Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1204: : Flooded City

However, they still have confidence in Ma Teng. At the beginning, Ma Teng was controlled by Han Sui. Under such a situation, Ma Teng regained Hanyang from Han Sui's hands, which was enough to see how powerful his methods were.

"General, the heavy rain is continuous, and the enemy outside the city is definitely not on guard. If our army makes a surprise attack on the enemy, maybe we will gain something." A general suddenly said.

Ma Teng vetoed the proposal of the general after a little thought. From the situation of the enemy scouts outside the city, it can be seen that the enemy has powerful cavalry, and at this time there are only 500 cavalry in the city, which is not the most elite. If the Xiliang cavalry raid the enemy barracks and gain something, it would be okay. Once the damage is severe, the military turbulence in the city will inevitably follow.

"After you return to the army, you should exercise your soldiers carefully and don't let the slightest slack. After the heavy rain stops, the enemy army will definitely launch a fierce attack on Ji County." Ma Teng said.

The generals in the tent clasped their fists.

After everyone left, Ma Teng fell into a long silence while looking at the topographic map hanging on the wall. Although the heavy rain eased the enemy’s attack on Ji County, it still brought considerable losses to Ji County. And if Ma Chao could not resist the attack from Lu Bu, Hanyang would become an isolated city. If the three armies were united in one place, Ji County would be in danger.

Ma Teng faintly regretted the original decision. If he stood firmly on Lu Bu’s position, Hanyang would not have today’s disaster. Long before Lu Bu, Han Sui, and Zhao Yang sent troops, Ma Teng Teng asked for help from Xiangyang, with the intention of letting Liu Bei attack Wuguan to relieve Hanyang's pressure, but he did not get Liu Bei's promise. At this time, Jingzhou was still not stable, and Liu Bei would definitely not offend Lu Bu at this time.

Although the Bingzhou Army lost its troops in the battle last year, its strength should not be underestimated. Once Lu Bu was angered, the consequences would not be borne by Jingzhou. From the battlefield in Liangzhou, it can be seen how terrifying Lu Bu’s methods are. However, the Chang'an Army has just been formed and has such combat effectiveness.

Regarding the situation on the battlefield in Liangzhou, the details of the princes have been continuously transmitted to the hands of the princes of all parties.

For some reason, the enemy army outside the city suddenly stopped moving, but Ma Teng felt uneasy. After years of fighting, Ma Teng would have an instinctive awareness of the coming danger.

After carefully watching the topographic map in front of him for a long time, Ma Teng's gaze stayed on the Weishui River, which brought great convenience to Ji County.

"If it rains continuously and the enemy forces cut off the Weishui River, wouldn't Ji County be completely wiped out." Ma Teng huo Ran up and muttered.

"Come here, let all the cavalry in the army be dispatched to investigate the movement of the Weishui River at all costs." Ma Teng ordered.

The cavalry in the city had just walked out of the city, and the sound of rumbling rushed from a distance. One of the cavalrymen stared at the rushing flood water, and for a moment forgot to escape.

In the face of nature, human power is always fragile. Even if the cavalry who has just left the city and flees into the city, they are still submerged by the flood. They just uttered a scream when the flood was about to submerge, and then No trace.

The flood from the collapse, with an unstoppable force, rushed into the city gates that had not had time to close.

"General, there is a flood of water coming from outside the city." A general hurried into the prefectural palace and shouted.

Without reminding the general, Ma Teng stood on the house as early as when there was movement outside the city, ignoring the heavy rain.

Seeing the torrent of torrents, Ma Teng's thoughts were disheartened. He knew that in this battle, Hanyang's army had failed, and how many soldiers and civilians in the city would die under this flood.

"Han Sui, what a ruthless method, aren't you afraid of getting retribution in the future." Ma Teng scolded. Ji County is the foundation of Ma Teng. It has been operating in Hanyang for many years, but it is in a battle. Under the flood, everything in front of them was lost. You don't need to think about Ma Teng to know what kind of fate they will face once the flood stops.

"General, now the city can no longer be defended, retreat as soon as possible." The guard leader persuaded.

Ma Teng imagined Ji County under the flood, but he shed tears, not only because of the defeat, but also because he regretted that everything in front of him was going to be destroyed.

"Withdraw, where to withdraw, Ji County is the city of this general, even if he dies, this general will die in the city." After Ma Teng said this, the whole person suddenly became much older.

The guard leader said anxiously: "Now the major general leads a large army stationed in Longxi. The general only needs to withdraw to Longxi, and the Japanese will lead his troops to recapture Hanyang."

"It's late, everything is late, you go, this general will stay in Ji County." Ma Tengchang sighed.

"The humble duty will not leave the general." The guard leader clasped his fist.

"Hu How long have you been following this general?" Ma Teng asked suddenly.

The guard leader replied without hesitation: "The humble post has followed the general for more than six years."

"Six years, six years have passed in a blink of an eye. After you arrived in Longxi, you told Meng Qi that you should not be an enemy of Jin Marquis in the future. This general was defeated and had nothing to do with Jin Marquis. If it weren't for this general to obey others' words. , How can there be today's situation." Ma Teng said.

"General..." The tears on the face of the guard leader were mixed with rain.

"Go, this is the last order of this general." Ma Teng said. Although he wanted Ma Chao to choose Lu Bu, he knew that Ma Chao's mind would definitely not do that.

After the personal guard commanded a solemn salute, he looked for a driftwood and walked slowly outside the city. He knew that he would never see his general again.

It wasn't until the second day that the floods outside the city gradually receded. The heavens seemed to have seen the tragedy in Jixian City and heard the people crying bitterly. The heavy rain that had fallen for several days gradually stopped, and the sun was shining brightly.

Under the shining of sunlight, on the water inside and outside the city, the starting point was lit up, but where the light was lit up, floating corpses could be seen everywhere, and people in refuge could be seen everywhere on the houses in the city, and they were crying and shouting. It gradually stopped. In addition to rejoicing, many people's expressions were more sad. A flood completely flooded their homes for survival. Not to mention that the food stored in their homes even their loved ones. Many died under the water.

Since they were about to flood Jixian with big water, Han Sui and Li Ru secretly ordered the craftsmen in the army to build ships. Few northerners knew water. The ships built by the craftsmen in the army looked a little rudimentary, but simple. It can still be used for wading.

chapter eight

(End of this chapter)

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