Thousands of Soldiers to go to the north of the city.

Chengdong is the focus of the Chang'an Army's offensive, and it has invested the most troops.

When Ma Chao led a thousand soldiers to the east of the city, the number of Chang'an troops on the city wall had reached two hundred. Ma Chao yelled and led the soldiers to kill. Thousands of soldiers joined the battlefield, which greatly increased the pressure on the defenders. Great relief.

With a long spear in hand, Ma Chao is like a killer on the battlefield. However, there is no enemy in any enemy. The shot speed of the long spear is not only fast but accurate. The master is brave, and to a certain extent, the defending army is gradually stabilized. Down.

However, the Chang'an sergeant who attacked the city wall would not give up so easily.

Half an hour later, Ma Chao was covered in blood, and the disadvantages on the city wall had been greatly alleviated. If Ma Chao rescued in time, the situation on the city wall would be another scene at this time. If this battle is replaced by the Union State Army If this is the case, the control of Chengdong at this time is definitely not in the hands of Ma Chao.

On the first day of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, I wish you a happy holiday! Ten more today!

(End of this chapter)

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